

23 Nov


No - the reason being we want to give freedom for you to do whatever you want, and additionally don't want to punish new players who don't have to access to the high-level skilling methods.

22 Nov


Hey, would it be possible for you to DM me your display names so we can investigate please?

17 Aug


Originally posted by Great_Minds

My general rule of thumb is: if I see your drops still there, then it's yours.

If they're gone, the spot is free game.

Although I generally hop cause it's better to waste 10 minutes hopping than half an hour at half exprates.

And thank whichever God tier Jmod invented PoD.

You're welcome!

03 Jul


Interestingly we were talking about this earlier today. It has been trapped behind a few things and I'm currently in the midst of some projects right now, but we're looking to find a space to do finishing touches and get QA sorted.

So it's not been forgotten but will still be a bit longer!

09 Jun


Originally posted by MaxedPainRS

How it's been for years is the following: there is NPC's around that shout "Human!" if you are not disguised, this aggros vyres onto you faster than waiting for them to turn around and spot you manually. In the video around 0:17 one of the NPC's shouting in the NE walks away and there is no other around to spot him and force aggro on him.

Normally there should be another static NPC to the SW (looking at the compass) which does a fairly good job in aggroing, but walking under these npc's make them move which happens a lot due to players doing Clue scans in the area.

Please correct me if I am wrong, or feel free to look into the NPC code in your spare time, but this is how I have seen it over 5 years ago where a group of people used to stand under/lure NPC's to specific tiles to get better xp/h (because of the better aggro).

TL;DR I really don't see an issue in this Twitch clip other than expected behaviour.

Absolutely correct - if the 'scouts' see you and shout human they do a hunt around themselves to find a vyrelord and tell it to attack you. As you mention at 17s, there are no NPCs close enough to hear the shout and therefore no extra vyrelords begin to attack.


Oooh, now you're making life difficult!

So we've done some investigation and it turns out - it's not a bug and it's always been this way.

Are you ready for an adventure?

Having looked at the vyrelords, it turns out they are quite a unique NPC in that they have a field of view of 180 degrees. This means they can only see players that are front of them (from right to left of the way they're facing). That NPC that you noticed that wasn't aggressive was because it was facing away from you; as soon as it turned you can see it then becomes aggressive.

To clarify further that this hasn't changed, we managed to find a video from 5 years ago that shows exactly this: ...

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08 Jun


Originally posted by TheFalloutHandbook

I haven’t used aggros recently, so I’m unsure if there has been a change or not, but here is my experience:

The first dose will have the interval effect. After that has taken effect for about 30 seconds (enough time for all mobs around you to have aggro’d you), it SEEMS like those mob spawns are automatically attracted to you going forward (meaning they lose the interval effect and are immediately aggressive as they continue spawning). If you let the aggro effect deplete to 0, all mobs reset and you have to start again (meaning you drink another dose and the interval effect occurs).

My theory is that the aggro effect is attached to the spawn as opposed to the mob. When the mob spawns through an aggro’d spawn, it takes on that aggro effect.

Hope that isn’t confusing, and again, I could be completely wrong (the devs obviously know the details better), but I’m just speaking from my experience.

You're completely wrong, but also somewhat right in what you're saying :D

To explain how it works, imagine a timer that goes off every 3 seconds - when it does, it will try to find one NPC and it will trigger that to aggro the player. That is consistent and nothing ever changes the rate or the behaviour - from start to finish, this remains constant.

However, talking about spawns it differs depending on if an NPC has a spawn anim or not - but let's say it does as the majority of new NPCs do have them. The NPC spawns and on average let's say most spawn anims are 1.8 seconds long. During that spawn phase the aggro potion could target the NPC, spawn anim ends and the NPC will instantly target you. Anim was 1.8s, aggro timer rate is 3s - this means there's a 60% chance that it will appear to instantly target you, and if not it's probably coming in the next second which could also feel almost instantaneous.

Final point as I still see debate going on - I am complet...

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07 Jun


Originally posted by 5-x

Is it possible to check if aggro pots were changed at any point?

1 mob every 3 seconds feels weaker than it used to be.

I've gone all the way back to release and this number has never changed.



I've just looked into this to see if I can find any cause of the issue - and as Sponge said before there have been no recent changes that we can see which would cause this effect. There does seem to be a misunderstanding in how the potion works so just to confirm the potion will aggro 1 mob every 3 seconds; it will not (and never has) aggro'd a whole area at once from what we can tell.

In both your videos above - you can see a new NPC being caught by the potion at each 3 second interval. The first is a bit more awkward to see as some NPCs are getting caught on the scenery, but the second video shows it clearly working as expected.

If you have any more info or could show it not working as mentioned above, please let us know so we can investigate more!

18 May


Originally posted by tehjagjr

Is there a reason surge/bladed dive is even disabled in some places?

It's a safety measure - we'd rather whitelist areas than have a blacklist. This is because you could potentially get into all sorts of strange situations otherwise.


Seems sensible. Any other areas you'd like to be able to Surge?

29 Jun


Hey, this is actually something we've been discussing internally and after talking to an artist, there is a bit of a trade off as the textures would need adjusting to allow recolouring which would flatten some of the colours.

I'm not sure if we'll be able to change it for this one, but we're aware of its popularity and could potentially bring into future designs.

27 Jun


Originally posted by derekstark

How do I cool the temperature gauge after maxing and using my 3 ice creams per day? I’d like to continue skilling

You can only use 3 ice creams a day, so you'll need to come back again tomorrow.


We decided to retire these items as we haven't released these for a few years. However, there was a login check which converted each beach booster into 5 Oddments.


Originally posted by Ironman_BHAV3SH

Help - I'm missing the beach fun outfit (requires 50 temperature caps) but I'm at 124 without it. As a result I'm missing the completsunist title - any idea how to fix this?

If you fill an additional temperature gauge it should unlock - but in case it doesn't, let me know and I can investigate for you.


Originally posted by DJ_Chally_Chal

No slowmo walk override in Sheldon's store this time?

You can find it in Gill's store to the west - right by the bank chest


Looking into this now!

Edit: This has now been fixed!

23 Jun


Originally posted by Dak_Kandarah

Does the flower work with hairstyles? Many of those head cosmetics default the hair to a very short plain cut. It would be nice to have hats and other head cosmetics to work with hairstyles.

Yes, it works with hairstyles. This came up as a feedback point internally which we made sure to make work.


Originally posted by ImRubic

A few questions regarding the Beach:

  • Will past beach rewards still be available at the same oddment prices they've been in the past?
    • Or has they've changed?
  • Are the only changes to Clawdia is "Safe Death" and the free daily "Anti-sun Potion"?

Some rewards have changed in Oddment prices but most have stayed the same - also the rewards from 2021 have been added to the Oddment store. One of the bigger changes is titles have been removed from the Oddment store and added back into the content, with a better progression towards unlocking 'the Completesunist' title.

Clawdia largely remains unchanged (some code changes under the hood) but there is a refreshed drop table which features a bit more variety - including dropping the advanced c*cktails that were part of Treasure Hunter last year.

22 Dec


Hey, cheers for raising this. I've looked into it and spotted the issue and we're now going to make a change so you are guaranteed to get at least 1 Slayer point per task :)