

16 Aug


This article has more info about this issue, in particular please check the part about your time zone.


17 Jul


Hi, there's currently an issue with older versions of macOS that may be the cause of this error, so if you're playing on an older Mac please try updating your operating system to the most up to date version you can.

See this article for further info:


10 Jul


Hi, sorry you are having this issue. We have identified this is affecting older versions of macOS and while we investigate we would advise you update to a more recent version if you can. Please see this article for more info:


18 Jun

12 Apr


Originally posted by Confident-One-5321

u/JagexRascasse so logging in to Account Settings on website is not possible without connecting it to jagex account?

If you have an RS account with the same email address as a Jagex account as its login email - no. The expectation is that when you switch to a Jagex Account, you import all of your characters to that account and then use the Jagex account to access them.

11 Apr


If you have a Jagex Account and want to import the character sharing its email, head to https://account.runescape.com/game and then log in with your Jagex Account.

You will see an indicator near the Import button to show there's a character with the same email address ready to import.

Follow the steps to import the character and then you'll be able to access all of them using your Jagex Account email and password.


To use the Jagex Launcher you'll need to follow the steps in this article to upgrade to a Jagex Account - https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001528005-Upgrade-a-Game-Center-character-to-a-Jagex-Account

Once you have done that you can download the launcher and log in using your Jagex Account email + password. You will also be able to log in on mobile using either the Jagex Account email + password or Game Center.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Acceptable-Habit-154

I am on an IPhone 13 Pro Max.

Went over my post again and wanted to make a couple clarifications:

I don’t logout after a short time if the runescape app is open, only if I minimize it. This has always been the case but is only now an issue because of the lengthy login process.

Also, very infrequently, it lets me log in with one click like it used to. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when it does vs. when it doesn’t but it’s definitely about 90% of the time that I have to login manually. If I get a connection error and get booted to the login, which happens a lot playing on mobile w/ data, I 100% have to login manually again.

I thought this was an issue with Jagex Accounts, but other redditors are having conflicting scenarios occur, so it’s probably a mobile bug.

Thanks, and if you check in Settings -> Old School RuneScape is "Background App Refresh" turned on or off?


Originally posted by skilledkni

Having the same issue

Sorry you're having this issue - could you let me know if you're playing on iOS or Android please?


Sorry you're having this issue - could you let me know if you're playing on iOS or Android please?


This definitely isn't the intended experience - to help us investigate please could you let me know if you're playing OSRS on iOS or Android?

08 Sep


Originally posted by beached89

Just re-confirming here in case you didnt see my other comment. This was indeed the issue, logged out of the launcher, logged in, this time typing in credentials instead of clicking log in with google.

Thank you for this feedback, and hope you enjoy what should now be much easier access to all your characters.


Originally posted by Anachren

I'm guessing you clicked the "Log in with Google" (or similar) button, instead of logging in with your Jagex account.

Sounds like it could be this - please try logging out of the launcher completely then log in using the email address and password you set for your new Jagex account.

We've seen this issue come up a few times and we are working on making what to do much clearer.


Originally posted by Invinca

The only reason I could possibly think of is if you're worried about your computer getting stolen, then the thief would have access to one click logons to all your accounts so not only is your computer lost but so is your gold lol

If this were to happen to you and you're a Jagex account user you should visit https://account.jagex.com and hit the "End all sessions" button to make sure the thief can't access your Jagex account on the stolen machine.


Originally posted by Particular-Cow-4756

There’s been a number of incidents where players with Jagex accounts were unable to login for hours while non-Jagex accounts were able to do so just fine.

Earlier in the beta there were a few issues around the time of game updates that were caused by the large number of players trying to play all at the same time when the game came back online.

We've been working hard behind the scenes to ensure this is much less likely to occur again even if you are a Jagex Account user.

30 Aug


Hi, we believe this is caused by a recent update to the Brave browser you are using.
To be able to log in again you need to do the following:

Open Brave > Menu > Settings > Click “Brave Shields & privacy” > Scroll down to “Other privacy settings” section > Enable setting called “Allow app links to open in apps outside of Brave”


Hi, we believe this is caused by a recent update to the Brave browser you are using.
To be able to log in again you need to do the following:

Open Brave > Menu > Settings > Click “Brave Shields & privacy” > Scroll down to “Other privacy settings” section > Enable setting called “Allow app links to open in apps outside of Brave”


Hi, we believe this is caused by a recent update to the Brave browser you are using.

To be able to log in again you need to do the following:

Open Brave > Menu > Settings > Click “Brave Shields & privacy” > Scroll down to “Other privacy settings” section > Enable setting called “Allow app links to open in apps outside of Brave”


Originally posted by MrSimQn

I am! I changed my default browser to Chrome and it works now. Weird bug indeed considering both are chromium based. Well hopefully others can find this thread while trouble shooting.

Thanks for the help!

We just found the problem, it's a new setting introduced to Brave recently.

"Allow app links to open in apps outside of Brave" needs to be enabled or it's not possible to log in to the OSRS app (or any other Android app that uses the same web-based login process).


Sorry you are having this issue. Are you using Brave as your browser?

We are investigating reports that it's not possible to log in on Android using Brave - please could you try switching your default browser to Chrome and try again?