

24 Sep


Hey, as others have mentioned you need to hand it in. It's a weird edge case item but once you hand it should be tracked :)

23 Sep

10 Sep


Originally posted by jorgelucasds

Can you confirm whether you can get Dojo Mojo from hunting butterflies?

You can't I'm afraid.

09 Sep


Its weighted as taking 7 minutes. There is a roll after you complete each segment so 7 rolls of 1 minute.

04 Sep


You're right; this is on me. I hadn't checked the numbers to see the drop rate when I added the Edimmu pet. So I'm going to ask: what would you all prefer? Should the pet be on the log or not?

Edit: We've now made the decision to add the Kethsi scroll to the log. You will require one scroll to complete the log.

30 Aug



I've just taken some time to look into this and can confirm the following

1,2,3,4,7,10 - All of these are true.

5 & 6 - This is false; the cape will not work from the POH cape rack or when stored in the bank

8 - Just to clarify the above. The cape effect will work when worn, stored in the max/comp cape or on the Anachronia cape stand and it only needs to be in one of these to work.

9 - As far as I can tell, there are currently no bugs. If you are aware of any, please report them in game so our QA team can investigate.

If there are any other questions or concerns regarding this, feel free to ask (although it is the weekend so I will not be able to check the code until Monday!)

Cheers :)

11 Jul

10 Jul


Hey, interesting to hear that you're having this issue as it was implemented to work this way and from the comments it looks like it is working like that for some people. Can I ask what you're doing so we can investigate any bugs that may be occurring?

08 Jul


This is known and will be fixed soon

04 Jul


Originally posted by summon_a_lot

Is it possible to get the Orlando Smith's Hat without having a LOTD/Hazelmere active?


17 Jun


Originally posted by ghfhfhhhfg9

Why not do them earlier? People requested clue title ON RELEASE of the clue logs being released and was met with resilience that it's too rng, too complicated, and just didn't bother.

The point of this thread is that these "updates" are things that should have happened ages ago as I saw people actively suggest and discuss with jmods about it but were met with silence and just "no". When these updates come out and are just tagged onto a "filler 3-5 niche update week" I'm not considering it an actual update at all as it should have came up ages ago.

I don't consider the jmods constantly saying "No" to player suggestions as being passionate about their content considering the players play the game A LOT MORE than the game devs. Adding a title isn't hard work to do which is why they are coming all up all the sudden.

You're correct. That was the reason we gave on release because we didn't feel there was an appropriate solution at the time - titles were generally given for completing a log and this felt like a strange exception that would be hard to explain for a new player. Try to imagine going for a title 6 months after release and not seeing the patch notes for the unlock requirement - that was one of the issues we wanted to avoid.

However, the general sentiment over the months has been there is a desire for them and so after the positive reaction to the golden praesul title it made me reconsider the conversation around this and open it up again.

There have been a huge number of positive responses and while I can't guarantee when I will work on it, it is now on my radar and I'll see what we can do to make it happen.

30 Mar


Incredible achievement and such a good community effort! Since working on clues I've fallen in love with the content and the community around it - such a positive, embracing collective.

Since you've finished the log, I guess we need to add some more rewards then?

20 Dec


Originally posted by InsertANameHeree

Thank you!

Can't believe you missed the fact I missed the apostrophe from its... :D

19 Dec


I'm sorry about this. Its a real problem when things like this happen and we'll make sure it doesn't happen again.


Originally posted by Alabaz

What about a teleport item then, like a magic snow globe?

Really doesnt feel required when its already Taverley lodestone and run for like 5 seconds?


I wouldn't want to add a lodestone as it's not on Gielinor. However, I'd love to spend some time to add a few skilling areas - there is definitely room for some fishing & woodcutting etc. We've added a bank chest and bonfire so you can do some Cooking/Firemaking in the mean time.

18 Dec


It will be fixed in the next update. For now, try cooking from any side apart from the east