

22 Aug




Meh, doesn't bug me so much, IMO for the most part, it's just something to vent about, which is not a big deal.

One thing that I find interesting though, is that people don't understand that spamming a ticket (and this goes for most CS systems not just gaming) actually resets the queue... which can be frustrating for the person submitting and the CS expert because we don't want tickets sitting in queue.




If you want to discuss the tactics of the OPs discussion please do so here:

If you want to have a philosophical discussion of right or wrong, please do so in PM.



So firstly, spamming constantly in a ticket is actually a very bad idea with ANY customer service request. Because every time you do that, you literally reset your own ticket back into the queue.

Secondly, I don't see any real question in your ticket, if you wish to PM me the ticket number you got we can take a look.

And thirdly, believe it or not our staff actually have normal lives and it looks like this ticket was put in later in the day on a Friday. Unfortunately our EU folks would more than likely just barely be waking up and the NA folks are off work, so yes, it will take some time to get a response to your ticket.

And finally if you have questions about things in general in game (as I cannot tell what you're trying to ask) you can always PM me here or on discord and I usually answer right away.



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21 Aug


I wont go into specifics, but I was VERY deliberate and specific with the data I was asking for when I pulled all of this.

If there is one thing I got REALLY good at as a Chief in the Navy, is proving a point with data.



TBH, the fact that our devs have to literally rework and rethink how they do any mission development and all the write ups and mechanics, this is actually a significantly bigger change than most realize.

And considering all these changes have been getting implemented in such a short time, mistakes are bound to have happened. But our devs rushed to institute as much as they could as quickly as they could so admittedly these mistakes are occurring as a result of that.

To be completely honest with you, I had ZERO expectation that any of these changes were even going to occur this year, the first ones occurred over 3 months ago. So yes, we keep making mistakes with this stuff, but credit where credit is due, our devs have done an amazing job rushing this out.



I don't have the legs for skirt


Oh I 100% where you're coming from.

The other issue I know I have is, I am blunt and honest and that doesn't always go across well.



Please do not take what I said out of context.

We have publicly stated numerous times that the goal of our dev team is to focus PvP overall. Because globally over 95% of our player base is PvP driven and 90% of our revenue as well. THAT is what I am referencing, because most of what we will do, the direction we go with development etc will be driven by GLOBAL numbers.

ONLY on NA is it a higher percentage. The research that we did in the NA team to bring the importance, size and drive of our PvE (that's holistic not just Coop) community literally caused a shift in how we draw up those missions.

Adding PvE to more directive missions, adding PvE to Twitch missions, driving the do this OR that option, adding more PvE involvement to the random missions that are dropped. ALL of that is directly due to the feedback from the PvE community on NA specifically over the course of the last 6 months (at least this is all the visibility I have as tha...

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Oh I am not arguing that people shouldn't complain. I don't mind complaints at all, but people do gotta understand that we have to balance what we have coming in the future with stuff now.

IMO, though I guess not agreed by some in the community this is a pretty awesome summer event. Just simply based around the amount of different types of content that is available that you can't get regularly.



I could agree with this normally, but I feel like there are FAR MORE options for players to get free stuff now than when we started back in the day.

Like i don't remember really being able to get premium ships for free or for as cheap as often back when the game initially went live.

Maybe I'm wrong?



The biggest problem you have with this (and I have dug into the data of this to see what the actual numbers are) the % of players on NA alone that are active on the forums are actually BELOW 1%. The % of players on the forums that come to just read the forums (that's it, no other interaction) is at the highest point barely 3%.

THIS is why, though I spend A LOT of time here, I surf social media, discord, talk to players in game, etc.



I was not chastising AT ALL. In fact, as I have always and will always tell the community, you ask a direct question, you will get a direct answer. I don't typically use a lot of marketing lingo or corporate language, because I don't like using that stuff. So sometimes what I say doesn't come across as the most diplomatic statement.

My point, I didn't know that this mission was going to pan out like it did, but you really think that responding in the fashion that I am seeing in this topic is constructive? Or helpful?

LITERALLY posting just asking the questions so I could look into it probably would have been better.

You say I was answering in a chastising fashion, I have always said that any interaction whether it is community to staff, staff to community, community to community should be respectful, forward and kind. Me stating that responses like I see in this post aren't exactly constructive IS NOT chastising, it's being honest.

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I was gonna wear a grass skirt, but I thought better of it!



I would love to tell you they will or will not, but I don't know yet TBH.

Those two ships were for the Lunar NY event though, keep that in mind.



It should be understood that my original discussion with all of you was that we would try to include PvE overall, not just Coop.

Though I will admit that our planners screwed up having Coop as an option. PvE was my main focus to ensure inclusivity, should we have NOT added both?

ONCE AGAIN, for some of you more colorful individuals, there isn't some evil dark plan to push you out of the game or something.

TBH, if every single time we don't add exactly what you're asking to the tee responses like this are not exactly constructive.



Yes, unfortunately, the "available to you" number is the cap.



My biggest response to this is that, and I say this all the time, that we try to do things different on the regular to see what works and what doesn't. Not all sales will fall into what you might believe is a sale.

TBH, for me, the ships available in all these containers and what you need in order to get them is VERY cheap.

Beyond all that, we don't want to overshadow the Holiday event or Black Friday events, that is not the point of this event.
