but I’ll say that when you get to the late game, it’s not that bad with brews, especially if you’re soloing
It's fine early game with cakes and it's fine late game with brews/ornate pool/hp cape/regen brace/etc. It's mid game where todt really sucks. If you're 50 hp, you're getting randomly blasted for 8+ hp and brews will only heal 9 per sip. Other foods work, but take a lot of inventory space for less xp and afk time.
The midgame shittiness is why people either rush todt or leave it until lategame.
On the stream itself I agreed that the health scaling felt a little odd, modernising Todt a little might be the kind of neat thing to slip into a more general poll somewhere down the line.
On the plus side, at least quest requirements cap out at 66fm so you can leave it quite a while if you don't mind dropping the odd clue :(