

06 Dec


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

How many Jmods have quit and come back to Jagex so far? Just two?

Hmm, on the OSRS side I count five and may be overlooking some.


Originally posted by MrCorfish

Job market that bad huh?

Explained in another comment, but the industry is a funny one. Once you're in, you're in. Consultancy was going very, very well but this role and offer made a lot of sense for me. Happy to be back!


Originally posted by musei_haha


Are you guys in the market for QA?

Had a look, seems like there's a senior analyst gig available: https://jobs.lever.co/jagex

Check out the 'RS Old School' section.


Originally posted by gl0ry66

Welcome back! Can we please have a - barbarian assault 2 - new clothing / haircut options - a new skill..

Did you see the game jam section in the recent Gazette? Lots of haircuts and whatnot: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/gielinor-gazette---november-ish-2022?oldschool=1


Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

Hell yes sween! Happy to see you back and if you're excited I sure am. Will miss you on the community team though!

I'm lucky enough to work very closely with the community team, they'll be sick of me (if they aren't already) in no time.


Originally posted by fjahahah


I won't say permanent, it's not a life-long contract! But it's on a full-time, permanent basis, and I'm very happy with the new role.


Originally posted by RSNKailash

Yayyy!! Sween is the best! Hopefully we can see you on a stream some time!

I think that's likely!


Originally posted by Snoo92320

Ofc they come crawling back, not as ez to get a decent job in this business as it was in 2018 ay

I was cap in hand, like Oliver Twist!

It's a funny industry though, once you're in, you're in. Quite a lot of roles out there! Consultancy was going very well, but coming back made sense.


Originally posted by Stn36

Well honestly I've had more ads for private servers than the real osrs, and i've never played a private server.

That's not good. But it makes sense that you're shown something that you don't play, but have related interests in. Rather than shown something that you already play.


Originally posted by StockJonesJR

This is the only unpolled integrity change that I think the whole community would support.

If it helps, there was a panel interview so it was kinda voted on.


Originally posted by LivingxLegend8

Can someone explain how certain worlds need “maintenance” while others can remain operational?

I'm not very technical, but in layman's speak... the worlds are hosted on different servers in different locations. Rather than just take them all offline at once, we can turn off one location, work on those worlds, and players can play on other worlds at the same time. Maintenance was already done on UK and German worlds.


https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1All US West & Australian worlds will be unavailable. Players may still play the game on different worlds


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05 Dec


This is very self-indulgent, and I'm sure nobody cares, but I'm coming back to Jagex.

I've been lucky enough to have been doing some marketing consulting for the Old School team over the past few months, and I'm super stoked to say that I'll be rejoining the team permanently next month.

What I've seen has got me excited for the future of Old School, and I think you're going to love what we've got to show in the Summit.

I won't be returning to the community team, instead I'll be spending my time doing more marketing bits. I know you all think we're really pants at Marketing, so it'll be me that you get to complain to! That said, I hope you've enjoyed the stuff you've seen recently that I've had a hand in, culminating in the Summit this weekend.

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22 Oct


Great feedback, have passed it to the team working on the game client. Thanks!


thank you
it was great to be had by you all

21 Oct


Originally posted by kukkelii

Idk if he took it seriously, but I still find it hilarious that he pointed out that it wasn't the reason for him leaving.


Flippy been on the duel arena schemes with Sween and now they both retire when the 10m cap comes out. No more protection money coming in from the sand casino mafia. I knew it. Smart move, would be a bit more sus if you guys left right after the cap.

I was being super serial

14 Oct


Originally posted by TheSneedquilizer

He needs to lose weight.

but then it wouldn't be thicc sween


Lmao. If there's another GameBlast event at Jagex I'll happily do this again for charity. I'll talk about this on a stream next week, there's a funny little story associated with the aftermath of the event.

13 Oct


I've been putting this off for a little while, because it makes me sadder than Nieve, Bob, and the caged Unicorn combined.

22nd October will mark 2272 days at Jagex, but it will also be my last day. Five days short of Max, I should have planned that better!

Jagex has been nothing short of fantastic for me, offering me incredible opportunities and giving me the freedom to level up and grow into an industry professional - a far cry from the baby-faced grad who stumbled into a role back in 2015!

I don't have any profound parting words but I'd just like to say this. Thank you so much, everybody, it's been wonderful, even when it hasn't been. Passions can run high when you're so emotionally invested in something, and that's so true for our community and Old School. I challenge you to channel that passion in a positive way! Celebrate your fellow community members - you might disagree but it's a shared love for the game that unites you. Support your J-Mods - ...

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