

24 Aug


Well TBH, I am guessing that AA overall is being looked at, however, we're gonna look at seeing how the detection from air buff interacts with the game first on a large scale, as this was/is the majority of the feedback from players, then will look at the rest after.



Except, you are leaving something out....

You have to put considerably more effort in to be toxic than to not and you are being very deliberate with that toxicity.....

AGAIN, players should take responsibility for THEIR actions not pass blame. And this goes for ANY game TBH.



I mean, the original intention for DD concealment was for it to be their strength over all, I think this will put DDs back in a better place.



Oh I don't disagree with you at all, in fact I have been asking this question TBH, because there are DDs (mostly IJN torp boats) that have what like 3km AA? But at the same time, their air detect will be like half that?

But TBH, even now, the only reason to run AA with a range of 3km would be if you were in smoke and the aircraft were spotted... and even this is risky if the CV driver is competent.

For me this is addressing detection firstly above all. All this being said, if you wanna discuss this DB post, please move that to the DB post so we don't derail too much more. Sorry to the OP for that.



You're 100% correct, game mechanics in general CAN make people frustrated, but people have to CHOOSE to be toxic. NOTHING forces these actions to be taken.

Case in point, as a fairly good DD main, it is VERY frustrating to me to see players play DDs poorly, this doesn't mean I get to haul off and be toxic, call them names and berate them in chat.

I have been frustrated to the point of being angry at some players, but it takes effort to put that into TEXT in game... effort I will devote to my own game play to attempt to play better or carry harder. It's a CHOICE.



No it is not AT ALL, I would have the same view when it comes to ANY topic.

Games don't make people toxic, PEOPLE make themselves be toxic. People should own their actions, not blame their actions on others or things unrelated to their actions.



As a DD you SHOULD always be running with your AA turned off? I don't understand what you're asking perhaps?

I will tell you if I am in a BB or cruiser, myself, I run with my AA ON at all times, because that's one less thing I have to micro-manage, but when I drive DD (which is most times) I ensure it is off as much as possible and that even includes in a Halland.



Just wondering, what does this have to do in the context of players being toxic?

Game mechanics DO NOT generate toxicity, PLAYERS that are being toxic do. CVs don't make players report players simply because they are playing CVs, they don't make plays rage in chat and violate our chat rules. Those things are PLAYER driven.

The toxicity comes from the person, not the game mechanic. That toxicity actually takes effort and energy to leverage towards other players. The biggest problem that I see, changes aren't occurring in the time frame that players want, therefore "nothing is being done."

Also the the DB post you are mentioning: "Rendering the 10 second burst damage useless and letting that dd get spotted with his AA reinforcement on cool down...." you fail to mention that ALL SHIPS detection by air is being reduced 40-60% which means the life of a DD is about to get FAR better at the lower tiers. Even my Gremyashchy that has some of th...

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I've been summoned

So if you got the ship from some other means, and then were to buy the bundle, yes you will get dubs compensation and yes you will get the mission.




So we have had an influx of new players coming to the forums, which is GREAT, but a side effect of this is that we have had some people that are not aware of the forum rules.

So if you are new and haven't seen them, before posting or replying pls read through these first!

Just remember, we ALL need to try to keep our posts and replies on topic, constructive and civil!




Actually, this is NOT true, though they may get away with it at that moment, I assure you, they are sanctioned after the fact. I have seen the logs of this. It just sometimes takes time. And this goes for PMs in chat as well.

That being said though, make sure we aren't responding to those people ALWAYS, report them for "misbehavior in chat" and just carry on smartly




You are 100% correct and I appreciate that you clarified this, as there are quite a few toxic people claiming that we are doing so. This is NOT true, contrary to what you might see on peoples streams or Reddit or here.

We NEVER moderate or ban ANYONE for discussing that they dislike a mechanic or any part of the game. We also have never told anyone that they might get banned or kicked from programs etc for playing a specific mechanic etc.

What we DO moderate are personal attacks, non-constructive feedback or other violations of our rules. Now some will respond with, "if you don't like it, you claim it is non-constructive" so let me give you an example.

"I don't like CVs because the devs are [edited] idiots" this is a direct quote that WILL be moderated (though I put the word "edited" in).

What is constructive? "I don't like CVs because of X, Y, Z factors" <<<<<<<<



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@iDuckman do we have a lill blurb about this? Or can you check to add this somewhere?



Wish I could give you an answer, but right now, there is no answer that I even know of. I will ask again.

Best bet is to grind like normal for now.



Well I mean, it is still testing the mechanic, but I totally understand!



Shhhhhh, I like my job!

TBH, the amount of screen shots I have gotten on discord and messages in game and on these forums of people that have gotten some of the more sought after ships from the containers, I kinda wonder if we broke something I MEAN, working as intended!

You legitimately made me "LOL" from this!

Also Vegemite isn't so bad... I mean, it isn't so good either, but yeah....




I've been noticing this for some time TBH.

I'll do some digging, maybe there is some "timeframe to stay active" setting somewhere.

Hopefully I don't break it




^^^THIS^^^ I played operations 3 times this weekend and pulled 7 Achievements. Which TBH, I feel like is pretty amazing, considering I haven't really played operations in a while.



I will 100% push this feedback up. I can see where it can get frustrating.



Perhaps you should take a step back and realize what I am trying to tell you.

the ARP Takao is a ship that was put into the game based off of the ARP collaboration which was literally years after we put the Atago into the game.

The write ups for them and the name are purely based off the ARP Takao.

Just because a ship visually looks the same doesn't mean they are!

Case in point Warspite and Queen Elizabeth, Tirpitz and Bismarck, Fujin, Kamikaze, Kamikaze R, Marblehead, Marblehead L, Murmansk, Ohio. ALL of these ships are re-rolls of the same ship but have different write ups, though NONE of them are from a collaboration so we changed the stats for some of them. In a collaboration we often have to follow what the collaboration company requires of us. They may have liked our modeling therefore we used that model. But the write ups were different because it was literally part of the ARP ships.

This is an a...

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