

18 Mar


So first off, your statement, "but they are not subject to review, and are inevitably corrupted by the intoxicating thrill of power" is 100% not true, if a WG employee is breaking the rules and you report them they WILL be punished, we hold ourselves and our volunteers to a higher standard.

Second, "I was recently chat banned because I gave a robust response to someone who invited me to commit suicide. That person naturally ran away to the Speak Correctly Officer, who banned me, without any review or investigation. This is what happens, when "systems" to silence people are established. They are corrupted, and they are manipulated." anyone that tells someone to do that, if you report them, screen shot it and send a customer service ticket in or send the information to me with screenshots and replays, THEY will be chat banned instantly, no questions asked. If you were chat banned, that means that YOU broke the rules/guidelines as well. Two wrongs do not make right.

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Are both of you talking about the Twitch chain? Of missions? Sorry I haven't had my caffeine go juice this morning so I'm a bit slooooow




Sorry, I can only advertise so much, I posted about these on our FB page, I posted in the "Contests" section which we do a contest every single week for, it was "Featured" which means it should have been on the right in that "Important" section, and in every single game I play I post about it in game.

These contests are purely done by me, I don't have the ability to post notifications or anything in game or anything like that. I wish I could.

Every single forum contest that is done, I do the set up, pick the requirements, take the screenshots etc.



The European destroyers get released from Early Access, a new Campaign, a unique historical Commander, and many other features! Read it on the portal


¡Los destructores europeos son liberados de su Acceso Anticipado, una nueva Campaña, un Comandante histórico especial y muchas otras características! Leer en el portal


Os contratorpedeiros europeus lançados no Acesso Antecipado, uma nova Campanha, um Comandante único histórico e muitas outras funcionalidades! Leia no portal


Join the Public Test of the upcoming Update to get rewards on the live server! Read it on the portal

17 Mar


I am unsure why you think that " They will not want to hear it." but that isn't true as I keep telling everyone, people can tag me or PM me anytime at all.

I don't mind people telling me their opinions and such, HOWEVER, lines like "You wanna know why we aren't buying your premium ships? kind of makes me wonder. Like who's "we" you mean the royal we? Because I assure you if you mean "we" as in the player base, you're not correct with that statement.

Or just wondering is the "we" along the same lines of "The game is dying," "everyone is leaving," "no one wants to play this game anymore," thought process?

This change was a VERY smart one. It was purely because we were releasing information about ships, they were getting reviewed, the public was making their minds up on those reviews before the ships were even tested. Ships were changed and edited and then released and the reviews weren't particularly valid.

Indomitable ca...

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Thanks for participating!

Dunno why we didn't do an event this year TBH, but it is what it is.





They are not all Swedish actually, there are a couple Polish DD's in the line and I believe 1 Dutch ship in the line. The EU ships are including a wide range of countries that didn't have significant warship production to warrant an entire national category of their own.





Potato's gonna potato?

It happens, in the instance of trolling or grieving though, if someone is doing it through an entire match, submit the replay with a ticket and write up in the "Game Violations" category and those people will get time outs till they learn their lesson, or eventually permanently go away.

But PLEASE don't troll or grief them back (not saying you're doing this, its more for the group at large).





Folks, may I remind you that every single post and reply must follow forum guidelines.

In the context of this post there have been some good replies.

Out of context, if you have a bad experience with someone, or they talk incorrectly or out of place there are systems to take care of that. You should be blocking those people, reporting them and submitting a ticket with either replays or screenshots.

If you are unsure you can send them to me first.

Someone that is asking for someone to division up with, etc on these forums is just that. @Shadow2k1 if you want to division up sometime feel free to ping me. If you're looking for advice on how to play feel free to ask in our forums as well.



Standby for words from the Chief.

Shipmates, @Kalvothe and are trying to work through some set up plans in an attempt to continue what I already told most of you, that NA would start our community streams back up. This should be an interesting endeavor, as we are having to overcome a lot of hurtles, especially if it works out, currently he is back home in North Carolina and I am still in Austin, I am rushing an order for a new webcam (as mine is 4 yrs old) in the hopes it arrives before the stream. We are working from home during these trying times so you can imagine there are some hiccups that need to be worked out.

Either way, I am hopefully that we can get everything running and do a stream with you amazing people on Friday the 20th at 4pm central time.

That is all.




Understand that when I say they have a high skill cap, I mean, if you play her like a regular DD you're not going to typically do well. Typically my comments on a ship or ship line I try to cater more towards the average player.

A GOOD DD driver will think these ships are troll and amazing, because, well, they can be.

They are DIFFERENT than other DD's. Which is where a lot of the negativity toward the line comes from.

Playing cautious at the beginning of a battle and then going in to eat targets works out very well for this line.

Also, just the simple presence of this DD in an area of a map can have exceptional effects on the enemy with area denial by spamming torps as you said.




Couple things, I edited out one line of your post that, quite frankly was unnecessary.

But beyond that, there are multiple reason why your secondaries might not fire right away.

Your secondaries have to traverse to the target, it's not exact

Your secondaries have to load (I know what the reply will be to this, this is the way the mechanic is set up, I can't directly change that, though I will send the feedback up and I agree, you shouldn't have to wait for this)

Your secondaries don't all have the same firing arcs, sometimes there are obstructions on the ship itself and they will not fire until the line of sight (or in this case line of fire) is clear.

Also though, you have mentioned a couple times that you do not build for a secondary build, so I suppose I do not understand why you're worried about those secondaries.




Just wondering, has this cleared up since our server maintenance?!




Glad you got that straightened out. Not sure why it would switch to ASIA server though. By chance do you run a VPN?





I would like to ask you a few questions to see if we can't clear some of this stuff up that I have found is common for people with this issue. You can reply here or PM me if you'd like.

1: Do you run any kind of mods for the game?

2: What are your computer specs?

3: Who is your ISP?

4: Are you plugged in or running off WiFi?

Also, as stated above, if you know that you are having issues (and it sounds like you are) I would suggest as stated above, don't try to log back in right away. Hopefully we can clear this up and you'll stop having this problem.





I didn't see this earlier and wish I had.

So as a WeeGee employee, let me respond to you, though this post is locked, because quite frankly, I am seeing multiple forum violations going on.

1: Just because you say you don't see someone get chat banned, doesn't mean it doesn't occur. You can get chat banned in multiple ways. And as stated chat bans work in escalation depending on number of violations and severity.

Good rule of thumb, if you wouldn't say something to one of your loved ones, don't say it here or in game.

2: If chat is a big problem for you, SHUT IT OFF, we put that option into the game for a reason.

3: For the future, when other players, moderators or staff let you know you've violated rules or give you actual advice, it is better to take that on board and move forward than to lash out back at those people. This is true in game as well as on here.

4: ...

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