

16 Dec


Originally posted by Cheshmang

I guess cheaper membership is better than nothing. It is surprising OSRS doesn't get anything like rs3 does since there's a much larger player base. I'd imagine there'd be much more money to be had from this community

We've always felt that it'd be at odds with Old School's subscription-only (of which Bonds play a part) way of working.


Originally posted by TexturalTriangle

Are there any more official updates on when JaGex will respond to the lost items and other issues caused by the rollback?

I believe that's still being discussed and investigated, it absolutely has not been forgotten about, I don't know more than that, sorry.


Originally posted by zomangel

How did you start consulting with them?

Were you with an outside company who said "Sween, we're sending you to a studio named Jagex".

Or did you contact them and work something out?

I left the studio I joined after Jagex to start consulting freelance with my own company. I mentioned this in passing to contacts at Jagex, and we worked something out. I've been working with three studios since then. And accepted a permanent position with Jagex which I'll begin next month.


Originally posted by McBoomtown

Would you still be best friends with Mod Ayiza if they turned into a worm?

I'd knit him a little wormy hat and carry him in my shirt pocket and go on adventures with him


Originally posted by GreyFur

Sweens back?! For real?

When did this happen?

I've been consulting with OSRS on their marketing for the past few months. I'm coming back permanently in late January, and I announced it last week (I think it was last week). Excited!


You might be curious about what's next, well, here's my best friend Mod Ayiza telling you about the stages of polling the skill: https://youtu.be/CfXcfjIV5KA


You get cheap membership. Though you're also able to login to the RS3 character on your account and use those rewards, if you wanted to.

13 Dec


Originally posted by zomangel

u/jagexlight is Mod Sween going to be listed again, or is he not in the OSRS department anymore? I've been looking for his name haha

Back properly next month!

12 Dec


Originally posted by sleepy_piglet

please mod sween, im begging you. please please please let us opt in to keep the original UI. having all tabs on the right is a huge detriment. why do you think the current UI is only viable for AFK tasks? there's some of us that can do very high lvl content on mobile that all disagree with these changes

I didn’t mean to generalise too much with saying it’s only viable for AFKing. I myself do Zulrah, Vorkath, Demonic Gorilla’s etc. on mobile too.

We’re seeing all the feedback re: the mobile changes and will work through addressing it.


Originally posted by TexturalTriangle

Are we going to get an update on the rollback?

I think there’s one coming with tomorrow’s game update post.


I get your point, but would really recommend giving it a read with the context of the accompanying text:

In the spirit of clearing up the screen so you can see more of the game, we've also added a toggle that will allow you to completely hide the Chat Box, as well as its filters. If you want more space to see the messages, you can disable the filters, rather than the whole shebang, so that you have a little more space to see what's going on in chat.

We’ve also added an extra button below the Chat Filter that will open your keyboard for you – handily, it’ll also help prevent you randomly opening your keyboard when you’re trying to scroll through the chat!

Check out the entire blog too: ...

Read more

09 Dec


Originally posted by P0tatothrower

Really 14? Usually it's been 7, is it doubled for holidays?

I mispoke, it's 7, my fault, editing for clarity. Sorry!


Originally posted by ohjustanotheraccount

Awesome thanks! Also, sorry, i don't mean to waste your time with dumb questions. But does this stack with bonds too? I have 7 days left from a bond i bought so would it up it to 21?

It should! The only stacking issue I would foresee is if a subscription was bought via a mobile store (App/Play), because that has to work differently. You'll be fine with the bond + Prime.


Originally posted by StimulatingClouds

How do I get the 14 day membership through my Amazon prime? I only see 7 days for RS3

Membership applies to an account not a character (RS or OSRS), so whilst it's branded as RS3, it'll still work for OSRS membership!


Originally posted by Ultrox

I thought the same. I haven't taken it assuming it only worked for rs3.

Membership applies to an account not a character (RS or OSRS), so whilst it's branded as RS3, it'll still work for OSRS membership!


Originally posted by ohjustanotheraccount

I've been trying to find this but it only shows membership for rs3 i'd imagine it's not the same but maybe i'm wrong. Am i missing it anywhere?

Membership applies to an account not a character (RS or OSRS), so whilst it's branded as RS3, it'll still work for OSRS membership!


Originally posted by spectrum_t

I have Prime but the email address is different to my RS account, is the offer transferable or am I out of luck?

I don’t believe the email addresses you use to login to Twitch or RuneScape actually matter, the way Prime Gaming works is that it links a RuneScape account to the Prime Gaming account.


What sort of gamer are you?

I’d encourage you to just have fun with it! Look at your Quest log and use that to inform what you train and work on. Make friends, be social. But be wary of anybody promising things which sound too good to be true.

That said, if you have a history of playing MMOs and you want to get to the good stuff you could follow this: ...

Read more

07 Dec


GOTR is great. Particularly when you think 'okay, one more game and then bed time' but then the portal is there at the end and you don't want to miss out on that XP so you play for another two hours.

06 Dec


So many very, very nice comments! I've replied to some, where there's an answer warranted, but I can't possibly reply to all of you. Just know that it makes me smile, and reaffirms my decision to come back. Thanks so much!