Read moreCan you explain then why despite being in the most common mmr bracket I am repeatedly being placed with other solo queue players against the same 4 and 5 man premades that have significantly higher mmr across the board and just stomp over the opposition due to the horrid mismatch the system created? I experience this on both ends, feeling as if my performance has no bearing on the game's outcome; as the party matched with or against me was put in a position to win from the start by setting them loose on an iceberg with free clubs to bludgeon the seals with. It's so bad that if I'm lucky enough to get slotted in with a 4 man I could just afk farm all game and still win easily due to the mismatch.
This is not a confirmation bias: I have reviewed my match history constantly, and nearly every blowout win or loss has been the result of all solo queue or at most a single duo going against a 4 or 5 man premade with higher skill rating, and said party on the winning end. On the ...
I cannot explain that. It sounds like an insanely rare scenario based on our current rules. Everything you described is quite unlikely based on my current knowledge of the system and based on reviewing our stats.
There used to be special case rules, but many of these have been removed and we have seen significantly improved matchmaking data after their removal.
There is no "MMR boosting" for parties - party MMR is averaged and paired against the most close MMR players
There is no "party vs party" rule - Parties are matched against the most close players in MMR, with no regard for their party size
There is no "avoid repeats" rule - you can meet the same opponents multiple times in a row if the player pool MMR doesnt change enough
All of these rules being removed has improved the system, although i might assume you would disagree. Special case rules tend to create more player base segmentation, effectively ...
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