

23 Jul


As has been stated many, many times. There is NOTHING wrong with discussing tactics or sharing ways to work together to counter mechanics or tactics! GG @DolphinPrincess

Conversations on tactics, mechanics and how to counter tactics and mechanics should NEVER stop. That has NEVER been an issue for us ever for moderation. I play every single class with a focus on DDs, and when I am in a ship, I work to counter the enemy ships I am fighting, regardless of what class it is.

There should never and will never be any moderation against constructive discussions about tactics. The moderation only comes when community members want to break the guidelines/rules, TOS or EULA, THAT is where moderation will and should occur.

Exactly the convo that should be happening!


22 Jul



Unfortunately I have asked multiple times to keep the conversation on topic and without personal attacks or attacks towards entire clans. This has not been the case, I think I am sitting at 3 pages worth of moderated content on this topic. So at this time, this topic is done.



I'm not saying that I've literally had a battle where I was in an almost full health JB and no main battery but.......

Secondary build barges!!!



Easy, don't need that going around LOL!

I'm not sayin craft beer will get you far with me but.....


Did you put a ticket in?


WAIT, okay so the gun barrels themselves do look a lill blurred, I wonder if this might be a rendering error since its something moving while a ship is moving....



Please, this was not intended to be a smear post on a clan, or players. Please do not derail this conversation any further. Also, this is NOT about CVs, this is about violating the EULA or TOS. This is my last time I will say this.

At the end of the day, like I said earlier:

At the end of the day, it's easy, BE CIVIL and BE GOOD to each other.... If you're having to question if your actions MIGHT be a violation.... chances are... they might just be.....



Doesn't look like they attached proper, can you PM them to me on discord? or in here?



This is NOT a common issue with World of Warships, this is why @foodprinter and I would want the WGCheck in a ticket to get information. And if they all do it, it'll help us even more to know what is going on.



Come join @Kalvothe and I live on the official World of Warships Twitch channel this Friday (24th) at 5pm central!

We will talk ship, we'll talk PTS 0.9.7 round 2 and play a few rounds of boss fight training rooms (maybe a tier VIII secondary only boss fight)


Make sure your WG account and your Twitch accounts are linked to receive Twitch drops!




I will admit my thought process HAS bit me in the bud in the past... maybe I need to rethink this, as removing a gun from the battle should be a bigger focus


Kill stealing wasn't what I was getting at either. My point is, often times players don't look at the HP of a target, this is something that is learned over time, that thought process off "my resources would be better employed elsewhere"

They are literally just seeing a target and attacking.



This happens with all classes, I have seen BBs fire at ships that had like 200 HP left. This just comes with experience, players learn to essentially think, "that ship is dead, salvo at something else."



Oh I totally agree, however, I use one that lets me cater the settings, which is what I do.

At the end of the day, MOST computer users do not realize that maintenance is important for a PC, not just physically cleaning but cleaning up hard drives and files etc as well.



I mean planned CVs of the size that ALL nations that built CVs were to the point that twin engine aircraft launching them is NOT off of reality. And there were naval variants of the BF110 that the Germans tested and then scrapped because they decided to not build CVs.



So I am unsure where you got the idea that you're supposed to get equal amounts of uptier or downtier.

But that is NOT how MM works... And we put this out when we made the change.

A player after 25 battles at a tier in a game mode (every tier and every game mode) starts getting MM that equates to 40% uptiered battles.

What does this mean? I play ship A for say 100 battles, 40 of those may be uptiered.

I used to play divisions with friends and we used to go tier V-X moving up 1 tier every battle, this turned out to not be the greatest idea, because you COULD be uptiered every battle for 10 battles by moving around.

But if you played say 10 battles at tier V then 10 at tier VI only approximately 4 of each would be uptiered.



Congrats on your win and thank you for participating!

I lol'd at your nickname for the PEF!





