

11 May



Folks, fantastic conversations going on in this thread. 9 pages deep and y'all are still discussing tactics and such (though some of y'all are a lill borderline ) these are the conversations we definitely like seeing! Thank you to @Ahskance for breaking this mechanic down some more!




We did publicly state this actually on patch day and after patch day and stated that this would be fixed and when and then gave the CCs the information. Bugs happen, no one is perfect.

These voiceovers when I specifically talked about this when we released the information on stream, we discussed how the voiceovers for this collaboration are different and meant to be more complimentary to the standard VO, the roars and such from Kong and Godzilla were in addition to voice overs. Not direct voiceovers, because neither monster speaks a language and having them have the same or a few roars for every VO line would probably get annoying.

We cannot correct things that are out of our control. Considering the NA Servers have not had an outage like we did that was less than 12 hours in close to 5 years, I am not sure why this should be on the list. The entire datacenter went down, we don't own the datacenter, nor do we control the gear.

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08 May


Any issues with the Wiki or information that needs to be added should be brought to our Wiki team members and specifically @iDuckman




I FEEL PERSONALLY ATTACKED, but at the same time.... you ain't wrong....



07 May


Yes! 100%! I have been grabbing comments and questions in other posts and gathering them already!





Come join @shonai_ and I on the official World of Warships Twitch channel tonight at 5pm central!

We'll talk about the new things coming out in the future as seen on the Waterline video, we'll answer questions you might have about this new content and go over events happening this weekend!

See you there!




I had that issue yesterday, but this morning the container was in my port. More than likely it's a communication issue. I know I have seen instantaneous drops to up to, well, hours.

Unfortunately we are at the mercy of Twitch with a lot of these issues, we are however trying to work with them to try to get these issues straightened out.



We're looking into this currently and are unsure what is causing it, I saw this as well (though a different currency) but upon refreshing the page it corrected.



06 May

01 May



Just because you have mods from the modstation, doesn't mean those mods aren't the problem. New aircraft icons not being updated in a mod can very well be the problem. PLEASE, remove the mods and try to test it.

WG doesn't own mods, we own the modstation, thats it, if a mod is the problem, the mod maker needs to be contacted.


30 Apr


Yeah! it was, its still at 5pm central!





Firstly, do you have mods on your client? If so could you please pull them off and see if this persists?

Secondly, do you have a replay from battle showing this? Because I was just in battle vs an Immelman and it showed in the battle.

If this is replicable and it is shown in a replay definitely put a ticket in explaining everything with the replay attached.

UPDATE: just ran a room with @Maredraco and both show up. Do you have mods installed?



I was actually just reading that! Good catch, I am sending this up right now!



Flint and Atlanta have and should have completely different play styles. They are not suppose to play the same way. Furthermore, Flint is the #1 tier VII performer in multiple stats on NA, Atlanta B and Atlanta are showing as 17th and 19th respectively.




This was to celebrate Golden Week (as some have stated above), which is a global celebration we are having. You can of course change it back to the port you wish, if you'd like.



Not sure what you mean by your comment, we DO take feedback from Reddit and Sub_Octavian is still with WG. Reddit is just MUCH harder to grab feedback because it isn't as directed as the forums or other avenues. Essentially you have to sift through all the memes to get to the feedback.



If we didn't want to read your feedback or "ignored it", we simply would not have a place for you to put it, we wouldn't put the work in to put a place for feedback, I wouldn't be THROUGHOUT the forums asking people in General when they post a thread that has great feedback to put it in the appropriate threads.

Just because you don't see a response does not mean it is not seen. You were talked to by another WG staff @Maredraco about your feedback directly because you were posting the same thing over and over and over and not in a constructive fashion. I responded months ago that I was putting your feedback in directly about the left handed support for World of Warships not only because I recognized the issue, but because I am left handed myself so totally understand the frustration.

That being said, just because you do not see a response doesn't mean the feedback is not seen. If you go through the forums and the feedback threads you will see me replyi...

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29 Apr


this is a good way to check when as well, in the "Drops" section on Twitch, it tells you date and times.



yes, all "snowflake" mechanics are unified, meaning it is first win OR 300 base XP.
