

04 Aug


You had me until I saw Lobstroserbi. Might be the most blursed player suggestion I've ever seen...

03 Aug


Originally posted by yuicebox

/u/jagexgoblin why would you do this?

what's next? microtonal scales?? 🦀🦀🦀 NO MTX IN OSRS 🦀🦀🦀

raids 3 soundtrack is entirely microtonal and heavily features King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Originally posted by E10DIN

I’m not a fan of poison dynamite being added unpolled. Even though I’d likely vote yes, a fundamental change to how self-imposed restrictions work is not an integrity update. If people want to do certain things they need to get combat xp. The community already decided that when they didn’t want pures to be able to go back to Ape Atoll without claiming the combat xp.

It's more a case of us having fixed a bug (spawn-hitting) that was a staple for many key progress milestones on certain types of limited account (namely 10hp accounts).

By fixing the bug, we unintentionally had the knock-on effect of preventing any future creators of these account types from being able to achieve the same things. In Poll 76 it was stated: 'We hope that this is a sensible way to let those players resume the content in a way that feels fitting to Old School and not reliant on a bug.'

The fundamental change to how those restrictions work was made when the bug was fixed and this is a fitting way to balance the playing field while still making sense in-world.


PSA: the sections initially included in this post regarding the Clan Hall cat & piano have been removed, these pieces of content are scheduled for release next week alongside other Clan Hall changes.

Apologies for the inconvenience and to anybody who was excited to bust out a tune or two while their clannies feed Hannibal.


Originally posted by hasars

Is there any update on the mobile client vibration bug? When can we expect a fix on this.

The team are aware of a lot of the prevalent issues with mobile at the moment and are actively working on fixes. Expect a status update next week on where we're at in terms of what we've fixed and what we're still working on!


Originally posted by Swiss_Sneeze

I was actually shocked when I read cat has personality and not a forced pun Purr-sonality.

Missed opportunity! Oh what could have been...


Originally posted by Noob_vs_pvm

Aha yeah I get that, makes sense now that you have said for sure. Right now we are getting into it, I love a good joke but love bad ones even more. Hit me with the Piano Tuner joke!

the piano tuner joke was in the newspost :(


Originally posted by Noob_vs_pvm

Appreciate the reply, I don’t think anyone expects massive updates weeks before a huge release. The clan hall update part just felt like trying to flesh out something quite simple to fill space on the page is all.

I think of it more as a tongue-in-cheek approach to at least have a little fun with it. It'd be a little bleak for the post to just read 'hitsplats gold but not always (check settings), feed cat, black keys'.

Makes it more enjoyable to write about and perhaps make somebody smile during the downtime - might I recommend the banger of a joke about 'piano tuners'?


Originally posted by Noob_vs_pvm

Hit splat is nice, but the clan hall update? The blog reads like a whole update, but you can pet a cat and give it milk? That could have been a 2 sentence update.

The clan hall needs its coffer upgraded to at least 10m with restrictions on who can withdraw from it. Last seen online, XP gained this week/month, bosses killed this week/month, levels gained this week/month, clan events board needs an overhaul with people voting to attend etc. Quite the disappointment to be honest.

Ultimately when writing newsposts we can't magically get more content out that week. With a project the scale of Raids 3 being so close at-hand, it's natural that we might have the odd slow news week here or there.

For these kinds of weeks I think we generally try to have a little fun with the posts and at least make them an enjoyable read. Perhaps it's not an approach that everybody's a fan of and I'm sure we could strip them down if more people wanted - but it does make them more enjoyable to write too!

Main focus of this week is tying up or updating people on bits from Poll 76, apologies for any disappointment!


Originally posted by 1trickana

Read the post.. It says you cannot see others' max hitsplats unless it is against you

In OlmTheSnek's defence that was an edit I made after a few people had asked about it, but at least it's up-to-date now!


Originally posted by ATCQ_

What restricted accounts are the poison dynamite things for? 10hps? Skillers?

Anybody looking to minimise combat xp for any particular reason. Overwhelmingly - though not necessarily limited to - the 10hp community (which would incl. skillers) in this case, though!


Originally posted by OMFGBoruto

Can personal best times be filtered when you leave the clan chat? currently all other broadcast are hidden if you leave the clan chat, but personal best times still show.

Have had a couple of players suggest this and was planning to bring it up in our next player suggestions meeting with the devs, would be nice to remove some of the 'performance anxiety' for people trying new content in competitive groups.


Originally posted by savage4303

2.5 hours for this.. never previously needed this much time for maintainance until recently

The maintenance we're carrying out isn't directly related to the content of the update, but we are sorry for any inconvenience or disruption today's maintenance causes you.

02 Aug


Originally posted by ZukMyZik



Can you explain this? They both seem to contradict each other. One says you can only get it after surpassing x raid level. The other one says you can get it regardless?

Essentially at the breakpoints indicated, should you see a unique - it's well within the realms of realistic to expect to see one of the highlighted items. Getting one of the items that isn't highlighted isn't something you should ever realistically expect, but it's not completely impossible.


Originally posted by Graardors-Dad

Man this doesn’t explain shit lol. Are invocation just scaling like cox or do they introduce new mechanics or possibly detrimental thing to your player like not being able to use boosts in the raid.

It's not like CMs.

Perhaps we'll release a couple of them before TOA opens, but revealing all would kill so much of the mystique and magic of release day!


Originally posted by IKOZAE

Will there be a bank nearby/inside the raid to gear up at?

There was a stream recently where we showed some concept art of the Lobby area, including a very polite Bank Camel!

Playtesters reported minimal (but not 0...) spitting while they were gearing up, hopefully this is reassuring!


Originally posted by FlyingVulpix

As you work your way up the ranks and surpass 50 Raid Level, you'll be in with a shot at earning the Lightbearer and Osmumten's Fang.

Will the menu show the breakpoints for all the items or is it lightbearer/fang at 50 and everything else at 150? Is there a point that items become even more likely to be gotten?

Just to save you a re-read: 'The chance to gain a unique item, and the quantity of the normal loot you receive, is also boosted at higher Raid Level. This means there’s always an incentive to challenge yourself if you want to get your hands on that sweet, sweet loot!'

So to answer your questions:
- Breakpoints are shown for Normal and Expert mode runs. However, once your raid level surpasses 50 you'll see the highlight around the Lightbearer/Fang which indicates that they can be reasonably obtained at this difficulty.

- Even if something can be reasonably obtained, unique chance scales with raid level. So it's always going to be worth pushing yourself for better odds assuming you're getting consistent completions!


Originally posted by Aurarus

Very cool- I'm really hoping for a lot of unique modifiers (extra adds, new attacks, additional mechanics) instead of just modifying values like defense or health

Will happily confirm that invocations are a lot more interesting than just stat boosts!


Originally posted by Baruu

Any info on what the small top right box is? The one that changes from 0/5/14/34?

It's the number of invocations currently selected!