

30 Jul


My biggest pet peeve is people asking to ask a question because if I respond with "Yes" and the question is one I can't answer I feel silly.

But go on then, I'll bite the bait! Shoot.

29 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


I’d recommend checking the pinned reddit post or our news post module.

25 Jul


That house was always different; it wasn't updated for this quest. It's been like that since 2007.


What's your in game name?

Some clients are capable of editing interfaces and looking at our data we can see nobody has entered the city, so forgive me for doubting you... I'm surprised you didn't show the quest complete interface :)


We're investigating the issue now. Apologies.

23 Jul


Can I ask why? I generally favour better icons/silhouette over colours to allow an equal playing field for those with colour blindness.

20 Jul


Originally posted by DanishPastry6

'Hello sailor'

'Papa Dave'

Calm down boys

Our Stanislavskian acting methodology taught us to be completely natural in our scenes!

We just have an eternal bromance that lingers on to the set :D

18 Jul


Originally posted by Telepath1

Just curious, what is the purpose?

The person coding it was probably bored.

Edit: Ash confirmed that it was indeed because he was bored.

17 Jul


Players have the capability to not only turn off attack options on other players but also to remove auto retaliation.

We provide the tools not to skull to any player.

I stick by what I said: it's a case by case basis on if something is defined as skull tricking or not. If you auto retaliate and it skulls you, that's a problem. That shouldn't be happening. That's a bug and something we would address.

If you click on a person dressed the same as your previous target? Yeh, ok, that's not good too but there's not much we can do about that. Is that scamming? It's a pretty fine line.

It's not irrelevant, however, to also raise the fact that negative outcomes educate new players. It's not nice dying to someone and losing your full set of mithril as a noob, but you certainly walk past that area that says you may lose your stuff if killed again; at least without educating yourself on the potential ways to avoid those issues again, would you?


Read more

Originally posted by scilRS

Sheer curiosity, not to be rude... What made you decide to respond to THIS post?

I was a part of this discussion on the Q&A.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't know what you mean.


Not necessarily.

I think there's a balance in what's the line of too harsh for players vs what's something that's definitively old school and players have come to expect from the game.


Your content...

Love you 3000.


Originally posted by Dephire

What exactly does churned mean in this context? I guess I'm just not British enough to understand.


16 Jul


Originally posted by Fully_Mobile

I laughed, Wolf, thanks for watching. (:

It was awesome content! Well done.


Originally posted by Reptile00Seven

f**k the nobody meme

I don't think you get the irony in the use of my churned meme.



2007Scape SubReddit: Replaces churned memes with top quality original content

15 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


And that's totally fine.