

15 Dec


Originally posted by SithPire

I haven't played since EA launch, is this 1.0?

no, this will be 0.8!


Originally posted by 44thLeviathan

To clarify, this should be 3am for EST?



Arbury is now confirmed and ready to be launched on Thursday, December 16th! 🎺

We'll be entering server downtime at 8 am UTC/midnight PST and it could take up to 2 hours.
We'll keep you informed of any possible change, and we have a server-status channel in our Discord server that we recommend keeping an eye on on patch days!


External link →

14 Dec


Originally posted by Gamers_Handbook

No worries, I'd rather have it launched bug free.

I MEAN, it probably won't be totally bug free, I think that's impossible in game-making, but it will not have these couple of issues :_


Originally posted by Teneelux

Will this update finish the story or is that later on? (Or at a minimum, finish the belsoto story)

It finishes the main storyline, yes!


Hi! Sorry I'm bombarding the sub with so many small posts these days.

We've found a couple of issues that we need to fix before we launch the patch. We've decided to postpone launch until Thursday, December 16th (one day later than originally planned) so we can properly identify and fix them.

We're really sorry about the possible inconveniences this might cause :< Again, exact time will be provided once we're sure of when maintenance will begin!

As an exchange for your time, here's Mosu, coming soon to your Temdeck 💕

Single type Tem, part of a two stage evolution line!

External link →

Originally posted by moonsarito1

I confess that I still haven't decided whether to play back when the Arbury update comes out or wait until the official release of the game in V1.0 (along with the Xbox and Switch versions), but I'm really looking forward and happy for Arbury and curious to finally see how the story will end.

If Arbury is released later this month, chances are we'll see the full release of the game in Early 2022 right?

Hi! I've noticed you often post the same message in all our socials, and as you already know (because we've talked), there really is no need because I'm going to be seeing them all haha it makes it hard for me to know if I've answered or not. You can post it only once <3
I think I answered on some that full release will not likely be early 2022, as we still have the Arbury CU1 to launch, and a lot of polishing for console release.
That, and anything could happen haha 2022 is just a very rough timeframe we're hoping for.


Originally posted by legend_of_wiker

I've not been following the leaks super closely, but I did have a question with this picture - is that building with the four colored diamond (the building is damn near center of the picture) supposed to be a dojo? Don't the dojos typically have their "element colors" plastered like that above their doors?

So wouldn't that make this dojo something like wind, melee, electric, and mental? I come to that conclusion by starting at the top left (light blue-ish color) and going clockwise.

It's indeed a Dojo! And that emblem has more to do with the mechanics you'll use to traverse it than with its typing.

13 Dec


Hi again! A small update:
We've set our sights on Wednesday, December 15th to launch Arbury.

There's still a small window for changes, but if we were not able to launch on that day (for whatever reason) we'll inform you! We don't have a time right now, but we'll let you know about it soon as well.

See you really soon on Arbury!

Properton awaits!

External link →

Just here to chaotically confirm 2 dojos in Arbury HEHE

09 Dec


We haven't touched the servers at all yet! Try relogging, or switching to a different network, and if none of those work please make a post in our forums (


Originally posted by NorwegianPopsicle

Will kudos/achievements be retroactive?

some will, some won't! Most repeatable content (like catching a 5/5 fish or dojo rematches) are not retroactive, but anything locked beyond un-repeatable content (like the main story) will be (retroactive).


Hi hi! I come with exciting news today, so let's get into it already:

The big Arbury patch passed certifications successfully! This means the likeliness of Arbury coming out in December is now 99%. The patch is fully translated and tested, but we've found some small stuff that we want to fix and/or improve on, so we want to have another internal patch before we hand it over to you. This is also why we can't give you a day yet, but we're aiming for next week, or the one after it if something were to go wrong. Stay tuned here, or on any of our socials, for the final announcement with the full date!


Read more External link →

03 Dec


Originally posted by Suomikotka

Ignoring that somehow the Tem are coded in such a way that it takes too much storage - why not just make excess storage space local and then have an online checker that makes sure tem transfered from local storage are legit? Is that something planned for in the future?

I am not part of the tech team, so I cannot speak on the viability of that or whether our systems could be compatible with it. My advice would be that you post about it in our forums, where people with the appropriate technical knowledge can look at it, sorry.


Originally posted by Shimmermist

Out of curiosity, has a single player mode with local storage ever been considered (that would be blocked from online interaction)? Or a subscription service like pokemon home that acts as pure storage that would allow for the subscriptions to pay for storage servers?

The online element of Temtem is a core part of its nature for us, with its pros and cons, so an offline version is not on the table for us.
With this change, some users in the Discord server suggested we add the chance to increase storage via a paid subscription, but it's also something we had never considered before, so we'd need to think with it for a while. We can return to this topic in the future, once we're done with current features that require our attention right now.


Originally posted by rogoku

There's a lot of data associated with each them

Either you are storing information in a horrible inefficient way, or you are straight up lying. A couple kb of data is NOTHING for modern server storage.

I am not a technical expert nor directly involved in this process, so I cannot provide a lengthier explanation, but the people involved in this have no reason to lie. We have one single server and a lot of accounts.

02 Dec


Originally posted by Enby-Adams

At no point was I blaming Crema for this happening, its Discord. However the end effect really sucks.

I am however saying it's a straight up lie for Tsukki to say "Crema never encouraged alts".

Again, it was a joke. I'm also not the whole entity of Crema, as a human being I make jokes too. I did not cause the entire phenomenon of alts by making that joke.


Originally posted by Ray19121919

This reply alone, posted in the Twitter/on a Reddit post/ pinned in disc, would go a lonnngg way in alleviating some of the player base’s concerns. Will it satisfy everyone, probably not, but I think it’d go a long way with the people that are still actually interested in the game and not just here to shitpost. You don’t have to say much, just that you’re listening.

The larger issue as I’m sure you’re aware of is there is a general thought (misconception, I hope) amongst players that Crema genuinely wants the game to be arbitrarily grindy to keep players logging in, dumping hours, and visible in the overworld. That is turning a lot of people off, and the rot is beginning to show itself in even the most dedicated player base. Something official at least acknowledging the issue and that it’s not what you intend the final product to look like would restore a lot of hope.

Most of our recurring/dedicated playerbase is in the Discord server and know this. I am glad it's given you hope, but really, I don't think this is enough for most people as we've already said this often.
The final project is still far, and we don't know how it'll look like. We don't want to give people the false hope that it's going to be exactly what they want, because we haven't even had time yet to sit and think about it.
What people think about Crema varies from person to person. We've said often that Temtem was created as a campaign game with online elements built in, which directly clashes with this idea that we're trying to get people to log in and dump hours. We also encourage breaks when people get burnt out, when they find the game is no longer entertaining. The only thing we're actually trying to get people to do is enjoy Temtem for as long as they can, and give us some time until we can show a finished, coherent and consistent product.


Originally posted by Enby-Adams

I cant run two steam accounts on the same machine at the same time. I am not risking valve ToS here. Realistically my only option is buying another machine and setting up a 2nd Steam account just for Temtem.

What are the odds this could be ported Discord-To-Switch /u/ItsTusski ? Or Ps5 for that matter?

The account migration will happen before we launch Switch and Xbox XSX ports, and as far as I know this is not usual cross-save, it's account migration, so it might not be a system that gets implemented for PS5. It's something we've had to pull out of thin air today, upon learning the news. As we progress on the system we'll be able to tell you more, this is just a really early info post.