

21 Oct

20 Oct


Originally posted by MrRumato

The Morningstar isn't a top tier weapon but it can hurt you in other ways



Play to improve, not to 'get good'. You'll rage less :D

You need to be fast with your reactions in Mordhau, but deliberate too. Make sure that every parry, feint, attack etc. is used with a purpose and you're not just spamming attacks.

18 Oct


We don't enforce bans on private servers, as we're not the ones paying for them and the people who own them should have complete control over what happens there. We don't want to overstep those bounds and interfere with these non-official servers.

Your best bet is to find who the admins are and inform them of the situation.


Originally posted by Golden_Toasters


Big iron on his hiiip


Originally posted by Golden_Toasters

As long as it has bells that jingle on the hat and feet when you move I’m game

bells that jingle jangle jingle*

16 Oct


this is a meta sh*tpost


everything is normal, nothing to see here. move along citizen

15 Oct


Originally posted by CertifiedSauceBaron

This exactly the kind of content that I had hoped to see with added mod tools - top marks.

this was actually made by us in the pre alpha to test ballista animations :)

12 Oct


Originally posted by Whitefox_YT

Thanks so much for the honest response.

So what I'm getting here is a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation, because I can guarantee you from my side at least that I won't be playing until I have access to some form of competitive play. And as such, I can almost guarantee that the other players who have also quit the game, quit for at least partly the same reason.

Mordhau is a skill-based game: people are going to want to play it competitively, it's just natural. But since we've now stopped playing, we are feeding into the "not enough players" argument, and because we don't have enough players, you're not going to allow us competitive access.

I understand it makes sense financially, so I'm not pushing it, I'm just saying that the chances are if you actually provide a competitive (or even a competitive-equivalent) mode, the gamer count will massively increase. Thereby solving the problem.

It's not the financial side, but a sustainability side for actually being able to play. One dedicated box runs ~4 frontline/invasion games, or like 128 duels at the same time. While servers in less popular regions do tend to be more expensive, it's not cost but the fact that you just wouldn't be able to queue up and find a match. Factor in people trying to go to less populated regions to exploit MMR and it would just be more of a negative experience than a positive one :/

You're right though, it is a bit of a chicken/egg situation, but we do have plans to improve the game and get content to regions that paid for the game like everyone else.

11 Oct


It's not that we don't want to add ranked to South Africa, South America etc. but there aren't enough players at the moment for it to be viable as a mode - you need people at each skill level, and then you have to account for the fact that not everyone is playing at the same time so you need even more. We have some plans to boost the playerbase worldwide, and so hopefully this is something that will bring back enough players to get ranked going in the less-populated regions.

It's something we're definitely looking into, and we're not trying to neglect any region.


Originally posted by ToolorDie

It'd be pretty hard to pull off without doing it intentionally, like you chaps did here it looks like, but the fact it is a stamina-free block is a very interesting discovery. Nice work!

blocking projectiles takes no stam unless i'm really dumb


Originally posted by Xcrun6

I run them max, I think it maybe artifacting due to the aggressive overclock I did

that's a gpu issue, don't oc that hard lol


give him the lowered mail hood/aventail imo


Atm we're looking into the sustainability of the mode. No reason to add it if we don't have the players currently.


i see the top-right pan is for crusading peasants

10 Oct


Originally posted by wickleo

You are as kind as you are generous!

You GO sir!


Originally posted by milk_tea-

Reading a feint = reacting to a feint and punishing with a swing of your own before your opponents next swing comes out.

That wouldn't be reading a feint, that would just be reacting to a feint. "Successfully predicting a player's action is commonly referred to as a read."

That's why I'm a bit confused, because to me, Jax is basically saying:

it's a prediction that revolves around someone doing an attack out-of-turn which shouldn't work, but if you happen to feint

Gambling isn't: - Predicting a feint

bad choice of words, it's not a prediction it's just going "unga-bunga me swing" and hoping that the other person loses initiative

so if you see someone feint and read it, and then punish = not a gamble

if you see someone wind an attack up and then you swing into it, without knowing if it's a feint or not = gamble