

06 Mar


Originally posted by JagexGoblin

Hey all!

Small update from us and providing a little extra context. We'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out the survey, we'll be using what we've heard from you so far alongside survey results to update this blog again tomorrow (Tuesday, March 7th) with any final changes before initial polling. Please keep in mind the sections of the update that reiterate we'll still be on the lookout for feedback and making further changes - we just wanted to touch base a little and hopefully make it clear that we're paying attention and have been reading so far.

Cheers everybody, hope you're having a fab day so far!

Edit: it's technically after hours for me so I might not be super active in the replies, but I'll likely be glued to my screen all evening regardless. In any case, please share away, anything you share will be useful for us ahead of further changes tomorrow!

Y-you too

03 Mar


Originally posted by Kyloman

i hope thats bolded and in all caps at the top of the poll, feels easy to miss

Will pass that on!


Originally posted by ninjatrainer25

Make sure this is apparent in the blog because I though we were locking these in for the main game not the beta as well

Yea I gave that feedback too, and I think Goblin did that now!


I haven't been close to the design of these prayers, and won't talk for them or against them, but would encourage players to consider that the upcoming poll is whether these should be added to a Beta for you to try them out in, not whether they should just be added to the game (that will follow after the Beta).

So if you're on the fence, I'd say there's no harm in seeing how they behave in-game. That said, if you have suggestions on how to change/replace what's offered here. Go for it! Let's see!

01 Mar


/u/JagexSarnie included a bit of a Mobile update in yesterday's Gazette but here you are:

Mobile Rework

The Winter Summit also showcased the upcoming Mobile UI rework, which received a bit of a lukewarm reception. We know this is critical to mobile gameplay, and the rework is something we're passionate about, so we want to make sure we get it right. We've been listening to your feedback, and we also want to deliver clearer messages about the improvements we’re making and what we are trying to achieve.

We'll go into more detail in an ...

Read more

28 Feb


Originally posted by Sexy_Mfer

Welcome back Sween

thanks :)


Originally posted by jequiem-kosky

Is it still looking like Jagex Accounts will go into open beta in March? I don't see any actual timeline in the Gazette and since we're about to be in March (the original timeframe you said) I figured I'd ask. Myself and a lot of other people are looking forward to our accounts being taken out of the current broken recovery process. How long will non-streamers and non-pmods have to wait to get in on it?

Streamers aren't actually in yet, it's just P-Mods. We're expecting to begin scaling the test up (to 'normal' players) in March. Whether that's fully Open or not, will depend on how the scaling goes. Not long now, I hope.


Originally posted by moree123

Any chance of a league this year?

This is what we said shortly before the Winter Summit, and the plans are unchanged AFAIK. Subject to change, sure, but I hope not. https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/winter-summit-2022---countdown?oldschool=1

We won't, however, be talking about the next League. There will be a League in 2023, and it'll be in the second half of the year. We plan to talk more about it once we're ready during our next roadmap update, likely the Summer Summit. We're extremely excited for the show, and we hope you join us to see the roadmap unfold!

22 Feb


Why wouldn't you want to let Nieve rest in peace? Why must she suffer?


Originally posted by Anooyoo2

Whose work is this? Gunschilli?

This is the brilliant work of our internal video team (including Mod Archie)!

We have commissioned Gunschilli for quite a bit of content in the past (and probably again in the future!) though.

21 Feb

13 Feb


Originally posted by 21failure

I already have it I just want to know if there is any way to tell

If you're concerned I would suggest uninstalling the one you have, conduct scans of your device, change passwords and ensure Auth is on your account and email account, and then download it again via the OSRS site link or the Jagex Launcher.

08 Feb


Originally posted by ThambersOfBeric

if you were eligible, i think they were sent through the message system on your runescape account. pretty sure i've still got my code sitting in my inbox

Yep! We've got some reminders set up for people to use them before the enddate soon too.

05 Feb


Originally posted by Hanzi777

How long will the event be available? I'll be out of the country until March 2nd 😳😳

Unsure, but I'd hate for you to miss out!


Originally posted by Coomer_but_Doomer

Hey Sween, I didn't know you were back until now. I see you're not on community again, but do you think you'll still semi-regularly attend streams? You are my favorite JMod on streams to listen to because you have such a wide variety of video games that you always bring up to compare or reference in your discussions. I hope we get to hear from you regularly soon!

Hey, thanks a ton, that's honestly nice to hear! I was on last week and I'll happily jump on whenever I've got something good to add, or whenever they're scraping the barrel!


04 Feb


You should see the event rewards we've got planned.


Originally posted by flip2dip_

Sweet, I'm gonna abuse the fact that you didn't give me any scope restrictions.

First thing that comes to mind is a massive skilling overhaul.

Reviewing methods, drops, pacing, numbers, all of it. There is so much unused content and weird pacing in skilling that could make maxing more enjoyable.

As an example: Skilling has like 0 (defined) guidelines for how it should be paced and how the journey from 1-99 looks like. Some skills are dominated with the same method for 80%+ of your time spent training the skill and the other content is just gathering dust.

On top of this, the relationship between skilling and PvM in terms of resources could improve tenfold and this would be a great opportunity to do it.

The goal here is not to kill/change nostalgic content, but to allow for unsued methods, promote variety and reward players consistently.

Good answer! Miss you bud.


We give you the reins to make any unpolled change, without the responsibility of having to face the community afterwards. What unpolled change do you make?