

12 Aug


Originally posted by HjartaLoL

Very interesting issue. We're currently investigating!

Fixed - This should no longer happen.


Very interesting issue. We're currently investigating!

30 Jul


Originally posted by HjartaLoL

Thank you so much for the information.

If there's one more thing I could ask you to do, could you send me that game's r3dlogs? It's a small sized text document.

You can find it in this directory: "Computer -> Local Disk -> Riot Games -> League of Legends -> Logs -> Game Logs -> The folder with the same day and time of the game you played -> A log with the same day and time you played that game as the title.

Example: https://imgur.com/a/Yg6c16T

Thanks again!

The folder / log title will have the time and day it was created (which is usually when you played the game, or ended the game).


Originally posted by coralis834

IIRC the ram and the hauntling always have unit collision when they other 3 don't at all

Thank you so much for the information.

If there's one more thing I could ask you to do, could you send me that game's r3dlogs? It's a small sized text document.

You can find it in this directory: "Computer -> Local Disk -> Riot Games -> League of Legends -> Logs -> Game Logs -> The folder with the same day and time of the game you played -> A log with the same day and time you played that game as the title.

Example: https://imgur.com/a/Yg6c16T

Thanks again!

29 Jul


Originally posted by coralis834

Yeah no problem Me(GP) getting blocked by the ram

My teammate (Urgot) glitching out from being blocked by the hauntling

So I just played a game with only moledivers and the bird thing, and there was no unit collision on those, so I think the unit collision is only on the ram thing and the hauntling.

A question if you could help us out:

1) Were these little legends blocking from the start of that game and just always blocked/had collision throughout the entirety of it?


2) The little legends randomly had collision sometimes, and sometimes not throughout the game.

28 Jul


Originally posted by coralis834

Yeah no problem Me(GP) getting blocked by the ram

My teammate (Urgot) glitching out from being blocked by the hauntling

So I just played a game with only moledivers and the bird thing, and there was no unit collision on those, so I think the unit collision is only on the ram thing and the hauntling.

Fantastic. Thank you so much for the clips. This will help us a ton figuring out the issue!


Originally posted by coralis834

I know this was 13 days ago, but I play a lot of aram, and I just played a game where I got body blocked several times by LL and even tested it by trying to walk around them and they redirected my path and made me do that thing where my model just spins around in circles because it can't find a path

Do you have any clips or video you could send my way? It could potentially help us figure it out.

26 Jul


Heya. Can ya'll share videos of this happening to you if you have it recorded? Seeing this happen on screen could help us reliably reproduce, and therefore fix, this issue. It's a tricky one.

Can pm me or link or reply to my comment.

17 Jul


Originally posted by Bro_miscuous

What if you make the setting that disables dragonflies and ducks in Summoner's Rift also disable LL?

Wish it worked like that, if it did we had already done it.

16 Jul


Our navigational grid, especially with some height, doesn't really behave well at times. We tried to fix this before but it is very difficult with our current navigational grid tech. We're working on some tech that will make this not happen, but it might take a few patches.

Sorry for the inconvenience! As u/eljayem_ said, clicking past it and pressing S when you're in the right position lets you circumvent this.


Seems like you are really bad at being really good at being really bad at new champions.

P.S Great content, was thoroughly entertained :)

14 Jul


Hey all.

I'm a bit late to the thread here but wanted to provide some insight into LL on ARAM and answer some of the questions and concerns here.

1) Poro Icons No Longer Working in ARAM - This was disabled a few patches after 8.24 snowdown, and do not have anything to do with little legends arriving.See Riot Mort's tweet about snowdown. If you have somehow had access to these little poros recently, that's most likely a bug and in that case please let me know.

2) Little Legends Do Not Block - We have had a game design function tag on all little legends on ARAM since...

Read more

09 Jul


Originally posted by LordRalphNader

Thank you for listening and making this game a blast to play. I haven't felt this way about a game since the WC3 days.

Thanks for playing friend. We'll make it even better in the future!


Hey all - This is PBE. PBE does not have the changes, hence duplication is expected to happen.

Why doesn't it have the changes? 9.14 is running on some different code for that system in particular, making our MP incompatible with 9.14.

Edit* MP = Micropatch.


Originally posted by TheLastOmishi

Just saw someone in the pbe with ~20 chars on the board and each of them had 3 BF swords... No idea how they did it.

PBE does not have the micropatch change as 9.14 is running on different code for the system we're micropatching meaning that the MP is not compatible with PBE atm.

08 Jul


OK - Some people have been real creative in duplicating the items in another way than the one we initially fixed.

We've deployed another micropatch to fix the other forms of duplication.

We're hoping this fixes everything, but we will be doing some scouting to see if it still occurs. It'd be superhelpful if you see this or know of any further / different ways to repro this.

We know that this is happening for a while and we're doing our best to fix this as soon as possible, with the least possible risk to TFT on live. Thanks everyone for the patience.

06 Jul


The fix we had was only in regards to trait items which was the only dup issue we saw before. This might be a whole other beast.

If anyone sees this in their games or manages to do it themselves, please let me know (super helpful with clear steps how you did it, and a clip if possible).


Hey everyone.

Thanks to all the devs that helped figure this out this late in the evening, we have micropatched a fix to live!

Please note that we also added an extra layer of difficulty for making this even possible: If you place a x-trait item to x-trait champion more than three times, the champion will equip the item. This is to make it harder to even attempt the duplication on top of our fix.

I'd love to explain further why this happens, but since it's an exploit and giving information out could be used nefariously. Sorry to any curious minds out there.

Thanks for the patience ya'll.

P.S: If you ever see anyone pull this off again, please let me know!

04 Jul


Originally posted by RaccoonDu

Can't the 3 champ's be coded with an if then and else format? If X is a LL, then they can't jump to them, else, they can? Of course it's not as simple as that, but along those lines? I would hate for the interaction to be disabled, and I'm not a great coder by any means, but maybe this can be on the right track?

That's somewhat similar to what we first tried at first in the sense we tried to add exclusion statements, but Katarina is magnitudes more complex than Lee sin and Jax for that exclusionary functionality to work. Unfortunately, if we were to give her this exclusionary statement, her E actually searches for the nearest target, and if it is a LL, the would not fire at all but this also consumes the spell entirely without anything actually happening. That we can't fix without massive changes to how Katarina works, which is extremely risky to micropatch without testing and preparation.

We decided that the best way to fix this temporarily with the minimal amount of risk was to disable the useable tag.

03 Jul


Originally posted by xadamxk

Well that’s actually a pretty cool summary. Thanks for the more technical explanation.

Glad you liked it!