

26 Jul


Originally posted by Prixm

This whole comment section and subreddit is so filled with so many bad opinions from players that are getting rekt by the better player, not because of the "op ability" or the "op rogue" its actually scary, I hope devs never listen to this subreddit, ever. Phantom is probably the most balanced Rogue right now and she will be vital in ranked, if you nerf her, she will never be played because her kit will be useless compared to the other Rogues because she wont provide anything to the team if she cant pick people off, bad players just dont understand how to play against her and keep challenging her on long ranges and even taking peaks at her when she is peaking you, she is in a good spot, dont listen to lesser players that have no clue how to play the game.

Hey Prixm, while I can very much understand the perspective no opinions are bad. Everyone comes from a different perspective and we do welcome those thoughts regardless of feasibility, accuracy, or motive. I'll always try and correct accuracy but if folks don't disagree, that's ok.

Part of what I do here is dial in on constructive feedback the team may be interested in and identify what is perception vs rooted in reality. We pair feedback with data to give us good picture of where a particular feature/bug/idea is at and the team makes a decision based on that.


If you are currently using a 240hz monitor, yes the game does cap at 150.

Please note the current FPS setting is meant to prevent overheating of your GPU when on higher visibility screens such as the Rogue select. If you modify your ini files, you do so at your own risk and I recommend you not to leave the game unattended or play for significantly long periods.


Right now we've got a pretty high number of folks playing the game so login queues may happen today. We apologize and hope to have things improved soon.


Hey Rogues! First of all for those of you who are both joining the Closed Beta and the subreddit welcome! This sub was a meager 2k a week ago so we're so excited everyone is here.

For those of you reporting Matchmaker, Rewards, and Login issues we hear you! Even more of you are playing and unfortunately we're continuing to make adjustments to compensate. This means you may experience some instability in these regards and potentially downtime in more extreme circumstances. We'll let you guys know as far in advance as we can.

Finally, we're looking for your thoughts on the balance of Phantom so please share any that you have.

Again thank you to everyone for being so patient and sharing your thoughts, videos, cosplay, art, and appreciation. It means the world...

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Originally posted by Meng_Hao9

Like other comments have stated, this is mostly a psychological issue. I agree bomb time could be reduced, but only slightly by like 10% at most. But the issue people have with bomb not blowing up while being defused is only due to their previous experience with these ge modes and it actually makes no difference to the bomb timer.

I personally believe this is a large contributing factor. Again the team is 100% open to feedback on this, but I'd personally like to provide them a deeper reasoning than "Well in X game..."


Originally posted by wahoos22

unfortunately, it just doesn’t make sense for the timer to pause while being defused

Could you elaborate on why?


Originally posted by CameronKane93

Hi, just bought the standard founder. Says I should have the extra rogues unlocked but I’m stuck with the standard few? Is there some delay or a code or something?

There can yes. If you haven't received in the next few hours, please contact Support: https://www.hirezstudios.com/support/


Originally posted by Drakem876

Thank you !

Hey there! Apologies it took a minute but I wanted to review the data in our system before responding. I looked through the match results and what actually happened here was the match crashed and you were given the results of your previous match.

Clearly not the way we want this situation to resolve should a match crash but no score switching should happen.


Originally posted by Hazzroh

Totally agree. It make defending the bomb an utter nightmare. Being last alive. Trying to delay only to have the enemy get the defuse with no timer left so to speak.

Hey folks! Appreciate you bringing this topic up because it did come in Alpha a few times.

Remember we are in Closed Beta and the team is absolutely open to your feedback. If you aren't happy with how the timer mechanics work, let us know why!


Thanks for asking this. Framerate cap warnings aren't necessarily something listed in minimum specs to play a game and while looking I frankly couldn't find an instance where someone had done it before (even the game you mention it's not openly stated on the Steam store page).

The 150 FPS cap is the default provided by the engine in order to help support 144hz monitors. Additionally this is to prevent any potential overheating of a GPU should players remain (go AFK) on something graphically intensive such as the Rogue select screen.

At this time we're not comfortable removing this cap to ensure folks have an optimal and safe performance.


You have a good setup so you should be able to run Rogue Company with fairly high settings. Nothing else in the background like a number of browser windows (I regularly fail at this), other games updating in Steam, other downloads, or anything else?


Unbelievable throw....


Reddit Rogues, tomorrow July 26th at 8:00 AM (12:00 UTC) the servers will come offline for a brief maintenance. We're anticipating downtime to be less than 2 hours.

The goal of this maintenance is to make some server improvements to increase performance and address some of the issues you've reported this weekend.

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This looks amazing! Tell her "great job!"

25 Jul


Currently we do not support keyboard and mouse on the PlayStation 4. This is something the team is very interested in doing but is a future feature.


Originally posted by Kaeptn_Iglu

Hey sorry If this maybe Bothers you but as my Bug Reports Always Seem unseen i Just wanted to ask If we will get a Match rejoining system on Switch. But maybe i am doing something wrong. So have a good day and keep Up the good work :)

Thanks for asking! Switch should have match rejoin, however we're seeing some issues on the server side which may be impacted that.


Originally posted by GyetSchwifty

Can you stop avoiding the issue people are talking about with the join notification and getting booted back to the main menu? I’ve been trying to find a match for an hour now and nothing, it was happening yesterday and it’s gotten progressively worse, I’ve spent as much time getting booted bc of this bug as I have actually played the game. PLEASE MAKE A STATEMENT ABOUT THIS SPECIFICALLY I KNOW YOU SEE THIS.

Hi there! We're not avoiding the issue you are discussing.

This is exactly what i'm referring to when I say "match making issues." To be very clear this is not a bug, it's related directly to these issues and we hope to have it fixed soon.


Originally posted by Blego420

I’m getting the same error code “unable to connect to server (code 1,000,018,808) It’s been going on for 3 days I couldn’t even accept the terms and conditions :( idk what’s going on

We've seen this report from so folks recently. Could you ensure you have no VPN running and your anti-virus is not flagging Rogue Company for anything nefarious?


Originally posted by xXCBRYC3Xx

It would be nice if the hirez team read the bugs list on r/RogueCompanySwitch

We are huge fans of the fact Switch players want a subreddit but in terms of bugs, we really need those put here where the team is reviewing them.