

05 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

do you guys do like tests and matches with comms vs no comms constant vgs as far as info and then less vgs going to more so simulate actual games? ive done my fair share of solo Qing and full premades and honestly playing with people you know vs playing with randoms its damn near like playing a different game lol.

Yes we do a variety of both. I might even say that we do a majority of "unorganized" tests.

I feel like a lot of responses are missing all my other points and going right to internal testing. A large takeaway i wanted people to learn from my response is:

No amount of internal testing can perfectly solve this problem. (sure it can improve, though)

Riot or Blizzard have similar issues, even with much larger teams. This is the nature of making subjective, creative products. People are different from eachother.


Originally posted by Skinnney

Thank you for the insightful response to the internal workings of character creation for smite. I can only imagine the difficulties of trying to predict scale-up from internal testing to mass play. My misunderstanding is this, if the internal team plus pro players tested tsukuyomi, how did they not just absolutely steamroll through? From the games I played with people having far less time on the god at release compared to the multi-week testing (I’d imagine) of the internal team absolutely steamrolled our games. At launch, there was not a single game where the tsukuyomi in my games had less than 20 kills (Clash).

I don’t understand how these instances weren’t naturally replicated in internal testing, and if the statement about preventing over-tuned characters is true, why it wasn’t prevented.

Edit: grammar

He was not steamrolling our tests this much. My guesses for why are:

  1. He was dying a lot. He has no true escape so stepping out of position against a coordinated team tended to get him killed.

  2. We worked together as a team more to counter him or peel him.

I also did forget one major point in the main post.

  • We test all new gods at multiple different stages of implementation, and power level (numbers). We had many tests were Tsukuyomi was straight feeding earlier in his development, even with our top junglers like Pon and Khaos playing him, when we tuned him up he started to feel right, but clearly we overdid it and struggled to notice that we overdid it because of our level of coordination in playtests, or because of our memory of earlier iterations of him.

Dangit whyd this have to blow up on saturday and my ONLY day to sleep in each week. Yesterday i was up early and ready to write. Im already quite late to the thread and im watching my son so we gotta keep this one quick, it wont have the time for additional revisions and feedback like ive been doing.

On new god launches, and the design challenges around launching them with the “right” power level and complexity level.

- We do not intentionally ship over-tuned gods. People still like to repeat this because of some older, more vague messaging. New gods are simply hard to estimate their power based on small group internal testing, this is true for a lot of games and for a lot of reasons.

- Tsukuyomi definitely launched stronger than intended.

- The ideal place for a new god to land in winrate stats in our current goals is somewhere near the middle of the pack... say #30 to #60 out of 110 gods. This falls into the place where people are generally stil...

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03 Sep


Originally posted by HiRezAjax


lol, we can never just keep it simple huh? Im obviously not going to reply to any comments in any way that could be considered a spoiler or hint at upcoming gods. so im replying to myself...

Anyway, in the spirit of this week of heavy communication. Here's a few things on new gods, most of this has been stated before, but just a recap:

  • There are still LOTS of awesome gods out there, and we can only make so many. Its impossible to get all of the community suggestions. People in this thread already throwing 3+ gods at once. Maybe try to always think about the one god youde be most excited for? Community will always dream up more "top requested" gods faster than we can make them. Thats ok, just we all need to be aware of it.

  • We always try to do a mixture of community requested gods and "surprise" gods. Expect a similar combination in future gods, as we feel the strategy has been quite successful. We have a huge set of goals to meet with new g...

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02 Sep


Originally posted by SorsEU

This happened to me years ago but I was tyr and it happened when a fenrir tried to ult me. Sadly the vod is long gone.

Did the same thing happen with you? I recall it happened to me when fenrir ulted me, I can't quite remember what I was doing though.


Found another video of someone perma cc immune with fenrir on the other team.

edit: more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV735gQfx4k&feature=emb_logo

again: https://streamable.com/jf086


Tagging /u/hirezajax

I'm 100% certain it...

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Not much i can do about this unless you have more recent proof of it occurring.

These videos are all too old, and with no recent reports, its safe to assume its fixed.


Originally posted by SelfDefeat

Any plans to enable adventures for private matches? Would love to 1v1v1 medusa's deathmatch with my friends.

not at the moment, each map we add to the game would increase The games total file size and update sizes, this could quickly grow out of control if we wanted to support all of them forever.

Its also a lot of work on upkeep, bug fixing, and etc for small amounts of custom games.


Originally posted by GreatAres271

I'm really surprised Deathmatch is Low Tier, I thought most people liked Medusa's Deathmatch

its a very tryhard mode, I think it alienated a lot of players


Originally posted by kamicorp

Ajax, any plans for improving siege? I really like the mode but there were barely any changes in the last few years, also most of the community apparently hates it...

The playerbase for Siege is up since the queue time change and has stayed up, but its still the least popular / least played mode. Nothing else to say about it at this point in time.


Originally posted by _Share

Mr. Hirez, I am begging you here, PLEASE release Herc adventure 3. Never in my life have I ever wanted anything so desperately. My mind is plagued with memories of playing Herc adventure 1. I would do anything to go back in time to play it again, as well as Herc adventure 2. Every night I dream of the day that Herc adventure 3 comes out. I yearn for it. It's all I want in life, and I will keep bugging Olympian Savvysaur until we finally succeed at bringing back the best gamemode Smite has ever released in the entirety of it's lifespan.

Herc adventure 2 was released 2 seasons ago, and the Smite team has done nothing but continue to impress the player base with their incredible art design and gameplay mechanics. I have no doubt that Herc Adventure 3 will become the most popular mode in SMITEgame for quite some time, and will provide SMITE players the best experience they could ever ask for. It would unite the player-base too. PS4 players, Xbox players, PC players, Arena mains...

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Passionate response... but, sorry, no plans for that atm.


Originally posted by stillwontstop

Thanks for the insight, still hope some day we get to play again in the second joust map (which was miles better than classic joust).

Classic Joust seems more popular than S3 Joust, but to each their own i guess haha. I do think all 3 Jousts are strong maps and have unique pros and cons. All 3 Jousts are more fun than Domination thats for sure lol. (i might be a biased tho)


Originally posted by Krypticore

Thanks for the insight, it's a shame the adventure maps and ones like xing tian / fafnirs etc dont do so well because theyre definitely a blast- think theres any chance that they'll ever return?

Those are easier to design and bring back than the big dungeons, but the Heimdallr one was quite a lot of work and didnt have very compelling results. No plans for them atm, we are 100% focused on Conquest


Originally posted by SultanSword

Are you saying Smite car wasn't popular?

it was not


This mode, by nearly every single measurable metric, was one of the least played adventures. If I was going to put them into "tiers" based on actual time spent playing the modes and unique players the modes attracted it would looks something like this:

Top Tier

  • Big RPG Dungeons (Herc, Loki)

Mid Tier

  • Corrupted Arena (and similar variations)

  • Classic Joust

Low Tier

  • Horde Mode (Da Ji's adventure)

  • Racer

  • Domination

  • Deathmatch

  • Short RPGs (Xing Tians, Fafnirs, Heimdallrs)

  • Capture the Flag

Currently, we don't plan on bringing any of these back as full-time game modes because all of them had very bad retention. Meaning that lots of players played them on day 1 or 2, but they were quite often the least popular modes in the game by the end of the month (yes, even the high tier ones had t...

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Fun Fact:

Amaterasu's recall animation is roughly inspired by the "Praise the Sun" emote

Both me and the animator who worked on it are huge souls fans

I can't comment on any crossovers likelihood or not, though


Originally posted by Rocketgurk

Just because I already recorded this stuff and maybe to visualize everything a little better:

Shifting the targeter by walking

Comparison of both abilities:

Yemoja is a liar, Sun Wukong isn't

Thank you for looking at my post.

I do have a question, is this the best way to report bugs ? The Trello Board still lists the Forum as another option. Which one is preferred?

Reddit/twitter is usually best


Originally posted by Rocketgurk

Okay! I think I found an answer.

So I just found out that moving forward or backward slightly shifts your camera into the opposite direction. If you stop, it returns to its original position. This affects your targeter.

Maybe an engine quirk? As the ability outlines are always attached to the god but the camera + targeter is basically behaving like it's affected by the force of the acceleration.

I recreated a similar behaviour like Yemojas riptide problem with Sun Wukongs 72 Transformations.

Both of these abilities are affected by the slight shift of the camera, which also moves your targeter.

The difference is that Sun Wukong doesn't "lie" to you.

Even if you placed the targeter at the edge between transformations, while standing still and shift it by walking forward or backwards, it will always tell you the truth about which transformation you will turn into.

Yemojas targeter on the ...

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haha fair enough, thanks for the exceedingly detailed report!


Originally posted by Rocketgurk

EDIT: it might be possible to make it so the "portal doesnt lie to you" but it is likely occurring due to the reasoning i provided and might not be possible to fix unless you'de prefer a quickly flickering blue/orange targeter. Sorry I could have been more specific and thanks to OP for adding the more specific comment.

I tested some more and the occurence is definitely easily replicable in jungle practice.

I also tried creating an orange portal that behaved like a blue one (so the the whole thing reversed), but I was unable to.

EDIT: I was wrong, I am now able to replicate this by moving backwards instead of forward.

I am sure that it has something to do with moving while creating a portal. As I was unable to recreate the occurence while standing still.

OH! i forgot sometimes things exactly like this behave differently on jungle practice than in online games, due to additional server...

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gotcha, thanks for the extra testing.

01 Sep


Originally posted by Skittlekirby

for what it's worth, I know that on the assault map with the icy, bright blue floor it creates its own problems. The Depths and Cyber Scylla skins are especially bad on that map with their crushes, as well as things like the ice on Skadi's Korra skin (and base skin to an extent).

we are planning some lighting changes to that map like we recently did with Arena and Conquest that make the Assault floor a little darker, which should help this.


tbh I don't think I would consider this a bug, nor would I know how to fix it.

This is kind of a staple of video games, if you hover a character or an attack right on the edge of 2 different states, a few things are going to happen.

  • the character/attack is going to quickly alternate between either state

  • the character/attack is going to pick one state and dead-zone or time-lock you out of the other state

We intentionally chose to go with option 1 so players have more control, but can get in a state where the game essentially tries to check state A or B every frame (60 times a second) - which can result in it changing on you.

So... just pick a side more decisively?

EDIT: it might be possible to make it so the "portal doesnt lie to you" but it is likely occurring due to the reasoning i provided and might not be possible to fix unless you'de prefer a quickly flickering blue/orange targeter. Sorry I could have ...

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