Hmm, will check it out.
Hmm, will check it out.
Will investigate, don't think it'll make it into tonights minor version but will get to the bottom of it.
Was this on our Official Network?
Where's the beard? Fake
corruption - it's a scandal
Don't believe the liesdratthey'reontome
For context: I am currently investigating a claiming replication issue with an island that company owns, and the character is level 1 so no need to panic.
It's on the way! It needed a bit more time in the oven but it'll be done soon.
We're investigating the issues related to structures collapsing, should hopefully have a fix go out in out next update.
Edit: Should be fixed as of 100.6
Looking into it
Edit: Should be fixed as of 100.6
Will investigate, thanks for the heads up.
Hmm, seems like it only seems to occur if you're in the same Company.
Edit: Should be fixed as of 100.6