

30 Apr


Originally posted by Patrick_Reddit

Love the bounty coffer, good effort.
Can we get any insight in how high the chance of an emblem drop is? And for upgrades aswell? It looked almost non existend without doing bounty tasks.
Would aswell like to know how long the cooldown for upgrading an emblem is. Since I dont want to risk it, if it can't be upgraded.

I'll ask Ash if that's something he's willing to share in upcoming blogs/social/streams. If he's willing to share that then we will make sure it's mentioned across our official channels.


Originally posted by Eth111

Are the wilderness slayer changes applying to the upcoming DMM seasonal/tournament?

Krystilia's Slayer Task List change will be applied to the upcoming DMM.


Originally posted by PercivalDerp

There is now a greater chance to receive a looting bag at the end of a PvM encounter.

What does this entail exactly?

We've increased the drop chances of getting a looting bag from killing various NPCs in the Wilderness.

29 Apr


Originally posted by Yocairo

/u/jagexacorn thoughts on this? I know Jagex is looking for things to improve new player retention rates, so posts like these are probably a priority?

I do like the idea. I'll send it over to the team that's looking into new player improvements. Thanks for the tag!


Originally posted by Kosstheboss123

Is it for all NHS workers or is there just a limited amount?

I've gone on the site and there's nothing Runescape related.

I've asked the person with access to the backend on how many codes were claimed and we still have over 400 of them. Let me know if refreshing it and looking for Jagex or RuneScape works for you.


Originally posted by SireMcFresh

Same here :/

I've just refreshed the page and it seems to be working for me. Mind giving it another go? :)


Originally posted by osrsAdultCat

"If you have a valid NHS email address, you can claim your code here."

Error 1020 Ray ID: 58b7e5b21a74f134 • 2020-04-29 09:11:43 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

Cloudflare Ray ID: 58b7e5b21a74f134


The Games for NHS website is getting updated due to high amount of traffic but no worries Keymailer is on the case!


Originally posted by FloridianLionsFan

Best baking recipe? (Also hijacking for a second here)

I really love chocolate and caramel. I made some chocolate caramel cookie squares that were just amazing. It's not my recipe unfortunately but it's still really good! https://imgur.com/a/buXOQEU


Originally posted by i_wanna_b_the_guy

Do you ever wish you could become a true acorn, not just a Jagex one?

Hmm probably not. I'm not sure how I'd be able to play Old School without arms.

28 Apr


Nope, we normally do that for announcement style posts because it looks cleaner and focuses attention on the announcement rather than the signature. Similar to this one just a few days ago: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/100k-for-mental-health-how-to-get-involved?oldschool=1


Originally posted by AWilsonFTM

Hijacking, but do you bake RS themed goodies? And if so what have you baked?

Maybe we need the great runescape bake off!

I've done a few OSRS themed bakes. Elvarg and Lumbridge Castle. I'd totally be down for an OSRS bake off!


Thank you for taking the time to interview me! You had some really good questions :). I'd love to see an interview with Ayiza or Wolf! See what they have been getting up to.

27 Apr


Originally posted by DranTibia

I'm in the exact same situation, wouldn't be back if it wasn't for the mobile app. The ability to nmz while I'm doing yard work, afk skill while watching a movie or hanging out with the kids is a great motivator to get in bits of play time here and there.

There's a few mobile exclusive QoL fixes I'd like on the client to accommodate the mobile based activities but they've been working hard on that. There's a lot on their plate with PC and mobile fixes.

I'd like to shamelessly plug a mod to try and ask this question; /u/JagexAcorn could we have a mobile-client exclusive QnA / update livestream or reddit thread where we can pitch ideas for what we'd like as fixes to the mobile client? There's a few 'easy' ones that could be added to make a huge difference to us. The usual threads/livestreams get flooded with other (equally important) PC issues that I'd like to filter out for more focus on the mobile client brain storm process.

Feel free to DM me a few of the ideas! While I can't guarantee when or if they will be added, I'm always open to passing suggestions onto the team.

23 Apr


Originally posted by BrianO123

I’m not going to state my opinion on the update but after just browsing this thread I want to thank you on your fast acting support on most of the issues prompted/suggested in this thread ❤️

It's not a problem at all :).


There is now a warning before hopping to a BH world.


Originally posted by boneandskin

/u/JagexAcorn we need multiple worlds...too laggy on US ping. Why can we not have UK and US world?

We are investigating bringing in a UK BH world. I'll edit this post with the world once it's up :).

Edit: W510 is now online.