

07 Apr


Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

I'll take the fall.

Appreciate it. We owe you one.

/dev team

25 Mar


This Teeto bout to end that ranger's whole career

22 Mar


Wow that is one mesmerizing moni snek.

16 Mar


Stop right there, that part of the log is illegal to complete!

Massive congratz, that's an insane achievement.

08 Mar

19 Feb


Originally posted by Spagoolie

A jmod responded to the last time this was posted with something along the lines of 'I suppose you want us to auto complete quests for you too'?

I suppose you want us to auto complete quests for you too?

16 Feb


Originally posted by chacogrizz

Its funny how the mods meme on posts like these but you wont see them comment on posts about account security or botting or customer support. Literally a front page post about acct security and not a mod in sight. :)

The mods you typically see memeing on posts like this generally don't work with account security, botting, nor customer support.

Me, Zuko and Oasis are all three content developers and Light is a community manager. We're just spending our breaks interracting with the community and honestly I don't see any reason to why we shouldn't.


oh boy

EDIT: Why does this feel like it's orchestrated

14 Feb


Originally posted by Shoelesshobos

Hoe many ears you got banked Flippy?

Had to create 3 stash alts to fit them all.


Would stronly recommend trying out Dragon War Hammerdin if you haven't already.

Also, halfways through Act 1 without barrows gloves smh my head.

10 Feb


Originally posted by tennispro9

Just wait until the GE disables the buy button

No we'd only do that for certain items, it's for your own safety. Kappa


What do you mean "Pros: Stonks go up"?

Stonks only go up

03 Feb


This would probably be hell to implement, but I love it.

02 Feb


Originally posted by x2o55ironman



30 Jan


Originally posted by RSWarlock

If you love our feedback and genuinely believe we care about the quality of the end result and the health of the game, why are you still refusing to poll any of the changes?

You can't go "we believe you care about the health of the game" then in the same sentence go "but we're not going to poll any of the major changes we're proposing, because we don't think you'll vote the 'right' way".

Well it's honestly not up to me to decide what gets polled or doesn't get polled and I can't speak for enitre Jagex on that part so I'm afraid you'll have to direct that question to CM/management.

If I were to guess, I think it has to do with a concern of the intention behind votes. I think the point behind integrity changes is to look our for cases where (a significant portion of) players might not prioritize the long term health of the game when voting yes/no. Caring about the health of the game compared to fully understanding, considering and prioritizing the impact of a change are in my mind two very different things. I'm not saying players never do that, because I've seen fantastic feedback (among no-voters too) being raised so I know there are plenty of you who do.

I also want to once again highlight the fact that people are working hard to find a solution that meets the goals we set for the rebalance while adressing your concerns. Ideally we'll end u...

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Originally posted by andymanzi

From a player who just completed Dragon Slayer 1 at lvl80, I can say most of the changes don’t affect me, so I hope you know this meme is all in good fun 😂 This week was crazy to witness, but I’m sure I’m not alone in saying you are very respected and deserve so much more praise for the hard work you do. Whatever tweaks end up happening, I’m just here to make some jokes and keep people smiling 😊 Keep up the amazing work, and thank you for giving us this community to 🦀 and REE in from time to time ❤️

I think I'll max my IM before I get quest cape so I feel you. But hey, 0 offense taken. We roast you guys too on a regular basis, so keep 'em coming. Thanks for the laugh :')


loooool, I love this.

The actual discussion aside (pls don't spam my dms I have a family), I'm just so damn happy we're both going full keyboard warrior on this whole topic. I've personally only been involved in the first stages of the rebalancing, but my colleagues that have been heavily involved all the way have worked super hard to find reasonable middle-grounds between our knowledge and the diverse opinions within the community.

But what (still to this day) amazes me is that so many of you care equally much about the quality of the end result and the health of our game. Just wanted to hand out another thank you to the crab-people for REEing at us when we're not meeting your expectations. Would any day take that over compete silence, and I think I speak for many of the other J-mods too when I say that.

Just know we're trying our best, we're players too, we read pretty much every piece of feedback that is thrown at us and we base our decisions on research ...

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20 Jan

13 Jan


Very impressive!

Wait, are those black pieces liquorice? I'm afraid I can't approve of this post anymore.