I mean it's *technically* accurate.
I mean it's *technically* accurate.
Counter counter proposition.
Name it “Phil” just because.
While they're at it, can we get the teleport to put us outside the Legends guild instead of inside?
We actually have both of these changes with destination toggle on cape done and tested. Needs a release build that's willing to take it though, alongside whatever else might be going out.
"I bet you're fed up of motherlode maw enhancers hogging up all that precious bank space. How about we take all those items away, turn them into stored charges and let you toggle them on and off freely? "
#FreeTheGuys Say no to Dexit
May I take this chance to add the several long time and well known issues with hiding cogs on augmented items?
While hiding cogs:
Augmented eldritch crossbow (2H Crossbow) disappears upon entering combat and can be fixed by clearing the main-hand slot in the customization interface. HOWEVER, upon doing so, it will bug an Augmented seren godnow (2H Bow) causing it to be equipped like a 2H crossbow. This can be fixed the same way, but will bug the eldritch again. This results in a never ending loop that only happens while hiding cogs and causes a similar issue with 2H swords and Scythes.
Somewhat related:
Any dyed variant of the Eldritch crossbow shows the cogs despite dyed items never showing cogs in the first place.
Ty, will make a note and look into these.
Looks to be with "hide cogs on augmented items". Also hides the spikes when toggled on, or when you go into combat stance. Issue logged. Cheers.
Not for this beta.
Monk's Friend.
Boring, no real motivating factors and no impact on any larger story.
In all seriousness though I'll raise to Ninja to consider solutions.
Wasn't remora's necklace one teleport a day? Or did I mishear that?
Currently once per day. On Monday it will be unlimited teles.
Correction from me, I misspoke on stream. It take 30 mins to reach max potency, not 40.
Starts at Lv1, increases to 2 at 10mins, to 3 at 20mins and 4 at 30mins.
"Pyromaniac gives a chat message telling you how many logs it burned. Mentioned previously but possibly scrapped." Not scrapped :)
I'm pretty sure the "black dragon" that attacks you during the verak's boss fight is just a darker colored Gorvek, in other words a literal reskin of the fire breath animation during vindicta's phase 1 boss fight
This is correct, it's a Gorvek reskin >_>
Astellarn / BSD are new base models for dragons for us to work from when we get to doing redesigns for others. It's a surprisingly big job to do all the rest. Art resources are scare when it comes to doing side projects and supplimentary updates, they're much better spent on new and updated assets for headline updates. As a result you're not likely to see existing dragons updated in the short term but when they do get done they'll be at least as good as these guys :)
Is happening in Monday's update.