

17 Mar


Originally posted by Azecap

And are there going to be weird prerequisites like having to be the OT or can we rename our traded Tem?

You'll be able to rename both tems with and without your OT :)


Originally posted by LeGeND_10_

They have said renaming will be in Cipanku which is due to come out end of March early April. Dont believe they have said if it will be available when the island launches or we have to wait for some updates.

It'll be available right as it launches, once you reach a certain city.


wholesome... <3

12 Mar


Originally posted by adanakmusic

Ahaha okay yeah I knew they were. Jumped the gun with the question. I hear you comment on VGC and I get too antsy about possible Crema's tourney rules! xD

haha it's okay! We'll see about that too, when the time comes :))


Originally posted by adanakmusic

Tsukki my love. Wobbles here, does that mean seasons might ban top tier tems like pokémon does for VGC tourneys?!

the what might what? haha all I know is that some community peeps are working on an specifically competitive subreddit for Temtem, it's community-run, and official tourneys are still some time away!


Originally posted by Kxr1der

Totally not related to the quality of this post... But is there an r/vgc or r/stunfisk equivalent for temtem by any chance?

I've heard it's being worked on! :D

08 Mar


Hello hello hello!
Game Director YaW is at it once again with a feedback thread, this time on Achievements/Trophies. Before we close the design and start implementing them, we want to reap some cool ideas from the community.

What achievements do you think would be cool or fun to see in Temtem? Bonus points if you can think of a witty a title for them, too!

Drop your ideas on our forums ...

Read more External link →

04 Mar

03 Mar


Originally posted by TheRealThinShadowy

We all know what everyone is gonna ask him

you mean that thing that none of us know for sure yet? hehe


Please remember that the actual AMA is happening over at r/IAmA, so head there to ask your questions! And remember to be respectful and play nice :)


Please note that the actual AMA is happening over on r/IAmA, so please head over there to ask your questions. And remember to be nice and respectful!

02 Mar


Hello Tamers! In case you hadn't heard on our Twitter, Damián Sánchez, the music composer of the Temtem team, dropped by r/IAmA today, 8:30 am UTC / 11:30 pm PST, to answer as many questions as he could: ...

Read more External link →

25 Feb


get in the robot, Shinji

19 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


oh wow


Originally posted by hardstuckbabe

I mean... I did try that. It's amazing how the devs of the game downtalk people who buy their game and don't help them. Clearly saying it's not working, it's not my fault. just trying to get help.

I've been trying to help you all along, I just can't make the forum confirmation mails suddenly work nor am I a QA tech. I'm just pointing you in the right direction to report this so you can get help, and explaining a common occurrence with the forums and how to bypass it. I don't think I've been rude to you at any point.


Originally posted by hardstuckbabe

I understand its not your website but how can I get help then? I tried Discord but Devs don't actually respond or seem to look at messages and I'm not gonna make a new email just for help with a game..

Funny how I can't report a bug because of a bug.

Devs respond and look at messages when they can (hello), but the Discord is pretty fast paced and the QA team cannot check your logs unless you send them. Please try creating a new account again.


Originally posted by hardstuckbabe

I tried making an account to post there but your website won't send my email a verification. So I can't make a post. It would kinda be nice if I could get help with a bug somewhere.

Try again or with another mail! The forum is not ours and sometimes does that ugly stuff, sorry!!