

10 Mar


So normally I wouldn't reply to these topics. But I will this one because there is the reasoning behind what occurred with what you are talking about, the reason was given to the person that you are posting this for.

First, posting "PSA's" with inaccurate information is not a PSA, that is misinformation.

Placing a disclaimer on top of a PSA stating in essence, "this isn't information for this server and could be different" STILL does not help.

I never have a problem with the community posting information that is helpful to the community, assuming it comes from OFFICIAL channels applicable to the NA server. Assuming that information does not break our forum guidelines. This is why I allowed it to go on for as long as I did until I identified a problem.

This information should come from the NA portal or the NA forums from places like this, however: ...

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Though I do play Ranked on occasion, I don't care about playing competitive play much, as for me, I play games to be, well games...

That being said, however, I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from.

In the past, our feedback has not been the greatest from the overall community when we put the tier cap at the lower tiers (VI-VIII). Though I will post this up in my regular reports I send up, Because that trend (since you brought it to my attention) does seem a bit rough...




Early Access to European destroyers, changes to Inertia Fuse for HE Shells and hull plating, a new Clan Brawl, and much more!

Read it on the portal


¡Acceso anticipado a los destructores europeos, cambios en la Espoleta de Inercia para Proyectiles HE y en el blindaje de los cascos, Pelea de Clanes y mucho más! Leer en el portal


Acesso antecipado aos contratorpedeiros europeus, mudanças no FIPE e revestimento de casco, Briga de Clãs e muito mais! Leia no portal


Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary, may change during testing and not appear on the main server. The final information will be published on the official portal.

American aircraft carrier F. D. Roosevelt, Tier X:

Roosevelt's aircraft will have a solid supply of armament and a good amount of hit points, but low speed and an interval of 25 seconds between squadron attacks.

This way, Roosevelt's planes will be able to launch powerful but infrequent attacks on enemy ships.

Also, all the aircraft carrier's squadrons are equipped with a "Repair" consumable with special settings:

The consumable is recharged more quickly.

The action time is longer than on other aircraft carriers.

Restores fewer hit points than the same consumable on the other aircraft carriers.

This consumable is not designed to provid...

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Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary, may change during testing and not appear on the main server. The final information will be published on the official portal.

The European update cycle continues in 0.9.3

In Update 0.9.3, the European destroyer branch leaves early access, the new "Strong in Spirit" campaign is introduced, and we welcome two European commanders: Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz and the unique historical commander Jerzy Świrski.

Jerzy Świrski has two talents:

Torpedo Reload Expert: upon earning 8 "Torpedo Hit" ribbons, the reload time of torpedo tubes reduces by 5%. The talent can be activated multiple times.

AA Guns Aiming Expert: upon earning 20 "Aircraft shot down" ribbons, continuous AA damage increases by 10%. The talent can only be activated once per battle.

On top of that, Jerzy Świrski posses...

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Buahahahahaha! Maybe his chinstrap was on too tight?




09 Mar



All the missions run at the same time. With the exception of the weekly missions of course.





Looks like our naming convention didn't propagate over into the client. Currently below is a screen name of the camouflage you get awarded.

Let me know if you don't see that camouflage and we'll take a look at your account.





Thank you to everyone that participated! Congrats to @groomsiebelle @Lord_Archon and @ET1_Allen for winning the week of Premium Time!





As stated above, the directives ended this morning.

For safety next time, you can see the expiration of a directive by opening them up and hovering over the end prize on the last Directive.





So I have said this in other posts, I will say this again. We have a list of approved mods and we are constantly checking for NON-approved mods. If players are actually using illegal mods they WILL get caught. If you suspect someone is using an illegal mod or somehow "hacking" submit their replay with a customer service ticket. Or send ME the replay.

I will tell you this, in the almost 5 years I have been a player World of Warships, I have seen A LOT of replays (especially when I used to do Content Creation) and been in over 12,000 battles (including test ships), played all classes, played in just about every single game mode out there. And I have honestly seen maybe TWO questionable players.

Most times people accuse other players of "hacking" it is just someone that is a bit more experienced... I literally only use one crosshair mod and that is on our "approved" list. And the only thing it gives you is a clearer view. I use th...

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"Sitka-Romeo" and "Take Me Home" run until May 31st, "November Charlie 1-9" is the weekly mission, it only drops you a signal flag. But THAT mission is the most important IMO. WHY? Because as you progress through those weekly missions, you increase the donation coming from WeeGee at the end of the event! Complete every single weekly mission out to week 9 and WeeGee will donate an additional $10 in your name!

Great Question!





The stat's pages that most players use are third party pages, we do not control them. As for our own stat's pages, players have the option to hide those stats, for now, the default is on. Could this change in the future? Possibly.





SO there will be NO posting of ANY links or video's on these forums of hacks, suspected players hacking, or to other discussion boards about hacks. If you want to discuss them, PM each other. If you suspect someone of hacking, submit your replay in a customer service ticket or PM it to me and I'll take a look.

This conversation is DOA!

Posting exploits/hacks

If you come across a bug, or a third-party tool that would otherwise impact gameplay, please report it using the appropriate channels.

Discussing the exploitation of game mechanics, or encouraging the usage of mechanics outside of their intended design.

That is all.



Standby for words from the Chief,

"March 9th, 1919, the first flight from a battleship platform is made by Lt. Cmdr. Edward O. McDonnell in a Sopwith Camel from turret No. 2 of USS Texas (BB 35) while anchored at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

This week's contest is to commemorate the first launch of an aerial spotter aircraft from a US battleship, submit a screenshot of a spotter plane consumable mounted on any battleship either in port or in Random or Coop battle modes(example below) between March 9th 15:00 UTC (9AM CST) and March 16th 14:00 UTC (8AM CST).

Three randomly selected winners will receive:

7 Days Warships Premium


5x MS-21 Camouflages


That is all.


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Os contratorpedeiros europeus Nível V–IX estão chegando no Acesso Antecipado! Estamos aqui para contar tudo sobre as regras do novo evento do jogo na Atualização 0.9.2. Leia no portal


European Tier V–IX destroyers are arriving in Early Access! We're here to tell you all about the rules of the new game event in Update 0.9.2. Read it on the portal


¡Los destructores europeos de Nivel V al X llegan con Acceso Anticipado! Estamos aquí para contarte sobre las reglas del nuevo evento del juego en la Actualización 0.9.2. Leer en el portal