

20 Jul



When I was selected to be a Chief Petty Officer I had a Chief order me to have any and all digital avatars changed to this:

As I was in much better shape (pre-back/neck/knee/shoulder injuries). I was a gym rat and worked out 2-3 hours a day every day, kept a clean shaven head and smoked a pipe.... And when you are going through "Chiefs season" when a Chief gives you orders.... you well, follow them!

And this one just stuck for me and ever since then, it has been my avatar. I have used some sort of rendition of this image throughout my various gaming profiles since.





I am trying to find out why some of you aren't getting the missions or haven't gotten them, please put ST tickets in for this until then.



If you look in the armory at your coupons they actually ave an expiration date on them.



Standby for words from the Chief.

July 20th, 1969: Former Navy pilot Neil Armstrong is the first man to set foot on the moon, saying That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Armstrong is Commander of Apollo 11, which during its 8 day mission lands on the Sea of Tranquility. Michael Collins is the Command Module Pilot and Edwin Buzz E. Aldrin Jr. is the Lunar Module Pilot.

Show a screenshot of your favorite ship in the Space Port. (Example Below) Please submit your screenshots from between July 20th14:00 UTC (9AM Central) and July 27th 13:00 UTC (8am Central).

Grand Prize: 2 randomly selected winners will receive:

Tier V Texas (Because Houston was mission control)

Runner Up: 3 randomly selected winners will receive:

7 Days Warships Premium Time


5x Space Camo

Read more

Take a look at the American Tier IX Premium cruiser from a different perspective Read it on the portal


¡Demos un vistazo al crucero estadounidense de Nivel IX desde una perspectiva diferente! Leer en el portal


Dê uma olhada no cruzador americano Premium Nível IX de uma perspectiva diferente! Leia no portal


Compartilhe sua paixão com os amigos, leve-os para conhecer o World of Warships e ganhe bônus! Leia no portal


Share your passion with friends, show them around in World of Warships, and earn bonuses! Read it on the portal


¡Compartan su pasión con sus amigos, muéstrenles el mundo de World of Warships y obtengan bonificaciones! Leer en el portal

18 Jul


Thank you to @MaxVladimus for bringing this to my attention!





Thank you to everyone that participated! Congrats to @Harrison_Abreu and @Doctor_Castro for winning the Indianapolis and @Mikasya @WhoDis_1 and @Kako_Kako for winning the week of premium time!

Keep telling your friends about these forum contests! I would like to give away more stuff! The more people that participate the more I will!



17 Jul


Become the owner of a unique German Tier VIII destroyer! Read it on the portal


I love your avatar! LMAO!

Anyhew, IMO this is the main reason I wanted to get into Community Management. Because IMO I would like to think, in a small portion I could influence peoples interactions online. Since being behind a keyboard tends to sometimes remove peoples ability to be just simply civil with people, which I have a problem with.

Just be kind, decent human beings with each other and everything will be okay. At the end of the day, you can't necessarily control the actions of those on the other side, but you can influence them if you work with your fellow community members to TRY to push a narrative towards more civil interactions.

but thats just my 2 doubloons...



TBH, I think it might be a combination of things going on in the world and just in general peoples cultures have shifted less to "respect thy neighbor" and more to "I do what I want."

At the end of the day, believe it or not the overall WoWs community is pretty friendly, more so than most, that being said, every game in existence has its toxic group. I try not to let it get to me, though I know that isn't easy.



Join us live next Friday on the second episode of our historical talk show. This time, Jingles, Drachinifel, and Tuccy will discuss the Arctic convoys of WWII. Read it on the portal


EN: “Commanders, some of you may encounter issues with resources operations on 0.9.7 Public Test. We’re working on investigating and fixing it. Sorry for the inconvenience”


What ever you open on the PTS does NOT cross to a live account.

As for getting super containers on PTS, I mean, it's a game client so all the chances to get STs etc are the same.
