

20 Jul


Sorry you had these problems getting your account upgraded.

Sounds like you got everything sorted now, but I wanted to say thanks for posting this as this sort of feedback about these processes really helps us understand where we can improve things.

09 Jun


It looks like you are using a Jagex account. Tap the blue "Jagex Account Management" button at the top there and you'll be able to manage your sessions from that page.

11 Apr


Sorry about this, we had a small outage. Should be resolved now if you try to open the character list inside the launcher.

06 Apr


Thank you for the feedback.

It's deliberate that it is split across 2 screens but we will be looking at how we can improve it so that you don't need to open the password manager multiple times.

14 Mar


We believe this issue should now be resolved, thank you for your patience everyone. And please let us know if you continue to have issues with the launcher closing on startup.

16 Aug


Hi, sorry you are having this issue. We're investigating and hope to have a fix today.

To help us diagnose further, please could you let me know which version of the CAPTCHA page you see inside the launcher - A or B from this screenshot


Thank you.

15 Jul


Originally posted by ProGaben

Any plans on releasing a rough road map for the launcher?

Scroll down on https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/launcher and you'll see some of the things we have planned :)

06 Jun


Hi thanks for the feedback

We're working on a fix for an issue where the launcher doesn't always save changes you made to its settings and this will be included in the next launcher update.

As a workaround for now:

  1. Run the launcher
  2. Choose your preferred setting from the settings menu and close the settings menu
  3. Right click the launcher icon in the task bar and choose Exit
  4. The next time you run the launcher it should have remembered the settings correctly

Thanks for trying the launcher!

13 May


The Jagex Launcher will only try to run RuneLite from the folder in which it was originally installed. If you have manually moved the files the launcher won't be able to find them.

The easiest solution would be to reinstall RuneLite to your preferred folder using the RuneLite installer, then try again using the launcher.

30 Mar


Hi, Mod Rascasse from the Publishing Platform team here.

Wanted to clarify how this will work on Jagex accounts. By default every account will be protected by 2-step verification. To log in you'll require your email and password, plus a single-use code we send to your email address.

App-based MFA is an additional option you can enable on your account. When you set this up you'll also receive several backup codes that can be used to log in should you lose access to the app. This set up process also disables email verification codes, so if you leave your account in this state, you'll need your account password plus the code from the app OR a backup code to log in.

If you're comfortable with your email security you can then choose to re-enable email as a way to verify logins, should you wish. The screenshot is from an account with all 3 verification options enabled.