

11 Mar



Normally we release new premiums on Friday's after updates. As was stated above. This isn't what ALWAYS occurs, nor am I saying the Orkan will be in there, (I don't honestly know). But yeah, wait until Friday to see.




Are you talking after the last update a month ago?

Have you fiddled with the graphics settings in game since, just to see what might be a breaking point? We haven't done a whole lot graphics wise tbh in awhile...

Beyond that driver updates?



Cmon man, you know I can't talk about future content if it hasn't been released!

I will say this, we are looking at commanders as we release them to make them better suited to how YOU want to set them up.



Anyways, back to the OP's post. Enough side talk.



So you've seen that data we have taken from the test server? You know exactly what is measured? What the test results were? What the compiled feedback was?

I don't even know any of that, except the compiled feedback. Because I compile the feed back. Here's the biggest problem. A VERY VERY small part of the population actually plays the public test, or fills out the feedback in the fashion we need in order to gather data. This is also why we have SupterTesters, why a lot of things go into multiple levels of testing, etc.

If feedback wasn't taken, there would be reason to have any communication between the staff and you. There would be literally no PTS. And the game would never have balance changes.







TBH, he's a pretty well rounded commander, well maybe not for BB's but ya..





Well I can't speak to how things were handled for the CV rework, but a lot of people also know my opinion of the CV rework since I am a DD main... and that differs from a lot of the vocal people in the community. I will say, as someone that has been playing since Alpha testing, regardless of what people try to say, CV's ARE in a better place than pre-rework. Are they perfect? NOPE, is ANYTHING in the game perfect? NOPE. Will changes keep happening? YUP!

But that isn't the point I was making. My point was, I am here now, I answer things to the best of my knowledge.

And if I tell you an answer like "lets wait and see" it will literally mean that... Because I have NEVER been all gloom and doom as some in the community, because allegedly the community has been dying for years, the population has been dying for years and everyone has been leaving for years....

This is just another mechanic change that we have to learn to work with. And a...

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Why is this surprising? People ask me questions, I answer them. If you put feedback in the PTS threads, TYPICALLY I don't reply because I try to compile all the feedback to send up as, well feedback... and a lot of the questions in PTS feedback directly, I know if I answer and then things change, people will say I'm a liar or some other thing... But if you look, every now and then I DO answer questions on there, or things pertaining to changes in the General forum (which is what I prefer).

I have always said, people can PM me or ask me questions and I'll give you my honest answer. Nothing has changed.




My biggest 2 doubloons on this.

As with most changes that WeeGee has done over the years.

WAIT, before we go calling gloom and doom and hauling out the torches and pitchforks, WAIT, see how the game play changes.

As always any changes will be evaluated, ships will be looked at, changes will occur.



10 Mar


Testing, we're testing and then testing and then when the testing is done, we'll probably do some testing.

We want to literally do as much testing as possible before we think about bringing them into the live server.

As for Greyhound. Can't comment.




Just wondering if you put the camo on and checked the ship's horn?





So after reading your post I was curious, bought her and ran a couple of battles. I will say, she is very typical of RN cruisers.

Do not sit broad, Do not try to hold a flank alone, Do not push a flank alone, Always be ready to turn away and fire over your shoulder. Keep BB's at arm's length, especially at the opening of a fight.

That being said, landing shots with her HE, you can do significant damage. Recently I had a tier IX battle where I dealt 75k damage before taking a single hit of damage myself.

With premium consumables and superintendent, you'll have 3 charges of RN RP. Which came in handy recently when I had 1000HP left and literally healed back to almost 3/4 HP.

I will say she has a slight skill gap with her 16.1KM gun range, if she had a spotter, she'd probably do better.

In the end, for me, I enjoy her gameplay. But I am a DD main so I tend to have trained myself to ha...

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Are you speaking of the "Tree Crowns" camo for the EU DD's?




Yeap, that's my intention, it'll be unpinned when I come into work on the 16th.



Approve of the funny farm?





Now hopefully, I remember to unpin it in a few days LOL




This was a formatting issue from our program side to the forums for those that select the "Dark" theme for the forums. It should be fixed now.

Thanks for bringing this up!





I edited your topic to include the quick link to our Developers Corner and I will be pinning this topic for the next few days.




Shush you!
