

04 May

25 Mar


Originally posted by goldencommonHS

You either die a hello, or live long enough to see yourself become the hellooooo.

You either die a hello, or live long enough to see yourself become the hellooooo.

Take my upvote. ⬆


Originally posted by Vegan_Puffin

I think it is hilarious


23 Mar


Confirmed, old way was a bug that we've now fixed.


Originally posted by HS_Celestalon

Hey, we've got a potential solution that we're working on, but won't have details to share until at least Monday. Sorry I don't have a definitive answer yet, but wanted you to know that we're working on it!

Details on how we're handling Mankrik and Blademaster Samuro acquisition concerns over Pre-Release weekend and launch week:


20 Mar


Originally posted by HS_Celestalon

Just wanna update that we're still working on this, hoping to have details soon. Haven't forgotten about this issue!

Hey, we've got a potential solution that we're working on, but won't have details to share until at least Monday. Sorry I don't have a definitive answer yet, but wanted you to know that we're working on it!

19 Mar


Originally posted by HS_Celestalon

Update: Blog updated with details (Q&A at bottom) about pre-purchase Legendaries. Still looking into how this works for early pack opening on pre-release weekend!

Just wanna update that we're still working on this, hoping to have details soon. Haven't forgotten about this issue!


Originally posted by HS_Celestalon

Stay tuned for exact details on this tomorrow.

I responded to a bunch of similar tweets at once, and accidentally chose one to reply to which was about a subtly different issue. I meant to say there was protection on the pre-order legendaries. I'm still looking into the pre-release early pack opening. Will update the blog (and tweet) tomorrow once we're (virtually) in the office and can confirm the exact details.

Update: Blog updated with details (Q&A at bottom) about pre-purchase Legendaries. Still looking into how this works for early pack opening on pre-release weekend!


Originally posted by ahavsb

Thank you! Please let us know if the same applies to mankrik as well!

Yep, Mankrik details will be included in tomorrow's update as well.


Stay tuned for exact details on this tomorrow.

I responded to a bunch of similar tweets at once, and accidentally chose one to reply to which was about a subtly different issue. I meant to say there was protection on the pre-order legendaries. I'm still looking into the pre-release early pack opening. Will update the blog (and tweet) tomorrow once we're (virtually) in the office and can confirm the exact details.

25 Feb


Originally posted by Dox_au

Expectation: I was deliberately trying to unlock the "Yogg Take the Wheel" achievement by stacking my deck with lots of removal / healing spells, and a few cards that enabled me to make copies of Yogg. The plan was just to keep playing this deck over and over until I eventually managed to [[Pyroblast]] my opponent to death.

Reality: My opponent was playing Res Priest. He played [[Archmage Vargoth]]. I [[Devolve]] it into [[Unlicensed Apothecary]] and kill it, polluting the res pool. A few turns later, he plays [[Catrina Muerte]]. The Apothecary gets revived. I play [[Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate]]. Fill the board with random minions. Opponent dies. Achievement unlocked.

Yeah, the extent of what can happen during Yogg is extreme enough that we opted to go with a generalized solution for this achievement: At the very end of the Battlecry, is the enemy hero dead? Then great, it was (somehow) lethal.

20 Feb


Originally posted by thegooblop

Dual Class cards were from specific sets. Don't think about it too hard, there were neutral cards for things like secret synergy as well. There will possibly be cards from other classes with Holy tags, like Renounce Darkness. That doesn't mean you're forced to use Spirit Healer in Warlock, but there's no reason not to have Spirit Healer in neutral because it's not really a Paladin or Priest thing even if Holy usually is.

Congrats, you successfully identified the only collectible Holy spell outside of Priest and Paladin!

05 Nov


We saw the concern about this, but weren't able to get a fix in, in time for the patch. He'll be disabled shortly, until we can get a fix in.

15 Oct


Originally posted by PaperSwag

Well he is a renowned expert on jagged metal chainsaws and metal snakes



Originally posted by Dangerpaladin

Something I have always wanted to ask the devs, so pass this on if you can.

How is your day going?


11 Aug


Originally posted by DataStonks

Judging by Hearthstones history paladin secrets seem to be very challenging to get right. The last time we've seen them is over a year ago in spring 2019.

Do you see them as an integral part of paladins class identity? Could you see a future without classic/ basic paladin secrets instead emphasizing a different aspect of the class?

Secrets in Paladin are an interesting topic. The concept of Secrets fits so well it something like Hunter (traps!), Mages (magic counters/tricks!), and even Rogue (surprising you is basically their main shtick). But in Paladin, the flavor is harder to find. Paladins are so open and non-secretive and fair and just. And additionally, 1 Mana is a touchy balance point; gotta bridge the gap between feeling like too minor of an effect to even be bothered by, and feeling unfair for only 1 Mana.

So yeah, as a designer, they definitely are the hardest Secret for me to design. But, despite all those challenges, we still keep finding cool new Paladin Secrets, and ways that we want to use them. I don’t want to be too much of a tease, but I will say that one of my favorite cards currently planned for the next expansion happens to be a Paladin Secret. ;)


Originally posted by Jaitnium

Hello Team 5!

My question is simple: Can you please make the Cleave and Elusive keywords official?

I understand that Cleave hasn't been made official because not that many minions have the effect, but there are many minions in standard that could use the Elusive keyword.

Let’s talk about why we do, and don’t turn some effects into keywords! It’s much more than just “do multiple cards use it”. The downsides of keywording are usually small. It’s not that it's “too confusing”; our players are smart. But it is something that players need to learn. That’s not a big downside, but it’s not zero.

The upsides vary dramatically between potential keywords.

  • It saves card text space and reading space. Now, importantly, saving text space isn’t much of an upside on its own; to capitalize on that space, we need to have some designs that we want to do that make use of that space.
  • It also lets us interact with it from other cards. We can make effects that draw cards with that keyword, or buff cards with that keyword, etc.
  • There’s also a vague sort of “weight” that is implicitly given to a keyword, which can be good, if it’s fitting for the set.

Consider these upsides/downsides for Outcast...

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Originally posted by EvilDave219

I don't play much arena, but I'd like to hear the HS team's thoughts on the state arena has been in over the past several months. There have been quite a few valid criticisms of the format, including -

  1. Dropping set rotations, which were previously well received by the community.
  2. Dropping the bucket system for drafting, which was also well received by the community.
  3. Certain cards like Twin Tyrant and Dragonqueen Alexstrasa providing too much of a one turn tempo swing that typically can't be overcome in the arena format. Is there a reason why these cards have either not had their offering rates decreased or removed from the format entirely?
  4. The lack of communication from the dev team on any sort of arena updates (I think the last time we heard from them was when they mentioned they were tweaking Demon Hunter's class card offerings at the beginning of Ashes of Outland).

Are you planning any sort of updates around Arena, or sh...

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We love Arena. It has a passionate and dedicated following, and one of the things that we think is most important to Hearthstone is that there are many different ways to play. Our main focus right now has been on developing new game modes, while keeping Arena in a stable place. I can definitely understand wishing for 'something new' (beyond new expansions); are there little changes that you think would help Arena out?

To some of your specific points:

  • Set rotations had some downsides as well (a more complex format, old sets out of place at times balance-wise, etc.). Since they were removed, we’ve seen a large amount of vocal support for them, and are considering bringing them back in some form for the next expansion.
  • Buckets were a mixed bag; we could spend all day tweaking buckets, but we didn’t really see positive results from them. Even just a few poorly-bucketed cards would cause significantly negative community reaction/experience, until we could ...
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Originally posted by stonekeep

As a content creator who commonly used your official assets from press site, I have a question about that. Why have you stopped adding full card artwork from new sets? In the past, virtually every single card art was available. A few sets ago the number got lower, but you could still get a lot cool art from there. And now, starting in Ashes of Outland, there are no card artworks available whatsoever.

So is there a specific reason why you don't publish them anymore? I know that individual artists are still sharing their art quite commonly (not every one of them, but by the end of expansion you can get art for 80-90 cards from different sources), so I assume it's not them not wanting you to do it? And is there a chance that you will keep adding them again in the future? Not only they make my (and not only mine) work easier, but they're frankly just amazing to look at.

Update: ...

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Yeah, we love that there's interest in this. As your update says, we just added a bunch of Scholomance Academy card art up on the press site, and we will try to post card art there whenever possible!

23 Jul


Originally posted by mrgoodbytes8891

The side bar that tracks the actions taken in the game is also empty, but they’re clearly far into the game. I think it’s more likely that this is just a situation that the devs who are playing manually set up and they just didn’t care what weapon the rogue had. They probably just set up a specific situation where the card they’re trying to show off does something crazy rather than actually playing full games until they get the footage they want organically.

This is correct. The Wrench is not intended to be a hint of anything.