

31 Aug


This has been hotfixed - thank you

28 Aug

24 Aug

23 Aug

22 Aug




Spent so much time in IT class playing 8 ball pool...

20 Aug


nothing too big to read into, just a minor change to something that we'll talk about next week


Originally posted by UnwillingRedditer

The fact they made prayer-swapping a part of the fight after how much we explained why we hate it, and how naff of a mechanic it is after Raksha actually irritates me.

I am genuinely somewhat un-hyped for the release just knowing that prayer-flicking is going to be part of this. Not because I "can't" do it (I have the Raksha log completed). Not because I need to learn how to prayer-flick.

But because prayer-flicking is a Pre-EoC mechanic that feels like crap in modern EoC and should have been removed except as a sole mechanic (like Jad) in small bursts in some bosses.

If the "prayer flicking" were a "phase" where it forces you to prayer-swap for say 5 attacks while no other mechanics happen, then sure, I can accept that. But constant, Raksha-style prayer-flicking legitimately makes me feel like the collection log will be a grinding slog rather than something I'll enjoy.

Which is a shame, because the idea of a tutorial boss is really good.

It's just a phase (mom).

Prayer flicking is for only a small portion of this encounter :)


Fair concerns, which I tried to address in the stream, but I know I can't assuage everyone.

Here's some hard data:


Base 65000 + (mechanics*35000) + (mechanics*mechanics*5000), therefore:

  1. 105000
  2. 155000
  3. 215000
  4. 285000
  5. 365000

Player damage dealt to the boss will also be reduced to:

  • 1% if the player(s) are way ahead on dps and skipping 4+ mechanics
  • 5% if the player(s) are way ahead on dps and skipping 3+ mechanics
  • 25% if the player(s) are ahead on dps and skipping 2+ mechanics

If t...

Read more

11 Aug


Originally posted by Shaunyowns

One of the best things I ever got to show off! Now we just need more drop rates like OSRS 😉

And yeah I know for a fact how lucky you consider it to be, I saw it firsthand, hope you’re well dude 💜



Originally posted by Shaunyowns

It is the best wiki in the world, fact.

The team there are absolute superstars and deserve even more and quite frankly Jagex should consider themselves very lucky they have them. 😃

We absolutely do consider ourselves very lucky. Not only that, one has even joined the content team and developed the Nodon front.

Also if anyone reading this doesn't know about the /wiki command (or button) in game... well...