

14 Aug


@DolphinPrincess wrote a really good guide here to show people how to use this tactic.

It should be mentioned that this tactic is not only to counter CV's (both Tier VIII and X) but to increase the chances of winning in a match, a fast moving division that drives through the center to focus down a CV can 100% throw an entire Random team off their balance and for the most part can result in a win if the division is well organized and works well together!

Furthermore, a division like this in a battle with NO CVs can just as much throw an enemy team off balance and produce a Win.





I do not "fix" chat bans. If you were chat banned and feel it was unjust or uncalled for, put a support ticket in to appeal that ban.



I'll have to ask, as far as I know, we didn't change the sounds again. I'll get back to you.



¡Apresúrate a obtener los nuevos barcos alemanes y otras valiosas recompensas! Leer en el portal


Hurry to obtain the new German ships and other desirable rewards! Read it on the portal


Corra para obter os novos navios alemães e outras recompensas desejáveis! Leia no portal


Una guía del Capitán para usar al portaaviones alemán de Nivel VI. Leer en el portal


A Captain’s guide to using the Tier VI German aircraft carrier. Read it on the portal


Um guia do Capitão para usar o porta-aviões alemão Nível VI. Leia no portal

13 Aug


I mean the MM changes happened several patches ago, and I always talk about this stuff...




As has been stated numerous times throughout the forums if at ANY TIME someone is being personally attacked all you have to do is hit that little report button and NOT respond to them. And one of the volunteer mods or staff will take a look and make a determination based off the below posted rules.

Why or how do people that are personally attacked end up being moderated against? Because they do exactly the OPPOSITE of what I always say. They respond, usually snarkly with another personal attack which results in BOTH being moderated against.

And since you are unable to see that moderation, most people will think nothing is done. This is simply not true, and no we will not share when stuff is done.

We only have a small handful of moderators, this is why things can slip past us, there are LITERALLY thousands of posts every day. And if they are not reported then we can't possibly catch everything. Furthermore, what y...

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Oh god, I wouldn't even know where to begin to do a proper search, as far I as I know, the only way would be to go one by one, since you are looking for a specific one...




MM actually tries to put only a maximum of 1 CV per team, if there is a long queue time, or low server population, this rule can get overruled.

The reason you might sit in queue longer right now, is due to player feedback uptiering has been limited more and MM is trying to put games together AT TIER more often (this is why sometimes tier X and Tier IX queues can be long).




Though I don't necessarily agree or really see a point in posting when people decided to move on from a game.

I ALSO do not agree with people derailing a post or personally attacking someone that chooses to do so. Good luck and Fair winds and Following seas.



IMPORTANT! Because the Update is still being tested, the information in this Bulletin is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the Update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the Update is released.

World of Warships Anniversary

With the release of Update 0.9.8, World of Warships passes the threshold of its fifth year!

This time, the festive frenzy is inspired by naval history. The game will feature plenty of new and engaging content to mark the occasion, including a revamped Designer's Table Port, a permanent campaign titled "Five Epochs of the Navy" plus a collection of the same name, a new Dockyard, and fresh first-win bonuses. You can also try out a new battle type—Asymmetric Battle!


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Standby for words from the Chief.

Shipmates, if you encounter any bugs or technical issues during the Public Test 0.9.5 - Part 1 session feel free to report it in this thread.


Please follow this template for submitting bugs.

1. Description Short description of an issue with required details. Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship

2. How to reproduce
Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: 1.Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped 2. Go in battle 3. Try to launch spotting-aircraft

3. Result
What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.

That is all.




Unfortunately due to technical issues Shipyard is currently unavailable on Public Test server.

The shipyard will be available for players on 08 00 UTC (11 00 FET) 14.08.2020 tomorrow.




So in the German set, there were missions that EVERYONE got.

There were multiple mission sets for every single class and a couple that could be completed with multiple classes or premium ships.



I am telling you this is 100% not true, I just looked at the missions in our layout screens, they are all the same.
