

12 Mar


Stand By For Words From The Chief.

After the release of the 0.9.2 update, some players may encounter problems with locked ships and transaction errors, those errors could include: buying/selling items in the inventory, installing camouflage, signals, etc., and after the battle, the status “In battle” being displayed on the ship.

We are investigating the problem and will correct as soon as we can. As more information comes up I will share it here.

That is all.




Standby for words from the Chief,


Submit an end battle result screenshot of a battle played on Mar 14th in ANY battle mode (example below). Note: this screenshot contest ONLY applies for Pi day (Thats Mar 14th)!


5x Pi Camo

That is all.



11 Mar



Right!? I was sincerely excited for this port! I am glad y'all like it! So much to look at!





The Svenska Marinen missions should be the missions that drop with the EU DD's. So when you get one,the missions will be in your "Combat Missions" tab.




@LittleWhiteMouse GG!




Yes, I got Smaland right away. She can be a joy, but also a drain.

Joy: Great Anti-DD DD.

Drain: not great for capping or doing usual DD things.

She is really a fast, small cruiser technically. But if I'm going to be honest, I don't care for Tier X play too much, so probably won't play her as much as her counterparts. That being said when i play tier X typically I play DD's. If you're good in a DD, you will do VERY well in Smaland and Halland when she is released.

As for your other question. Um, what?




Standby for words from the Chief.

Shipmates, we have noted an issue when attempting to place Yamamoto Isoroku on certain event ships (For example the ARP ships). Currently, we are investigating this issue and will let you know as soon as a fix will be put in place.

That is all.



Good catch! I meant to say European Tokens: a themed temporary resource that can be obtained from Europe containers or random bundles. So I edited my reply!





You do know you literally don't have to spend a penny if you don't want? European Tokens: a themed temporary resource that can be obtained from Europe containers or random bundles. Containers are dropped to you via completing the directives. So if you don't want to spend any money you don't have to. No one is telling you you HAVE to spend any money.



TBH, I have found it doesn't matter how many ways we can inform the community, people will stay they didn't know.

Since starting playing this game, I have seen information for several things put on social media, the forums, the portal, the LOG IN screen and even a pop up and still hear people didn't know....

There is only so much we can do beyond doing it for people.

As for how CS will handle tickets for refunds, I do not know but I will find out.




Update 0.9.2 – European Destroyers: Part 1

Early Access to European destroyers, changes to Inertia Fuse for HE Shells and hull plating, a new Clan Brawl, and much more!

[UPDATED] The Update has been rolled out. The server is now available.

Captains! Due to the installation of the Update, the server will be unavailable:
From: 11.03.2020 02:00 UTC
Until: 11.03.2020 05:00 UTC
Update size: 1.5 GB

Because of the changes being made to the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells skill, resetting Commander skills will be free of charge from the release of Update 0.9.2 until 7:00 (UTC) on March 16. Go to the Link at the bottom of the article to opt-in.

European Destroyers

Tier V–IX European destroyers hit the high seas in Early Access!


Read more

Folks, posting in the larger text doesn't get your point across more than regular text. And quite frankly is quite spammy.

It costs nothing to opt-in so there is no "cash grab" as some are saying.



First, sorry that someone had to "stat shame" you. It is pointless to me. But anyhew.

You barely have 1000 battles in random battles, IGNORE people talking smack! You're still learning the mechanics and how to play. You CAN use your own stats to try to work on things to get better, but focus on learning the game mechanics and things will come naturally.

NO ONE started with perfect stats and NO ONE is perfect, most people forget this.





Just FYI!




First to everyone saying they had issues getting on this morning. The server has barely been up for 3 hours. If you're still having issues, close out the launcher and completely restart the program first.

As for the issue accessing things, have you ran a WGcheck and have you contacted support?

Also, besides the website posted above to go to the armory, you can go the "Container" tab and then click Armory, which seems to work for people having issues. I am doing more digging to see whats going on.




Who dared to destroy battleship Montana? Witness Kléberot’s deductive approach in action! Read it on the portal


Standby for words from the Chief,

With 0.9.2 being released, please leave your feedback and thoughts on the latest patch.

Please leave feedback on:

Royal Navy British Heavy Cruisers

Ranked Season 15

New Map: Northern Waters

Updates to Unique Upgrades

Gameplay Balance changes

If you have any bugs to report, you can submit them here!

That is all.


Standby for words from the Chief,

The Update 0.9.2 is here, so please provide any bug reports you may encounter here.

Please also check our little guide on how to report a bug here:

For each report Please make sure to attach WG Check tool report to your reports! That will help us to better understand the nature of the issue you're experiencing.

You can find the instructions on how to use that tool here:

If you're trying to report any technical issue, please make sure to attach WG Check report to your posts.

If you'd like to leave feedback on the latest content or updates, you can drop them here!

That is all.



Good catch. We wanted to open these missions specifically up to more people.
