

29 Apr


There’s always room for improvement, but of course our animation team is only so large and there are plenty of enemies to make too! It’s something we have our eye on but of course it will take time.

Feel free to write up any feedback you have after Beta launches.


Unfortunately we don’t have support for preloading, and I don’t believe we announced that. If you read it somewhere I’d like to correct that source.


The quality of animations will be improving with Beta-- in 0.6 we replaced all of the player character models which meant we also had to replace all of their animations. We’ve now had time to go back and polish each one, so they should look and feel better.

I believe we already have animation cancelling, though it may not be for all skills or the animations might not line up quite right. There’s definitely command queueing.


Yes, Beta access is included in the Ancient Gladiator pack, or in the new $35 pack when the next series is released.


We won’t be committing to the stretch goals we didn’t reach during the Kickstarter campaign, largely because we don’t want to keep expanding our scope. That doesn’t mean those features are off the table, just that we can’t commit to them right now.

28 Apr


Hi there,

Thanks for the report! Unfortunately in rare and specific cases like this we aren’t able to do much unless we have the log file from when this occurred. The errors that occurred should be logged there, but the file is cleared when you restart the game so it’s unlikely to give us any information now.

27 Apr


Hi there,

This is a known bug and will be fixed with beta. In the meantime, if this happens you can open chat (press enter) and then close it (press Esc) to fix it.


Though importantly for your situation, currently you do have to sign in when you start the game, even though characters are offline. The plan is full offline long term but it isn’t ready yet.


That’s correct. You can also arrange to upgrade your pack to a new one that has Beta access, but that would involve “trading in” your Kickstarter pack. You can email [email protected] if that interests you. Thanks!


Yes, you can remap buttons from in-game. Though do note that controller support is still pretty new, so things might not be perfect.

26 Apr


This is a known issue, thanks for the report.


We’ve made some fixes to the skill experience system for Beta. Let us know if you run into problems after it launches!

25 Apr


Thanks for the report! This should be fixed with Beta but certainly let us know if it happens again.


This should be solved with Beta, but let us know if it happens again.


This will be fixed with Beta.

24 Apr


This will be fixed with the Beta release. Thanks for the report!


Thanks. There have been some changes made that should solve some of these sorts of issues, so make sure to check again when Beta releases.

23 Apr


Could you upload the launcher’s log files as well? Thanks!

22 Apr


This will be fixed in Beta. Thanks for the reports!


You’ll be happy to know that Black Hole is already a Sorcerer skill, though admittedly not nearly as elaborate as you have here.