

13 Jan


So, I had a dive into this. The Doomsayer warnings covered all of the Ancient/Lunar teleport spells for wilderness (and still do unless you've toggled it off). I've spoken to the dev that made this extra addition for Carrallanger. The Doomsayer warnings are a bit old and could do with a cleanup (& it's more project sized) so for the sake of consistency in the short term with this and the fact that other teleports that call a warning regardless (like wildy lodestone and wildy sword teles) we'll look to update the other ancient and lunar spells to match this change.

07 Jan


This has been hotfixed. Cheers.

19 Dec


This was a result of the dead inputs fix. We have another fix ready to resolve this as well. Apologies.

18 Dec


We've just put out a hotfix for this. Requests will no longer ask for araxyte spiders or royal dragons, instead they'll ask for night spiders and black dragons respectively.

17 Dec


We just got this hotfixed

16 Dec


Originally posted by JagexChaose

Are you doing anything other than typing? Difficult to make out exactly what's on here. Would be good if you could shoot me a DM with your account name so I can make a copy onto a test file. Struggling to reproduce the issue here.

We managed to reproduce it reliably, bugging it now. Thanks :)


Are you doing anything other than typing? Difficult to make out exactly what's on here. Would be good if you could shoot me a DM with your account name so I can make a copy onto a test file. Struggling to reproduce the issue here.

06 Dec


Originally posted by YouWereTehChosenOne

Could this also be done for EDs?

I expect so. Can make a note to investigate.


Originally posted by 7892748201837291

What if you made them all give no xp

That would still run all the NPC death script for you and wouldn't solve the problem

05 Dec


Originally posted by Rifurius

It's not about lag its just that whenever one of the creatures you tagged with it dies which they naturally do during faction conflicts in gwd 2 you get an exp drop and this closes interfaces like the bank

Yeah, that's what we're looking to stop.


Originally posted by Thevulgarcommander

Rip ur interfaces for the next hr

Actually looking at a fix for this for GWD2 specifically.

14 Oct


Vorago reflect with griefers and inattentive teammates. *sweating intensifies*

30 Sep


Now logged, cheers.


Originally posted by bob_the_clueless

So for example, should Glarial's amulet not cause this section to show?

It's one of many quest items I have...another would be Fake beak from Eagles' Peak

Glarial's amulet is definitely one of those on the Caravan clean up list, so it ought to show with that. May be a silly question but have you scrolled it out of view?


Originally posted by bob_the_clueless

So if I select "Clean Up" on the filter, all I'm getting are:

- Diango: Holiday Items

- Diango: Skill Outfits and Equipment

- Diango: Other

As I say, there's no section for the quest items for me :/

If a section doesn't show up then you have no itens that fall into that category


Originally posted by Bwuhbwuh

Is there a way to send them straight to the Quest Caravan from your bank?

Just by destroying them individually by dragging from the bank.


Originally posted by bob_the_clueless

Should quest items appear in the clean up? Think they did on Shauny's last stream, but I'm not getting any.

On the Clean Up filter you'll see a section "May's Quest Caravan: Quest Items" for quest items.

23 Aug

14 Aug