

06 Jun


Originally posted by TacticalHog

petition to perm-ban this Granite guy idk who he is but he admitted to making that pun mods pls take care of this jabroni ty :^ )

do it it'd be hilarious

05 Jun


I make this joke on the daily

03 Jun


I've seen the 90's SWAT uniforms, but never these. Neat, though without mag pouches it'd be a pain.


Cool drawing, CQBPr0! Want to bring it to the Void House?


Originally posted by rogerairgood

The FBI does not use Polymer80's nor M4's with KAC RIS rails on them. We really need a nice Geissele Mk4 OD Federal on there.



Originally posted by mister-tea

A LOT of gear for these characters. You guys are completely crazy at Void interactive, you gonna redefining the next standards in 3D modelisations for future video games haha :p . Everything is perfect. I can't imagine all the hard work it was for searching all thoses references to create these nearly perfect models.

I love you guys.

We try :)

Great post OP!

31 May


Brings me a lot of joy to see someone dig in and check out the details in our game. Especially the characters. Great work :)

30 May


Originally posted by eezstreet

saving this one for later

hey i have an idea for a new feature


Sgt. Eastwood in: The Restrained, the Dead, and the Incapacitated


Originally posted by catgaming49

Exactly why put so many guns in but focus on non lethal of course people are going to use the guns.

27 May


Originally posted by TacticalHog

ahhh we're just poking fun at the lack of big updates, we know you guys are workin :D

Nah I get it, we're due for an update anyway :)


Originally posted by BigWungusBill


😐 - Come on... do something

| \ poke
/ \ \ Void Interactive

EDIT: f**king hell it didnt work god dammit I don’t care I’m not deleting it


23 May


Really tempting me here


Originally posted by ZackTactical34

Great to hear that from an actual RoN dev.

I've mentioned GB a few times here, it's a game with so much passion behind it.

Having done this for the better part of four-ish years now, I have a great deal of respect and empathy for a team that have been working for as long and as hard as Blackfoot has!

22 May


Really nice team clearing. Can't wait to see where they take Ground Branch in the future.

20 May


I like how you even got the flipped watch. Haha!

19 May


I can't wait to see the community's evolution when they get to play the game, not to mention all the player-developed content that could potentially be made!


While a cool idea, for the base game it could get a little annoying :) But nothing stopping you from modding something like that in!!


Olldddd image