

02 Oct


Originally posted by Wallbounce

Yes that makes a little more sense, thanks. Do you see where I'm coming from though? The accumulator one will save you millions of gp if you get to 99 range/mage. The infinite run one is very useful no doubt, but the 1/2 prayer drain is basically useless, and the 3rd relic with auto-burying bones and double ensouled heads is also next to useless since the highest tier prayer is mystic might, so getting above that isn't too helpful other than more prayer points, which again, don't really matter if you can flick properly.(obviously not counting raids prayers since they don't seem too obtainable for almost all players)

This leads us to a point where only 2 out of 3 of the starting relics will be "viable" and the worst thing that can happen will be a "meta" with the relics and everyone going the same build. Hope that makes sense, I just want this mode to succeed :)

I definitely see where your coming from. We have had many discussions in the office (where everyone knows all relics and tasks) of what relics and paths to pick. Everyone gives different answers and have their own ideas of what would be OP, which indicates we are reaching a good spot. Additionally, don't forget there's so much we need to balance and test before reaching our final numbers. The current relics should mainly give you an idea of what direction we want to go.


Originally posted by Jawn_SafeForWork

I apologize if it's been mentioned/asked already, and I understand with more points comes more rewards, but what can we expect as far as being able to obtain all of the rewards? Will it be a ratio of completing all the tasks to receive all of the rewards, or will there be room to wiggle when it comes to any leftover points, or vice versa not gaining enough points to collect all of the rewards, forcing you to choose between what you'd like to buy? As a casual in reality but a completionist by heart, I'd love to get all of the rewards, but understandably I fear that won't be the case, as people who have more time to put in more work must be rewarded accordingly.

As much as I'd love to answer this, I can't. We are still in production and balancing comes at a later stage, including this type of balancing. We want to award players who put insane amounts of time into the game mode, while not simply giving out participation trophies for the more casual players. We want both types of players to enjoy Leagues and feel rewarded for the effort, we will do our best to achieve this. I hope that makes sense.


Originally posted by Wallbounce

Are those not the 3 starting relics? Or am I missing something?

Actually I thought about it over and the infinite run one might be very useful considering how big zeah is and the fact that you can't train agility IIRC? edit: nvm forgot about barb fishing lol.

but yeah, my point was, all of the relics that have to do with prayer aren't very relevant since any good player knows how to one tick flick. the accumulator one offers wayyy too much value compared to the other two.

Yes, those are the starting relics. What I'm saying is that you might change your mind when you see the dynamics between all the relics. You might want to see the bigger picture before forming a strategy. The tasks we haven't revealed also play an important role in this, as you might want to adapt your choice of relic to the harder tasks. Does that make sense?


Originally posted by Ardanaz

This looks incredibly fun and I can't wait to try this! I'm bummed out I can't play on the main game at the same time, but oh well. I want every single one of those rewards. They all look fantastic!

Same! Yes, sorry about that, wish we had an easier solution. Glad you are hyped for the rewards!


Originally posted by The_One_Tin_Soldier

Very very excited for this!!

Me too!


Originally posted by satan_scapes

This sounds really fun. I would be absolute shit at this game mode but wow it does sound fun

I imagine many players will feel lost in the beginning, and that's a part of the fun with Leagues! New rules, new challenges and new goals to achieve. Happy you're excited!


Originally posted by Wallbounce

By the way, the starting relics are INSANELY imbalanced. The only one worth going is the accumulator one. The other ones aren't nearly as good.

Endless Endurance Your run energy drain-rate is reduced to 0 and your prayer drains at half the speed.

Unlimited run is nice, prayer draining at half the speed is basically irrelevant if you can one tick prayer flick.

Dark Altar Devotion Bones dropped by creatures are automatically buried and award 4 times the experience. Ensouled heads now drop two at a time.

This seems useful on paper, but you can't even get piety so literally going over 45 prayer is basically pointless if you can one tick prayer flick. I guess it could be useful for rigour+augury but those seem like they'll be unobtainable for 99.9% of players.

/u/jagexacorn /u/jagexhusky /u/jagexflippy

How can you tell without knowing the 12 other relics?


Originally posted by Beratho

When is this starting? I can't find a date.

We haven't released a date yet.


Originally posted by Phantomonium

I feel that using percentages to give rewards will just make it annoying for casual players to get rewards.

Why not use point threshholds? Like 100 points for mithril 250 for adamant etc.

That way people can also stop when they have gained the rank they want without losing it to some people grinding the league at the last moment.

Most rewards are not based on percentages. Most rewards you get from flat point thresholds, by completing tasks.


Originally posted by Stone-J

"We want rewards to be accessible to all participants"

Task - 2277 Total Level

Yeah, that seems totally doable. Even at 3x exp, that's equal to maxing in 6 months.

You don't need to complete all tasks in order to access rewards. The more points you have, the more rewards you can buy.


Originally posted by CallmeSoup

Hey jagex, you dont need to do rune mysteries to train runecrafting

Lamps and books of knowledge


Originally posted by ImTedious

Zeah Only?





Originally posted by Wallbounce

3x seems extremely low imo. isn't dmm 15x? definitely needs to be upped if you want people to play this.

It's the current base exp rate. Take in mind you will have relics boosting your progress as well. As Husky mentioned, we will be testing the values to make sure it works!

27 Sep


Originally posted by fear-the-cow



23 Sep

20 Sep

18 Sep


Originally posted by Tomsot

Can you say why it should be worth playing because currently it does not appear worth starting over?

Additionally, we don't aim to make you feel like you're starting a new main account from scratch again. We have played with game pace, tasks and relics to make it feel like a unique experience compared to playing normally on your main!