

14 Oct


Originally posted by TheSneedquilizer

He needs to lose weight.

but then it wouldn't be thicc sween


Lmao. If there's another GameBlast event at Jagex I'll happily do this again for charity. I'll talk about this on a stream next week, there's a funny little story associated with the aftermath of the event.

13 Oct


I've been putting this off for a little while, because it makes me sadder than Nieve, Bob, and the caged Unicorn combined.

22nd October will mark 2272 days at Jagex, but it will also be my last day. Five days short of Max, I should have planned that better!

Jagex has been nothing short of fantastic for me, offering me incredible opportunities and giving me the freedom to level up and grow into an industry professional - a far cry from the baby-faced grad who stumbled into a role back in 2015!

I don't have any profound parting words but I'd just like to say this. Thank you so much, everybody, it's been wonderful, even when it hasn't been. Passions can run high when you're so emotionally invested in something, and that's so true for our community and Old School. I challenge you to channel that passion in a positive way! Celebrate your fellow community members - you might disagree but it's a shared love for the game that unites you. Support your J-Mods - ...

Read more External link →

12 Oct


Apologies for the delay all. We can only share an update once we are aware of the current situation ourselves.

I've updated OP with the following:

October 12th 17:30

We've made good progress on resolving the shared storage issues, and we are aiming to restore full system functionality with tomorrow's game update (11:30am BST). We would like to thank you for your patience, and we'll share more information tomorrow morning.

11 Oct


Update October 11th 16:10

Work continues to reopen the Group Ironman shared storage system as soon as possible.

We're confident that we've solved the root cause of potential issues, but we'd like some more time in testing.

Thank you for your patience so far. We'll have more news to share tomorrow!


Update 11th October 16:10

Work continues to reopen the Group Ironman shared storage system as soon as possible.

We're confident that we've solved the root cause of potential issues, but we'd like some more time in testing.

Thank you for your patience so far. We'll have more news to share tomorrow!

09 Oct


Originally posted by lm4eversmart

Is there any risk using it this weekend?

No risk at all. Your Leader can use it as much as you like.


Originally posted by hotdogundertheoven

go to bed dude

I hope to play GIM now!


Another update, likely the last from me this evening.

Update 00:05 BST

The investigation is proceeding well, however we've made the decision that shared storage should remain largely inaccessible for the rest of the weekend. We appreciate that most players treasure their weekend ‘Scaping, so we've implemented an interim solution to allow Group Leaders only to withdraw and deposit items. We will do our utmost to re-enable the storage as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience, and your incredible support during Group Ironman’s launch.


Originally posted by seani3e

Ye same, would completely ruin my motivation for gim. Just got my first pet

Grats on the pet! Nobody is taking any of your stuff away.


Originally posted by ManagerMilkshake

No kidding. I don’t give a flying f**k if ironmen found a glitch to get money. Patch the issue so it doesn’t happen again, take away the money they gained if possible and if not possible who gives a damn?

Nobody is taking your progress or your stuff away.


Originally posted by Bank_of_knowledge

They didn’t tell the cc about incident until they already spoke with u guys; I love my cc cuz of them all being like this

Good bunch!


Originally posted by here_for_the_lols

People f**king suck. Can guarantee the first thing people were trying to figure out was how to dupe items. What absolute idiots.

At least when gold buyers are banned on sight this will slow down a lot

Doesn't seem to be anything malicious. Just items behaving all unintended.


Originally posted by CheapsBreh

Someone found a dupe. Shocker.

Doesn't seem to be anything malicious. Just items behaving all unintended.


Originally posted by CheapsBreh

Why are some accounts not showing on highscores Mr Sween.

News to me. What accounts are you expecting to see on there?


Originally posted by Ferbech

Are all items safe?

Yep, should be!


Originally posted by weedcop420

Is there a possibility of a rollback?

No, there's no need for anything like that.


Originally posted by SnowflakeSean

Are you investigating bug abuse? Would be nice to know if there's a chance of a rollback

It doesn't look like bug abuse. And it doesn't seem like there's any need for a rollback or anything like that.


Originally posted by ironximus

gimme my law runes sween

or else

~Sincerely, GIN Force

They're mine now.


Originally posted by Epic_Lepsy

Is there any risk of a rollback potentially?

No, there's no need for anything like that.