

14 Aug


Originally posted by CalvoUTN

I like the current system because as you say, it’s consistent between ranked, SCC, SPL and other tournaments.

About casual, even if I understand the point of hurting those that had a specific pick in mind, I think there should be a system for it to work somehow. Let’s say you have the last five gods released not being bannable or recently buffed gods.

I feel like it just makes sense. I know you have ranked for that, but many people just stay away from ranked bc the MMR inherently makes the mode more competitive and sometimes more toxic.

I think it goes both ways when you think about ppl having a god in mind they want to play. If I go solo and pick a warrior, the last thing I want to have in front of me is Loki. It makes the games completely boring. Yes, you could still win. But it stopped being fun the moment I have to rush back to lane because an invisible god is pushing my T2.

It applies to other gods too. Also, it’s a learning tool of counter ba...

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That all makes sense.

But if we make a pick/ban system that DOESNT allow people to ban Cthulhu or Tsukuyomi then what players are we actually making happy with this system?

If we change a meta to make Mage ADCs better, but then everyone bans them, why did we even change the meta?

It just creates some really strange scenarios where no matter what we are adding tons of rules and complexity to only make a small amount of players happy.


Friend rank can be accessed in the dropdown where you choose what ranked division you want to look at


Originally posted by CalvoUTN

I haven’t check in a while. But yeah, could hurt the playtime of new gods.

Ty for the answer!

EDIT #2: Seems like League does offer a normal Draft Pick Normal mode, but they do have far less modes and more players than us, but i think most of my points here still stand. I wont change any of the text i had typed before

So if we wanted to use LoL as a reference (which we dont always want to do, our games are different in many ways)

This would be a good argument for changing the Ranked Ban system to be slightly faster and more agency from all players instead of the top MMR player.

Currently I think our ranked players value Ranked and SPL being the same pick/ban system, but I might be wrong.

None of this encourages us to add it to casual modes tho.


Originally posted by CalvoUTN

I think there is a mode in LoL where each one can ban a god.

So it can be that each one has 15 sec to ban and then proceed normally. Adjusting the times in the lobby would make this feasible without longer queue times.

You enemy team is banning 5 gods, so 4.5% of the roaster, so the chances that someone bans the god you want to play are low. Specially if you consider that normally each god is going to ban a god that they don’t want to fight against. So if you are mid, you are probably ban a god that could go against you.

It would add a simpler layer to the casual conquest mode and would be a good stepping point to ranked, where many don’t know how to ban.

EDIT: Seems like League does offer a normal Draft Pick Normal mode, but they do have far less modes and more players than us

Last i checked, this is their "ranked" mode system, but i may be mistaken.

We wouldnt add this to Conquest for the same reasons i said above. New gods would have 100% ban. Top Meta / Recently buffed gods would have 90% ban. That 4.5% stat is greatly misleading.


Originally posted by biznasty26

Hi Ajax what about trying a pick phase in casual? no bans just picks

creates all the problems in point 2 on a very large population. risky, still.


Originally posted by buckeye837

One idea though, maybe schedule a repeating match of the day on a weekend day that is basically this "unranked" conquest every week or every other week. Perhaps if done on a weekend day like this the player base would be large enough to absorb the limited time alternative conquest mode?

By saying this could split the player base in half in point 1, you're basically saying half the base wants it anyways. And honestly just bans would do the trick and be much quicker, at least my group doesn't really care about picks.

Saying "up to half" really, and any combination of those players being split is all bad, right?

  • 10% go to bans conq, 90% stay - new mode matchmaking is BAD, old mode barely changes
  • 50% go, 50% stay - matchmaking gets worse for everyone

Even as a MOTD this "mode" is more likely to be like the first situation, low play count, bad matchmaking, 5 mans vs solos, etc. But hey you can play conquest with no Tsukuyomi!

I still think the positives are minimal. Play ranked.


We currently have no plans to implement this. Heres why:

  1. Splitting the Conquest playerbase. This type of design has the potential to cut the Normal: Conquest player pool in half, which would be devastating to matchmaking quality or would require much longer queue times. This would be totally reasonable if SMITE didn't already have so many modes. Our mode variety has been a big part of our success, but adding more at this point poses a large risk.

  2. Player Experience. A huge amount of SMITE players want to play the game in a specific way, meaning they have a specific god they intend to play before they even queue up. Banning away gods would often leave players dissapointed in the match lobby. Many players want to play the newly buffed, newly meta, newly added gods. Also this process takes a considerably longer time. Many players just want to get in game asap.

  3. Redundancy. This is really just ranked but allowing larger party sizes and s...

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12 Aug


yes is intended, the side areas are both larger than actual 180 degress semi-circles

its meant to feel most accurately tracked to the trajectory the kusarigama takes

11 Aug


Not forgotten! Just still being worked on! (Ran into some messy stat aggregation stuff on crossplay accounts and some inconsistencies in the ways these icons have been given out)

Might take another Update or two but its making progress.


Server maintenance and improvements were recently made to OCE, SEA, and Brazil.

It sounds like OCE is still going strong but possibly problems have returned to SEA and Brazil.

Can anyone give me more specific information on the issues timeline? What modes are you playing and what region? Did you experience constant issues?

Near the launch of Mid-Season (the first weekend after launch i believe) Brazil servers were adjusted, and I thought we had feedback that the rubber banding had improved. Maybe the issue returned with todays update?

The team is looking into the server issues as we speak, and multiple other changes have been made recently to multiple regions to improve performance.


Originally posted by SmiteRobot

/u/HiRezAjax commented on this post:


Comment Permalink

good bot, much important info here


Originally posted by freefalllv

they are on the other side my man


10 Aug


Originally posted by YoloDagger

I've stopped playing because of the negligence towards this subject. When there are 5+ threads a day saying how abysmal the state of the game is, and when you drop by to say nothing is wrong it's pretty infuriating for everyone. Last time I spoke with Pon he said there are ways you're exploring improving things. What are these plans?

I apologize for being rude but this has gone on for so long. Can you please do me a favor and grab a controller and actually play for just one day in ranked? Controller based input. As a developer myself who works with data analysis daily it's painful to see how there's nothing being done when improvement can be made in so many areas.


We monitor the feedback closely. We have seen a huge influx in new and returning players lately which is expected to come with some matchmaking complaints.

Over the past few years the in-game metrics have constantly improved, and player complaints have largely decreased. (Although i see you whip up a comment to almost every single matchmaking complaint post)

I disagree with your analysis on this topic.

I dont know when you spoke to Pon but many things have changed with how we do resets over the last year, maybe thats what he was referring to? And we are here today again to tell you we still have more planned, and that its really not as bad as people think.

It seems once people get caught up in the negativity and obsessions of matchmaking, its very hard to break free from that mental state...


Originally posted by Clammyvoice

The principle of variance is fine and I quite like those benefits. My issue is more the part that things like 100% variance can exist.

In my example, say I got carried for 2 games. With 100% Variance that might put me in Masters. I don't think that's healthy. Instead, why not put a cap on Variance at 40 or 50%, just to give a number. It could be higher, or lower, depending on what works best with the meta-data of player population.

But 100% is just waaaaay too high.

the 100% to 5% is actually just a player driven value that shows how its changed. This corresponds to a completely different value on our end.

Which means im saying - we can change the actual variance to decrease it, but we still planned on showing you 100% - meaning youre at the highest possible value.

Thats more of a sidestep of the question though, i still understand that you mean it should be lowered regardless of how its portrayed.

I think your example is a bit of hyperbole, but we understand the concern. We have talked about decreasing this, but without pairing it with a hard resets it provides a lot of favoritism to players who rose in rank before the change.

Some of the reasons these pitches wont work is because the system has been functioning a specific way already. Changing it partially in the middle causes different players to have different rules applied to their MMRs, which leads to even worse matchmaking.


Originally posted by YoloDagger

Why are players entering at 1500? We understand you don't necessarily care about player experience and love to regurgitate how good and close MMR is for matches, but the game is unplayable on controller based input.

Are there any plans to incorporate individual MMR modifiers for extreme cases? For example consistently having abnormally high KDA and being rewarded? I know it takes a tiny bit of effort but it would greatly help with how bad things are.

Pon already answered that question elsewhere in the thread.

No plans to include personal stats as MMR modifiers, even in extreme cases. We encourage you to win, nothing else.

This is a team game and role "performance" is very diverse, any sort of system like this would almost certainly be unfair to certain roles or would be gamed for individual gain and hurt overall match quality.

Also, I dont appreciate your loaded questions stuffed with negativity. Ive seen how you talk on here, and if you want your feedback heard you might want to work on your word choices.


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

Hey, on the topic of matchmaking, do we ever have casual MMR resets of any sort? I had alway thought the answer was no but at the same time larger streamers who are in regular contact with Titan Forge employees always blame casual MMR resets for weird matches at the start of a season when to me it just felt like the effects of the large sudden meta shifts between seasons.

There are no casual MMR or Variance resets. Not for any modes.

Possibly they are just referring to large influxes of players having those effects on them?


Originally posted by Clammyvoice

Is there any way there can at least be a hardcap placed on variance? I started this split at 100% variance. That is not good for matchmaking at all.

First game I was placed around gold players and barely got by. I then got 500+ mmr added on top and got placed into matches with high platinum players. Fortunately I lost that one so it wouldn't shoot me up further. But please put a cap on variance.

Variance is never reset in Normal Modes.

To make for the mathematically best matchmaking possible, Variance shouldnt be reset in ranked either, but we added it due to player feedback and because resetting it does 2 things well.

  1. It makes sure no one is really hard-stuck. When variance resets, you get a huge amount of power to break out from your current rank

  2. It checks players over time. To keep your rank you have to survive through resets. If you slack off or lose your edge, youre going to drop after those resets, and thats likely the right place for you to go.

Even though you "barely held your own" in gold, you did it, and you won, and on your first ranked game?! You definitely deserve to be around or slightly above gold, and the system is doing exactly what its intended to do to find the right spot for you.


Originally posted by XenoVX

I was wondering why is the minimum mmr variance value so low? At 5% variance you’re likely to gain or lose about 20-25 mmr per win or loss. Even if you have a 60% winrate after reaching minimum variance it would take you 50 games just to stably climb 200 mmr (assuming you win 30/20 games with 20 mmr swing each time).

At that point I think the grind to improve just becomes too extreme. I’m glad for the partial variance resets but I think it can still be punishing if you’re unlucky at the start of a new split. Would there design team ever consider setting the minimum variance to a higher value like 10%? It would allow people that deserve to climb a faster way to do so without waiting 2 months for a variance reset, and I don’t think it would change anything for people that are near a 50% winrate overall

SMITE's minimum variance is already generally higher than recommended from most MMR studies, and higher than most games. This was done intentionally because the early leads of SMITE felt that people should never be hard-stuck, even though it was considered mathematically risky at the time.

We have discussed increasing it further, but it comes with a lot of risks of putting people into places they dont belong based on win or loss streaks. It effectively makes it much more likely to create the problems that this thread is claiming exist already.


Originally posted by Admiralsharpie

Pyroks post. It's still on the r/gaming subreddit but for whatever reason it was taken down on this subreddit.

I have no control over whats posted here.

However, that post clearly has a lot of toxic language and personal bias.

We did review that post as well before we replied here, and I don't think the player was correct in their analysis, nor was there much useful information contained within.

Except for "OP hates matchmaking"

which is valid feedback and something we would like to minimize.


Originally posted by Avernuscion


I guess the only other thing I can think of at the moment is maybe when you hit Platinum the game just locks you off from partying up with x2 people in ranked. Most people sort-of know each other around that sort of veterancy bracket by seeing familiar names too. So while people can queue up x2 to try help each other in Bronze -> Gold and for the most part that's accepted, there comes a point where the game says "okay you should more or less be experienced enough now to go it alone for the real deal" as most veterans sort of think about queuing ranked by themselves for more serious competition. Would also give players a sort of goal to get to as well I suppose, hit Platinum and it's like a badge of honour with benefits of more tighter matchmaking algorithms? It'd also keep Masters players happy by sort of staying in that sort of bracket rather than smurfing (and if they did smurf to boost other friends accounts up by duo queue, the matchmaker would quickly suss it out...

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Masters players overwhelmingly wanted duo queue to return.

There is no easy solution to these challenges. There are huge teams of people spending years reviewing data and making tweaks to matchmaking systems and yet every game players complain. Dont put pressure on yourself to find anything perfect right here and now.