

18 Dec


for visibility, i left a comment on this topic on another thread

(TL:DR; I’ll be looking into reducing the time between waves & increasing the stagger times across worlds when we’re back to work in jan, so stars are falling more often)


Originally posted by Brandgevaar

> And before anyone says "oh but it would be too OP without the limit" remember we can only do 3 stars per day anyway so whats the point of the teleport limit?

To encourage people to at least find the other two?

yes, this - i didn’t want having the outfit to basically negate having to put in any of the gameplay effort at all

(and i know with daily resets you can do 6 stars, but i don’t think we should be balancing around reset numbers)

17 Dec


i'm interested in reading more people's thoughts on this (i'm off for the holidays now but will keep an eye on socials - any changes wouldn't be coming in until january regardless)

i'd be open to reducing the time between each wave (though likely to something like 1hr 30 or 1hr 15 to still allow sufficient time for finishing the star + breathing room until the next one) & increasing the stagger time between worlds (so effectively this would work as stars being available a lot of the time, across worlds)

this was something that was discussed a fair bit during development FWIW (with pros and cons to each) - personally i feel it is quite integral to the identity of a D&D that it's not always-on


this is on our radar! fix will not be out until the new year however

16 Dec


this has been hotfixed now! was a fun one that was only rarely happening for those few stars with a lot of people mining them


this has been hotfixed now to cap F2P stars at size 5

04 Dec


have added a spam filter to this and reduced the frequency of the messages, hopefully will be released monday

03 Dec


Originally posted by Mediocre-Spinach-701

Can you look into the soul dyed scythe being mixed with aurora dye if its being used as a pet?

this is something that the team who worked on halloween are aware of and are looking into


kudos to Mod Zact for managing to keep that crispy pixie a secret even from the rest of the Christmas dev team [until today]


Originally posted by yuei2

Hey luma did you make this quest? It’s really nice and I enjoyed all the travel and dialogue with pixies. Good job!

i did :) thank you, glad you enjoyed!


Originally posted by Bert_Caper

Wonder if the new black scythe can be fed to the Spirit of Harvest. IMO nothing beats the look of the default/base version, though. Just a beautiful design.

it will be!

02 Dec


Originally posted by Goobert321

Does this include ironmen who are still above the soft cap after purchasing the entire reward store?

Currently we're not able to receive the final letter on the same day it's eligible to be received, so we'll have to buy it from the shop the next day. That means we'll only get 6 nice list entries when santa comes. Not the biggest deal, but still feels bad to miss out on any extra chance to get the rarest reward :(

yes, you’ll have to buy today’s activity letter from the shop tomorrow I’m afraid - we’ll be looking to get this a fix in for this tomorrow


Originally posted by A_Fire_Hazard

I had this exact same issue and ended up buying 3 letters from the shop. Hoping this is just one off release day jankiness.

indeed this is one off release day jankiness i'm afraid

anyone who is unable to collect their 3 letters today can purchase them from the shop, you'll be able to collect them as normal from tomorrow


heya, we're aware of this bug :)

in the meantime, you can still apply the title by unfiltering locked titles, finding the [locked] the Real Present and applying the purple variant


Originally posted by Seismic_wand

any update?

hotfix went live nearly 2 hours ago - anyone still affected will need to relog (or re-enter the village) to get the fix


Originally posted by Clank_0461

It seems to be different benches for different accounts. all 3 seem to be affected, but at least one is not repairable for players

yes, we'll get this hotfixed for all 3 benches


Looking to fix this ASAP, TY

28 Nov


Originally posted by yuei2

Are the PJs overrides or items? Also if they are overrides are they stacked or like the pride event gave us a bunch of separate sharks?

separate overrides


Originally posted by kunair

Are we getting the Neitznot helmet too? For those who missed it last year

Neitiznot helm will not be returning this year I’m afraid


Originally posted by 5-x

Glad to see the Xmas hub iterated on.

I don't see reindeer hat/wintumber tree anywhere. Feedback ignored? Feedback not ignored!

Wintumber tree will be unlocked for anyone who did the 2006 event but wasn’t a member. Still keen on exploring if/how we re-release old untradeable rares for the future, just not for this event

There were a couple of older requested things added to the shop this year, however as there are a fair few new rewards too we didn’t want to overdo it - these can be added in future years (we have a very large brainstorm board of post-its filled with returning and new reward suggestions, so the team is definitely aware of things people want to see)