

21 Jul


Originally posted by HjartaLoL

We're actively fixing this at the moment - This is a Battlepass specific issue, not your app being the wrong version. Should hopefully be working real soon.

If you see your missions in the mission panel, it should still be counting the XP towards the pass.

Should be up now!


We're actively fixing this at the moment - This is a Battlepass specific issue, not your app being the wrong version. Should hopefully be working real soon.

If you see your missions in the mission panel, it should still be counting the XP towards the pass.

02 Jul


Originally posted by Itsalongwaydown

genuine question, does the client team the tft team, or the bug department fix this? I guess it doesn't really matter just interested to know what all the tft team oversees in terms of functions

Would depend on what the root cause is/what is needed to fix it, but I think in this case it'd likely be us, the TFT team, that would fix this.

We don't have a "bug department" per se, each game team has their own dedicated QA

01 Jul



21 Jun


Originally posted by SlothsFromHoth

Nope still not working. I waited till 70 gold this time just to be sure.

Appreciate the confirmation! Thank you!


Originally posted by SlothsFromHoth

Yeah I've done this about 8 times now and it's pretty much just consistently wasting my time.

I've relogged, done everything that need to be done but still havent passed the mission.

My server is NA

The time I did it today (June 21st) 6:00pm EST

I'm playing on a Mac. Please fix this asap.

Next time you play, can you see if you had 50g or more at the start of your shopping phase? If you did, and it still doesn't work, I'll have to get some logs for this.

We're trying our best to figure this out but we haven't found a smoking gun yet, and the inconsistency of outcomes makes it even harder to track down. Most people finish it fine, some people some of the time don't -> Hard to find a clear repo, hence root cause.


Originally posted by confused_turtle69

Hey i am having the same issue mate i play on #NA1 and my IGN is GTXSCAR789 i played TFT for the past 2 and a half hours and I got 50 gold on multiple occasions and i havent gotten anything, i am complete on the right side of the missions but on the left im stuck on the verdant one

Hey Confused turtle! Can you DM me your game logs from the game that you didn't have it completed?

Also, the next time you play, can you hold your 50 gold until at the start of the shopping phase and see if it completes at all for you?


Originally posted by Calithral

I’ve done this mission multiple times and the mission says it’s still active. IGN:Houske Region:NA

I'll need you to manually send the logs to me. If you go to where the "Riot Games" folder is, you'll see a folder called "Logs" In that folder is another folder galled "Game Logs"

If you can find the logs that correspond to your game where you should've gotten the mission completed and put it on google drive and send me the link in a DM it'd be highly appreciated.

Within the Game Logs folder there are multiple folders all by date and time - I'd need the entire folder with the game you had this happen!

17 Jun


Originally posted by Castelluna

Tried doing this mission yesterday twice, relogged multiple times but still having issues with completion.

Also, what region you in?


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

omg i got it! thanks!! i was playing on PC

i guess there is a big delay in getting it in my game. so i have to wait for i receive the reward and start next missions

Glad to hear it worked for you!

Yeah, there's been some weirdness around missions delaying lately that we're trying to get to the root of.


Originally posted by Castelluna

Tried doing this mission yesterday twice, relogged multiple times but still having issues with completion.

Damn, okay.

Do you know exactly the time when you played/had this happen so I can guide you to grab those logs to send on over to us?

If not, if you run into this issue again please note the time you were playing and send me a message so I can get some logs from you.

Mobile or PC?


Originally posted by Prestigious_Tangelo8

I relogged but it did not give me the mission still. This happened yesterday

If it happens again for you, please send me a message as I'd like to get some logs from you to help us trouble shoot.

Sorry to hear that it didn't complete on relog, we're looking into it currently

Edit: PC or Mobile?


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

please tell me what am i doing wrong.
1. Image 1 - here i have 60 gold and a 2 star Kled

  1. Image 2 - here i have 50 gold and a 2 star Kled

  2. Image 3 - here i have 59 gold and i sold the 2 star Kled

why the missions are not completing? something wrong in the way am i understanding it (english is not my first language) shall i check after 1 hour or so?

That mission should definitely be completing in this case, you're not misunderstanding.

After your next game with 50g or more, can you relog and see if the mission completes for you?

Are you on PC or Mobile?


The two missions that are up simultaneously should be completable at the same time.

We've had some mission completion issues today and yesterday. Usually relogging fixes this (make sure it's a min after the game) as it fetches new mission data for your account.

Please let me know if you're sure you finished the mission, and that doesn't actually trigger it!


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

i know u feel feel like i am dumb but i am telling truth. i did this

okay what to do, i will try again

Also, after the game finishes, give it a minute and then relog to fetch fresh mission data. That usually does it, we've been having some weirdness around mission completion yesterday and today. Let me know if that doesn't work!


Hey friends, missions have been completing a bit weirdly on and off yesterday and today. If the mission hasn't completed a few minutes after the game has ended you should relog.

What relogging does is forcefully get the mission data, so it should show up as completed at that point.

Sorry for the inconvenience. If you do not have this get completed after relogging, please let me know!

25 May


Originally posted by Zanakii

I find it funny, does everyone see this or just the winner?


24 May


We haven't been able to fix this yet, but if you were curious why this happens, it is because you're moving to your actual board (which moves the camera) while the victory camera is starting, resulting in absolute camera chaos.

28 Apr


Originally posted by myf_8

iOS, thanks for the clarify, didn’t even hope I’ll get a reply ;)

Ofc no problem :)


Originally posted by myf_8

Mobile still not up for purchase (

Ah, my bad I should've specified that's for PC.

For IOS, we're currently having an issue with store items, see here: https://twitter.com/RiotSupport/status/1387460987570192387

Are you on android or ios?