

01 May


Originally posted by BigWungusBill

We love you too Void... a lot 😼😼😼 (sex cat)


30 Apr


Originally posted by Broz_in_da_House

Donut Operator confirmed

Our officers are going to need bigger and more impressive staches if we have to compete with Donut


Originally posted by TacticalHog

saw this in the press release but can't tell if it's a stache or shadow, can we have confirmation sir?

Confirmed stache!

28 Apr


For two weeks before it returns to beanposting

22 Apr


They're exclusive to the supporter edition. The weapons themselves are not any "better" than the guns you get in the standard edition. However, there are some slight changes such as tritium sights for the FBI G19, and a wider viewport for the FBI Shield (by about ~10cm on each side or so). Both changes are marginal for gameplay, though they could technically give you an advantage.


I genuinely love this so much. Mixing two things on opposite sides of the spectrum, but it goes together so well. Like dipping your fries in a thickshake.

21 Apr


Originally posted by beru-sama

Clearly people just wanted the mousepad. Not the game or to support the devs or anything, just the mousepad.

They're just that good, what can I say


Originally posted by JBAofMB

That's cool and all but we live in a world of esports now and how fun a game is to watch is key to it's life. So I'm very unsure how a pvp like swat will hold up in this age

How fun a player-vs-player only game with no mod support perhaps. It remains to be seen however, you may be right. But we're still having a lot of fun trying to create something a little different. :)


Originally posted by Banditron

Yup, I checked that and there's nothing.

Is your email ending with or something? We tested with a account and it didn't send. We're looking into it.


Originally posted by JBAofMB

Not sure how slow and methodical will do pvp wise, I'm sure it'll be a fun story game but if its going to last it needs a fun pvp. But we'll see how it does I have my doubts but maybe they'll surprise me

Our PVP is inspired by some existing titles, we've got some SWAT4 PvP veterans also helping us shape it through testing.


How do I get in contact with you? This is really great website design.


Originally posted by Sgitch

you realise this is a MEME? A JOKE? i know that they confirmed its coming to steam. i just try to make people smile. how could i do this..

Too bad, JUST because of this meme we're taking it to the Epic store. Epic is giving us $1.50 USD for full exclusivity. I hope you're proud of yourself Sgitch.



Missed this. Really nice!


Possibly in the future but it's unlikely you'll ever be able to change your boots, gloves individually. Weapon attachments are in and work as you'd expect in real life.

The suppressors for example increase your muzzle velocity (and thus range) at the expense of increasing the length of your weapon so you lower your gun sooner when up against obstructions.


You'll get a code to enter into steam, yes. :)