

19 Aug


Reporting DDs for going into a cap and then failing by being killed is not "not playing the ship as intended" as it IS a DDs job to cap, however, doing that job poorly isn't the problem.

I understand what the OP is talking about, they are talking about a CV driver at the beginning of the match that literally just drives forward at the enemy and dies.



There is a difference between pushing in a secondary build CV and engaging and just straight up tapping W at the beginning of a match and throwing your ship away.

Also, if you just push in a GZ expecting to live for any amount of time at the start of the match, I would say you're not CV'ing right either however.... Those secondaries should be used for defensive purposes, or more near the end of a match.



This is the biggest issue.

I am not saying you did wrong, because I totally understand at the time you may want to just move on. But we HAVE TO see replays of stuff and build up evidence.

Players that violate our EULA (and I am pretty sure I know how you are talking about), in this case, "unsportsmanlike conduct" don't do so in EVERY battle, so if someone looks at their account and sees normal game play, with some poor play mixed in, we can't really do much.

But if there are A LOT of reports with replays of them doing things that are NOT as intended, then we can.



I understand 100% what you were getting at.

My point is what does it have to do AT ALL with the discussion in this OP? It was asked when or if Enterprise will be back or how they could get her.

I answered that, and even added in a little note of how a player may be able to get her through one of those methods FOR FREE in the near future (free SC for a first win in a tier X ship during the birthday event).

Considering the holiday containers also typically go for FAR CHEAPER than most the premiums that can drop from them and we are transparent with what ships you can get from them, I hardly see why this is a "deception"

Also, I don't mean this to sound like a slight, but I am genuinely just curious, if you don't play anymore, why do you still engage in the forums? Also, was this a recent decision?



Why would we compensate you on RP that you didn't chose to earn?

As for getting the SC for Tier X ships that you reset, we haven't released what we will be doing with that as of yet.



Kind of need more information to understand what occurred in your match.


A: these CAs AP is specifically called out for how powerful it is at close range, if you were in a cap in a Moskva I am assuming you were a bit closer than you probably should have been

B: Moskvas are not impervious to penetration damage from ANY ship, especially depending how close you are, the angles you are at etc....




Watch the replay, that individual was, um colorful, in cases like that, you should 100% put a CS ticket in with the replay attached.

Their TK was deliberate and their language was personal and in violation of our rules.

Just keep in mind when stuff like this occurs, don't engage with them in chat, just report them and then submit the replay in a CS ticket.




There is nothing wrong with venting or asking questions on the forums about what to do about certain situations etc so long as you leave names out.

That being said, I'm watching the replay.



I was in the Navy for over 20 years, if I can play a game that children might be playing and I can express what I want even when I may be frustrated, without violating our rules in game, than anyone can!

That being said, if you're using energy to type out vulgarity and other violations of our rules, you can easily focus that energy on NOT typing that into the chat as there is a very huge difference between speaking it and typing it.

Typing it requires more thought and deliberate action.

Also, don't violate our rules, and you won't be chat banned.



Did you put a report in with the replay attached!?

Do you folks put reports with replays attached!?




And read the forum rules.


18 Aug



Looking at your account it was probably from when you lost power. There might have been some desync or something and the system thought you left in battle. We have cleared any infraction you might have had on your account.




So you think that because you have the possibility of getting a ship in a holiday container and you buy that container and don't get the ship, it's a scam?




Um, how is what I am saying a scam? I LITERALLY cannot tell you if or when it is coming back or not, so if it is coming back to the store, we will announce it.......

And I am LITERALLY telling the community HOW they can get her still (holiday containers and Super Containers), considering you could get her in a Super Container and you can get Super Containers for FREE with the birthday event coming up.... still not understanding how this is a scam....



In the birthday event coming next patch you get a SC for the first victory (once) per tier X.



ALWAYS submit both and let them sort it out.



There isn't much to weigh in on, if we decide to bring her back we will announce it, currently the only way to get her is through super containers or holiday containers



As always, when that stuff occurs please submit a ticket, with the replay and screenshot.



The new Ranked Sprint for Tier IX ships. Join the race for credits, signals, and Coal! Read it on the portal


La nueva Carrera por Rangos para barcos de Nivel IX. ¡Únanse a la carrera por créditos, señales y Carbón! Leer en el portal