

26 Nov


Hey, interesting this appeared now because this has been a personal problem for me as my brain does somersaults as I struggle to read. That's why I implemented a toggle to change the direction of chat on mobile which is coming..... *drum roll* Monday!

25 Nov


Hey, you can't right now but we have an update coming where you will be able to opt out of these challenges and progress. This should be coming on Monday so not too long to wait! :)

15 Nov


Originally posted by Sin_of_the_Dark

Hi there, thanks for the reply! Is there a different Challenges interface than in the Adventures interface? Currently this is all I seeunder the Challenges interface.

Ah interesting it looks like you have the tutorial daily challenges - these are basic challenges you need to complete before you unlock the full version to teach the system. If you complete all the basic challenges (there are 9) you will unlock the weekly progress bar.


Hey, if you open the Challenges interface and see the chests at the bottom of the interface. If you click those, it will open the prize screen where you can then claim your rewards.


Hey, we'll be launching a hotfix for this later to add it to the interface :)

24 Feb


Hey, would you be able to DM me your display name so we can investigate and get this sorted for you? Cheers


Hey, would you be able to DM me your display name so we can investigate and get this sorted for you? Cheers

26 Oct


Originally posted by Disheartend

I still can't do heart of stone quest /u/JagexPoerkie /u/JagexRowley /u/jagexjd

has anybody completed this quest recently? D:

Hey, we're currently investigating this bug and putting a fix together. The issue was more complicated than first expected so we're doing thorough testing to ensure all edge cases are caught before we confirm the fix for release.

03 Sep


Originally posted by armcie

The back to the freezer buff was pretty substantial - from 25 x level to 40 x level is 60% more xp. Do the new lamps give xp at the higher or lower rate? If its at the lower rate, perhaps Back to the Freezer could give a price discount on the larger lamps?

This will be using lamp XP now so you'll be getting more XP per penguin point than previously.

02 Sep


Originally posted by ImRubic

Regarding Penguin Stuff

  • On stream the Pumpkin and Snowman outfits were mentioned, are the Turkeys ones also getting changed?
  • Do the Secret Agents go above the weekly cap?
  • When you scan and there are two penguins within range, does it label both?
  • Have Polar bears changed at all?
  • I also have fears the zapping mechanic will be used to grief penguin hunter groups.
  • How will the Back to the Freezer XP buff reward be applied?

Quick fire answers to your questions: Holiday penguins will be updated later. As far as I'm aware the Turkey model is no longer used. Secret agents will go over the weekly cap. When you scan and it finds more than one it will ask which you want to track. Polar bears are unchanged. I've replied about zapping in another post but we'll to add a cool down in between. We were aware of trolling potential when designing and will try to make it as safe as possible. Back to the Freezer XP buff has been removed as a reward as it didn't work well with lamps. The new penguin and increases circus XP remain as rewards.


Originally posted by Mel_Kazul

I'm really looking forward to seeing some of these changes however I do have a few questions regarding a few things that I hope a Jmod can answer.

  • Is there a cool down period on the penguin before it can be zapped again?

  • Have you tested to see what happens if the zapping feature is used to keep a penguin from being unable to move for 10 minutes?

  • Can zapping a penguin be used to send it back to it's spawn point?

  • Does the zap work on ghost?

  • Can the scan and hint options be made usable to find the ghost penguin?

  • Is there a way for players to work out the new borders for hints and if so how would you recommend doing so?

  • Does the polar bear count towards the penguins found counter?

My reasons for these questions are as follows:

My greatest concern about the update is the zap feature as it comes across as a double edge sword. The ability to make a pe...

Read more

I can answer some of these questions.

  • There wasn't a cooldown on the zap function, but we'll look to add one. After release we can monitor this cooldown and change the duration if required. This means it should not be possible to force it to teleport back to spawn.
  • Yes, the hints, scan and zap all work on the ghost penguin.
  • We haven't changed the borders too much but generally tweaked them so large areas are smaller. You'll hopefully figure them out from playing though :)
  • The polar bear doesn't count towards the total penguins found.

01 Sep


Hey, it has been named Sheldon after the penguin in Some Like it Cold. There's also some additional dialogue with Chuck once you've unlocked it to tie it together a bit more.

We spotted there were 2 Sheldon pets already so tweaked the names in the interface to make it clearer by stating if it's the imp or penguin.

14 Jul


Well now I feel foolish not using those 2 years to fix this typo...

18 Feb


I was just talking about woodpeckers

17 Oct


Originally posted by DarthLizardWizard

I believe a recent patch fixed the bonus xp issue. As for the other stuff, perhaps they could allow you to right-click the slayer task icon to access them.

I've fixed this today actually so hopefully it will go live soon!

14 Oct


Originally posted by Armadyl_1

Maybe Daze will be everyone's new favorite Mod

It's all good. I've only been here 8 years, just sneaking up slowly with the good stuff


Thanks to the power of the game jam currently running I have done that this morning! I have also done boss KC as well. You can see some images here:


24 Sep


Originally posted by RSMEP

Hey mod daze, augmented off hand rubber chicken doesnt count for log. Same thing for crunchy claw tokens which are untradeable but yet dont count for log. Can these be fixed please?

It will be soon!


Originally posted by jorgelucasds

Not an issue.. but related to log update. Couldn't you have used Runemetrics PRO info to tick off items on the log? Tradable or not, Runemetrics has been tracking those drops for years.

Unfortunately not, they are 2 different systems that don't interact with each other currently.


That is a seriously impressive feat! Grats!