

01 Jul


Originally posted by Gamebugio

I mean maybe, but as a social media addict myself (working on it, separate issue) I would 1000% believe that he legitimately just wants a break and if having Jagex in his handle made it feel compulsory for him, and changing it helps, power to him

Not to mention being involved in memes as regular people (rather than as jmods) is pretty common I'd like to think, and I'd also like to think everyone involved can tell the difference

basically this, plus I'm an edgelord


Originally posted by GamerSylv

Not trying to shitpost, but did they ask you to? Your Twitter is highly opinionated and did they ask you to remove the Jagex branding? Glad you're still here!

100% my decision. Nothing weird here.



I'm still here!

I just wanted to take a break from Jagex-branded twitter and lay low a while. No real reason other than I'd like to put all my focus into my work for the rest of the year.

Love you guys, thanks :)

29 Jun


We're working on something for adrenaline pot cooldowns.

28 Jun


Yes it's a carpet magically disguised as a building. Don't question it.


I claim this one.

There's a World of Warcraft Easter egg if you do it with a sea turtle.

26 Jun


Originally posted by Any-sao

You know, I just realized that I have never heard the word “allotment” used in real life. It’s only ever been RuneScape that says it. And even then, I don’t actually know what it means...

Any idea why the Farming skill doesn’t just call the Allotment section “produce” or “fruits and vegetables?”

We use allotment often in the UK. Mod Ramen even has his own allotment where he grows vegetables. It refers to the type of patch, rather than the type of produce.


Originally posted by Omnias-42

If it’s not part of the update, could you make it so in the future T92 armour won’t degrade on reaper/slayer? This would be a huge step towards parity with custom fit trimmed masterwork, and even if this requires “custom fitting” elite Sirenic/tectonic and making gloves and boots, I know this would be really helpful.

For one, it would encourage people to try out new bosses they get assigned for reaper, and it would also make the armour partially future proofed when T95 armour comes out, as you still have an option for slayer. Having the double charges of CFTMW would also help.

Something else that may be worth considering is having degrade you dust armour not lose charges in practice mode of bosses.

Of course, I can’t know what the update on Monday holds, but it’s just that melee has T92 gloves and boosts, an awesome set effect, the cheaper repair cost (which is being addressed on Monday) and the slayer & reaper benefit.

Unrelated but augmented ports ...

Read more

We decided against the reaper/slayer degradation bonus and we're allowing the player-crafted armour to retain that unique property for now.

Encouraging less-experienced PvMers to try out bosses should be dealt with in a different manner than a bonus on the highest tier of armour.

Practice mode and death costs are being discussed internally, but for now there is not much news to shout about.

We definitely need to clean up some of the item cost inconsistencies. Thanks for making me aware of those specifically.


Originally posted by dalmathus

As an ironman will it be reasonable to make it and sustain it?

I love Melee as much as the next guy but its getting a bit old feeling forced to use it because its leaps and bounds ahead of the other styles for accessibility.


Assuming you can do Vorago to make the t90 magic set anyway.

It's especially maintainable as the armours do not degrade in the place where the supplies drop (elite dungeons).

25 Jun


Originally posted by TheDrunkSemaphore

Mod Onion should know his vegetables



Originally posted by ocd4life

I'm going to wait and see how well it is implemented before getting excited. Knocking 5% off the ongoing cost of the armour (especially the range gear) isn't going to cut it... needs to be a pretty big change to make it on a similar level to Masterwork.

Jagex seem a bit conservative with armour balance so I guess we will have to wait and see.

I really hope that the creation/repair/augment process is somewhat logical. There are too many confusing steps as it is.... we regularly see posts were people wore a DTD armour before augmenting it and are now screwed, etc.

I'll let everyone figure out all the details on Monday. I'm happy with it and I feel that we've been generous enough.

Obviously we'll watch and listen in the coming weeks and ensure it's where we designed it to be.

we regularly see posts were people wore a DTD armour before augmenting it and are now screwed

This is one of several QoL issues I have fixed alongside this update. Patch notes won't just be 'armour is cheaper now'.


Originally posted by Fren-LoE

$420.69 USD to your onlyfans right now if you can get qa to make it priority #1.

This offer still good?


It should say Allotment seeds. We'll fix it.


Originally posted by PSR3

I like how it maintains a little bit of realism by still not mentioning the T92 armor fix


05 Jun


The company is taking it very seriously and it's nice to see a donation and some proper discussion on the subject.

I know there will be comments about 'brands this' and 'corporations that'. Yes, that's fair enough and I understand.

From an employee perspective; I want to divulge that there has been a lot of distress, worry, empathy, concern, anxiety, knowledge-seeking, awareness-raising and recognition of privilege within the ranks. I've seen so many people speak up, so many people ask how they can do better, from the top of the company downwards. Maybe most of us aren't directly affected, but we all know people who are, and I just wanted to express that we genuinely care about this.

28 May


This is what happens when you don't get the specifics of project outlines and acceptance criteria 100% correct.

For this job we need to add some igno-ignoeo-black jadinkos so they can get trapped

Technically a pass.

20 May


This is cool. I specifically like the fact that you made it out of wood instead of hunting down a gargantuan spider and chopping off its legs.


I brought this up in a combat council meeting last week, we're looking at it. Not promising a change, but I agree that useful permanent unlockables from temporary content shouldn't exist without any other method of obtaining said unlockable after the fact.

18 May


The wheels are in motion, more info about this will be available soon.

(I know, I know, I've already said that before)