

25 Jul


Originally posted by RazeULikeaPhoenix

from best to worst maps I'd say

Windward,Skyfell and Favelas are my favorite maps and Icarus,Canals and Factory being my least favorites.

I LOVE the brightness and the nice green+blue and sunshine of the the former and I despise the kinda orange,brown gloom of the latter especially Factory imo which is just so boring. No big Zipline play, no interactables like Favela,no way to go "middle" instead of left or right. theres ONLY either left or right plays. Worst of all though theres just not a whole lot of color just brown, brown and more brown eugh. Maybe the map could be redeemed if there was like a Sandstorm mechanic added where every few minutes a sandstorm would kick up and limit vision or something but right now I cant say I care at all for that map. It reminds me a lot of all the brown and bloom shooters that completely invaded and took over the market for the past few years (and it took Fortnite+Overwatch to remind people that bright colors and goofyness can b...

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Really appreciate your detail in this!


Hey Reddit Rogues! There are tons of you in the game today which is incredibly exciting, however we're unfortunately seeing some issues as a result. Intermittently throughout the day you may notice delayed matchmaking, login issues, slow fulfillment of rewards such as experience/reputation, and contract fulfillment. Rest assured no data is lost, it will just be delayed.

We have members of our technical group working tirelessly to tackle these issues and they are one of our top priorities. Thank you again for all your reports, feedback, and most of all patience!

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Originally posted by Avagamin

Are you aware your MM is putting 5 players on a team vs 3, its literally not able to make the teams right. Ive had games today were I was on a team with 5. While the other was 3. Its bad enough some folks drop during loading, but it worse when your MM coding is literally tanking the game into a 5v3.

Howdy! Actually there is a UI bug which puts a member of the opposing team on your team in the UI. It's completely visual and an issue we are addressing in a upcoming update/hotfix.


This is going to be fixed (along with a few other exploits) very very soon.


This is the result of a slowedown some of our services experienced during very high usage last night. Basically you got full credit for what you did during this time, but it took a little time to credit so your contract just updated when you logged in.


Thanks for bringing this topic up! In terms of camping this is something the team obviously doesn't want to happen so as we continue through the Closed Beta more changes could be coming.

For Strikeout specifically, the team is currently experimenting internally with bleedout rates, spawn locations in relation to enemies, and spawn immunity. Assuming those experiments yield the results the team wants, we'll share more as things progress and we get closer to a game update which would include them.


Really glad you are enjoying the mode! Any particular map stand out as your favorite?


I'm personally incredibly excited so many of you have arrived to the subreddit as this is something we've been wanting to ramp up for awhile. We're going to keep engaging here as much as we can and seeing what great ideas and feedback you have.


We shared this around the office and i was surprised someone was cosplaying one of our characters already but you nailed it!


Originally posted by ImPhazz

Played for a few hours and only saw one bump in reputation at the ass end of my session. Was a little salty since I’m trying to unlock the sniper chick. Sure hope I’ll have over 10k when I get on today.

I personally logged in to 3.5k Reputation today so I think this should be the case. The only downside I think you'll see is it will complete multiple contracts but you can only refresh one at a time.


Reddit Rogues! Thanks for reporting your experiences with progression not showing on your accounts. Our technical team is doing on going investigations into the issue and making adjustments to ensure grants of these items return to normal.

Please note that whatever you earned should not have disappeared. There is a delay between earning experience/reputation, completing contracts, and other various statistics to when you receive them. We believe this data should update naturally to your account very soon.

Please do share any other concerns around this you have!

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Please DM me your in game name and we'll verify some information.


Thanks for bringing this up! We do have some issues right now with fulfillment that technical folks are trying to resolve. If you've put in a ticket, we haven't forgotten about you.


Thanks for sharing your experience! It sucks that you are running into those issues and I assure you we run into the same frustrations when we're playing. Right now we are in fact doing a closed beta so there are going to be issues as we expand our infrastructure. We've made some strides this week with a lot of upgrades and code changes but we're just getting started.

We hope things in a much better spot for you soon.


Hey there! Unfortunately we definitely are having some fulfillment issues with folks that the team is actively tackling. Putting in a ticket is the right call and we hope to have more information for you soon!


Thanks for bringing this up! Right now we're noticing some delays in granting Reputation and experience for some players. Rest assured you will receive it, it just make take a little while.


Hi KankRage, did you by chance link your accounts recently?


Originally posted by Etuan-Grummy

All the menus are f**ked and the voicechat works 5% of the time. Did ya fix that?

Could you elaborate on these issues?