

02 Dec


Originally posted by Enby-Adams

We've never encouraged alts

I am sorry Tsukki but I find this very disingenuous. I am looking at a Discord message from you saying "Twice the accounts means twice the fun, twice the tateru". I bought my 1st account on steam, then clarified on the official Temtem Discord that a 2nd one wasn't against ToS. Please don't say this was something Creama staff tried to dissuade customers from doing.

A second steam key wont really help me. Is the only way I will be able to preserve my 2nd account really with a second steam account/second computer? I am struggling to see a way in which this wont functionally delete my 2nd.

I've answered to you on the Discord server as well, but a joke I made 8 months ago about something that was already being talked about doesn't equal an official push to get alts and play that way. I joke about people being mean and that doesn't mean I encourage it.
Discord wasn't "the place for alts" for us, it was just another platform and one we didn't think we'd end up losing. Playing on more than one platform is indeed not against ToS, or people who got the game on PS5 after having it on Steam would be in trouble. People play on two platforms for more reasons than having an alt.
If I had the gift of clairvoyance I would not have made that joke, but I don't, and this couldn't be prevented either. We're trying to minimize the losses caused by this.
Switching from one account to the other is always available with one computer, even with two Steam accounts. Your 2nd account will be there anytime, you're not losing anything you've played for.


Originally posted by SevenSeasAgo

This is going to have a major impact on players that have alt accounts. I know some people only had alt accounts for things like additional radars, but for myself and quite a few other players, we used alt accounts to compensate for things that weren’t being addressed in the game.

Some of the more notable ones being additional storage and the clan caps. Additional storage has been requested time and time again. There’s not enough space to store Tems. We need a place to keep finished Tems, breeding projects, SVs, lumas. We don’t have enough room and still have no way to get more. With clans, my clan is big enough that anyone else that wants to join us has to join a clan owned by my alt and ran by the alts of my mods.

Just saying “sorry, but alts weren’t technically supported” feels like a real kick in the shins to the players that loved the game so much that they were will to buy it twice. A simple fix would be to put the game on another launching system, such as Epi...

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Hi! I already answered on the Discord server but I'm going to answer here now so the info is available on most places:
Storage size is a technical issue, not us not wanting to just grant it. There's a lot of data associated with each them, and limited size in our server (which also costs money). Also, you can still have two steam accounts and double the temdeck and club size.
We've never encouraged alts, and Discord was a platform for us like every other platform. There are other platforms now and there will be more in the future, so the thing with the clan size can still be the same. You could also delegate the new clubs on other friends of yours instead of on your alts, as I know other clubs do.

In short, this sucks for us too, and if we had known 2 years ago that this was the way it was going to go, we probably would've never stepped into Discord at all. Sorry for the inconveniences.


Hi Tamers! This one's for the Discord players of Temtem. If you're a PS5 or Steam user, this does not affect you at all and you can keep enjoying your Temtem adventure.

We recently got news from Discord that they've made the decision to deprecate the Store channel functionality and the ability to sell SKUs through Discord. The change will take place in March 1st, 2022. This means that you will not be able to purchase Temtem through Discord past that date, and that the Store channel will be deactivated.

While Discord was a great chance to distribute Temtem in its earliest stages, and we've enjoyed a very long run with it, this decision raises concern, as we cannot be sure how long support for the games will be provided, and could potentially complicate t...

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30 Nov


Originally posted by AngrySayian

"We are not upset about delayed new content. We want more communication. We want to know that you're listening to us about how grindy this game is, how expensive in-game items are, how weekly/daily tasks are not fun but time-demanding. There has been no communication from you guys that just says "we hear you and we want to make it better". That is why this game is losing its playerbase."

This in of itself is a great way to look at how we want developers to feel about any game we like.


Silence, is always expected, and in some cases understood from the developers of a game. Because they are afraid to say anything that may end up not coming true, or need to backtrack on and delay it to work on other things that have cropped up.

Yes, it didn't help that a pandemic threw a giant wrench in everything. Silence in the face of that falls into the understood area. We as the gaming community learned fast that it would m...

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haha I actually liked your answer a lot from someone who's named AngrySaiyan.
I've covered some of this in other comments and I don't wanna be a broken record, so I'll skip to the concrete ideas you mention at the bottom.
When we share stuff on Twitter or Facebook there's always the implied info that this is something the team has achieved or finished and that we're showing progress on the new island. If you think we should explicitly include that, do say so. In the last few months we've shared VFX, tems, music and clothing, which usually serve as a pointer of which parts of the update are already complete. But if we need to be clearer about it, I can try.
Q&As are spiky because people always want the design team, and the design team cannot stop to breathe right now, and even if they could, most of the questions would be answered with "we still haven't properly delimited that/we can't currently talk about that". We've held Q&As in the past and I'd love to have more, ...

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Originally posted by MrMimeLover

Hi Tsukki, thank you for responding to my post. A couple of things I want to clarify if it wasn't already obvious in my original message: We understand that this is Crema's job and livelihoods on the line. We do. But, that said, when playing a game, we are not thinking about that. We are thinking about how much fun we're having, if/when we want to play again, if we want to introduce our friends to it. Unfortunately, I think most of any game's playerbase isn't thinking about the devs' livelihoods and forcing ourselves to play a game that we're not enjoying just for that purpose.

I understand that comes off harsh, and I don't mean it to, its just how humans work I guess. But back to my original post, I think me and the people agreeing with me aren't upset about not getting a bunch of content out. That's not the issue. The issue is the feeling of being ignored by the dev team about CURRENT problems with the game, and FUTURE information as well. Let's say, hypothetically, the ~...

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You bring up a good point that gamers don't exactly think about devs' lives when they play, but we do have lives nonetheless haha And by no means should you ever force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy. Temtem gets so many changes and updates, and has so much room for development, that we actually recommend taking breaks and coming back when we've had time to fix some of the current issues it might present.
As I think I mentioned in either my reply to you or someone else's, we do answer concerns when they reach us and if we can. But I think that when these threads come up, the reactions to concerns being addressed are portrayed in a very euphemistic and utopian way. Sometimes you guys ask us about current problems that have solutions in the future, but it's stuff that isn't even designed or planned yet, and when we say "yeah, we're thinking about that", that does never, in my experience, cover the "need to be heard", even when it should. take 5% radars, for example. We s...

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Originally posted by nimabears

You don't state why you can't do dev-logs or even tiny sneak peaks, just that you can't. It just doesn't make any sense to me. I think even the tiniest bit of communication would help the players feel more connected to the game, but it's literally been zero for MONTHS.

Why can't you at least do like 1 small monthly post on what's going on? Ideas you're considering? Issues you're having? Literally anything would help. Months of silence on a game that we bought because we BELIEVE in you is not the way to keep us invested. Nobody is asking you to rush the actual development of the game, just keep us in the loop with what is going on is all we want.

As I said, that's a long answer that I thought maybe you guys would not want to read, not that I didn't care to explain. But first I wanna point out that we do show tiny sneak peeks of a lot of stuff, from new tems and VFX to patch notes to island music and concept art, so I don't think it's fair to say we don't do tiny sneak peeks at all. If you're on here, Twitter, the discord server or even Facebook or Instagram, you should've seen us post and spoil stuff, which I'd consider communication, so you're either going to have to detail to me what you consider communication or specify on which places you're missing these sneak-peeks or spoilers. I don't think all communication platforms serve the same purpose or have the same unspoken rules, and I don't believe a piece of music is fitting for a Steam update, but that doesn't make it less of a sneak-peek, and we place them out there on various different places so they'll reach everyone somehow.
The way our studio works makes dev-bl...

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Originally posted by Ray19121919

As difficult as some of this feedback to read one thing I want to say is that Temtem is currently my favorite game in my library. Since building a PvP team that is starting to work, I haven’t played any other games in the past month. I haven’t seen a better turn-based strategy game since I learned Magic the Gathering.

My source of frustration, along with other PvP players is not being able to introduce it to anyone or fully explore PvP due to the huge time investment required. I know you guys are aware of these concerns and I think we just want to hear that they are being taken seriously. We understand that you guys are focusing on Aubury launch and then 1.0, console launch and there is much that can’t be talked about etc so changes won’t necessarily come immediately, but if it’s possible some high level communication that it is on your radar and what you are thinking of to fix would go a long way.

They are being taken seriously, and it's really hard to echo everything that gets talked about in the Discord server where we usually chat with players, but it's been addressed by the game director and will see changes with or after 1.0.
The problem with explaining what we're thinking of is that nothing is set in stone yet, really, and it needs a solid foundation to work. Sharing such an early stage of an idea leads to a massive amount of noise that we cannot handle at the moment. As soon as we're in that stage of development we'll talk about it more, but it's def on our radar, and it's being handled internally!

29 Nov


Hey, I'm the CM and I had a long-ass message written explaining the why's of our communication style and our reasons for some things you mention, but I'm not sure you want dev input, or if this is just a thought you wanted to share with others. Just lmk if you want that wall of text lol for now I offer this one:
I think sometimes our players forget that, while this is a game for them, this is our literal way of survival, and the source of my cat's food and well-being (priority). We're the ones who want to see it succeed the most, and we're doing the best we can. But success looks different to different people, and different studios work in different ways. We could use some improvements in some areas? Sure as heck. We're at the end of the day people, none of us is perfect. I'd love to do dev-logs, but we can't. I'd love to have more to share about the far-end future, but until we're closer to it, we can't. If you throw more feedback my way I'll consider it, like I always do, an...

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03 Nov


Originally posted by fuckba

Look I know you're a fanboy but this is just nonsense. It isn't a story focused game and never was. It's a competitive alternative to pokemon, and if they can't keep a playerbase in the competitive scene the game will be dead. Right now there are less than 600 active players.

This is definitely not about being a fanboy or not. Temtem has been described as a story-focused game as early as 2018 in the Kickstarter FAQ. Every player plays Temtem differently, and it's great that it's focused on competitive for you, but it doesn't mean that's necessarily what it is for us or other players. The player count rn is understandable, as we're in a content drought, before full launch, and with 2 platforms missing. I really think it's worth waiting until we have a finished product to be sure about its future. As I said in a different post about this, there's a lot of neat features you guys don't know about yet that will enrichen the game a lot.
You're absolutely entitled to your own opinion, obviously. Just saying it might not be aligned with the dev team's opinion.


Originally posted by PsshIm2Cool


the Twitter peeps LOVED Pyrat, different strokes for different folks!


Originally posted by RobleViejo

Please always post these here

I always missed other places

I'lll do my best to!


Originally posted by PikachuJohnson

I know it's probably too soon to know for sure, but will there be any additional post-launch content that isn't PvP/multiplayer related? I'm not much into PvP battling or Tournaments; I just like chilling and having fun with my Temtem.

just seeing this now, sorry! It's indeed early, but I believe there'll be something for everybody :) don't take this as a promise just yet, as you said it's early, and we'll be able to be more specific when the time gets closer! (alsohappycakedaylol)

29 Oct


Originally posted by Slainty

Conflagrat didn’t make it in :(

sorry to hear! To be fair, there were over 200 name suggestions, so it was more likely to be out than in :_


Originally posted by CLG_Divent

Not "the Pokemon killer" but "the Pokemon clone". Many games are made by less than 25 people team, whats your point?

Btw not shitting on the game

My point is what I said. We’re not Pokémon nor a clone of it, we’re Temtem and as such are different. Expecting from Temtem what you missed in other games will probably end up being disappointing because every game is it’s own things, goods and bads.


Hi Tamers!

After spending hours collecting all of your name suggestions, and having them undergo an internal voting process, we already have the 5 final candidates for M149's name. Now all that's left is voting them out, and of course, this is all you. Have fun and may the best name win!

Please go HERE to cast your vote!

#149 in all its glorious smugness, now animated!

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Originally posted by CLG_Divent

I kinda hoped this game will be what we wanted from Pokemon. All regions all pokes in one game. Would not buy it

I personally don’t think it’s a great idea to approach a game for where it stands against others, instead of for what it is. We are Temtem, not “the Pokémon killer” some people paint us to be. We’re also not a multibillion, 25-year old company; we’re a 25-people team. And all our regions and tems are in one game haha That said, nothing wrong in not wanting to get a game! Games are about fun.


Originally posted by ZeekKnight

Yeah no new Tems is a no from me. Pokemon releasing new Pokemon is what makes me want to keep playing. League releasing new champs is also fresh and exciting.

That’s totally respectable :)


Hi! It was said that it's unlikely for new tems to be released, but that does absolutely not equal or mean that there won't be new content added. There's a lot of stuff that's content apart from tems, and there are tons of plans for the post-launch era.
We're also choosing to be as honest as possible now, early on, and not to give expectations or false hope if we might not be able to fulfill. Post-launch is still far into the future, too, so nothing's set in stone yet and there's a lot we cannot talk about.
Temtem as it is now already provides a huge chunk of playtime and entertainment, and there are great things coming even before full launch, but ultimately it's only up to you to decide if the game seems interesting and appealing enough for you!


It was our publisher decision to remove the games they publish from the GeForce Now service, not ours. There's nothing we can do about that, unfortunately.

21 Oct


Originally posted by NoMercyTon

This is the most recent one:

Why would someone put "duplicated", at a pretty urgent report like this? Since it's pretty common. Now you've said Crema hasn't got reports like this, I just don't know what's going on, I am posting crashes since 0.7.2.

These above are examples that I could record. It happens out of nowhere, and sometimes inside matches, casual, rankeds or championships. Unfortunately, I don't have any match crashes recorded, because I always try to get back as fast as I can to continue the match. The ps5 don't let us save the crash video, we can only watch at the time it happens and i record with my phone. I always click on send the report attaching the videoclip. I don't know how this works, but it seems it doesn't work at all.

PS: It's the only ...

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Quoting the post I recommended you to read, this is why we set the Duplicated tag on some bugs:
"[Duplicated] (If your bug is labelled as "duplicated" it means that we already have a report of the issue you have found, although it doesn't mean we won't look at it, sometimes "duplicated" bugs give us the needed info to find a pattern to reproduce a bug, so don't worry if you have a "duplicated" label in your bug, every report is looked at and we appreciate it.)"

Please do keep in mind that even if they seem the same to you, the crashes other people get might not be the same issue you're experiencing, so it's best to let everyone report their own issues.
I'll ...

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