

08 Jun

Ahoy, Pathfinders!

June marks the 6-month anniversary since ATLAS’ initial launch to Steam Early Access. We’d just like to take a moment to say “Thank you!” to all of our players and fans for your support over the last 6 months and to reaffirm to all of you now that the development team is still committed to making ATLAS the best game it can possibly be. Especially with the help of your continued feedback and support; please keep your ideas, concerns, complaints, and reports coming.

For this Captain's Log, we'd like to give you an early glance at some of the content that'll be making its way ashore with the upcoming Mega-Update!

Head to the shooting range and pull out your pistols, it's time to brush up on your marksmanship!

Introducing our latest weapon, the Hydra Revolver!

... Read more

07 Jun

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm shutting down this thread. As always, genuine feedback and criticism of the game are always appreciated, but let's try and keep the nonsense to a minimum. Rest assured folks, despite Realists' comments, you have no obligation and this isn't your job. It's a game that is currently in development, in which you can share your feedback if you so choose to. We appreciate everyone's comments, whether they're bug reports, suggestions, positive posts, or showing us where we can do better.

If you're going to have these sort of discussions on the board, consider ways to phrase them so that they're not so insulting or instigating. Provide suggestions to how you think better feedback could be made, rather than berating people that aren't doing things in the way you would like them to.

    Jatheish on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think it would be a fun addition, presumably, they're different/special, perhaps quest-kills or with unique rewards.

06 Jun