

24 Apr


I think the action you want to use here is actually “Modify … Variable” and you want the “Append to Array” operation.


In Overwatch, the coordinate space is: Y = up, Z = forward, and X = left


Hi there, I went ahead and made an example on how to change Tracer’s shift ability to do an AOE ring explosion. Please give it a try, it should help you get started on making your own ability.

There is no concept of cooldown in this example, but you can definitely add that if you’d like!

Go to the settings of a custom game, and click the “Import Code” button and enter: Q1129


Great idea! A blank level for prototyping would be very useful while editing. For now, you can try prototyping in a skirmish game mode, teleport yourself, and you can actually skip the assemble heroes and setup phases by checking to see if “Is Assembling Heroes” and “Is in Setup” and then “Set Match Time” to 0.


That’s an excellent idea. For now, could you try the existing UI editor for a while and let us know if there’s any improvements that can be made there?

Keep in mind that you have the auto-complete/search box for picking values, and copy/paste support. We’ve found that you can get pretty fast with editing after a little bit of time using the editor.


One way you can start playing around with this is to use the “Is Button Held” condition to tell when you’ve pressed one of the ability keys. Combine this with the “Ongoing - Each Player” event type. Then you can have that key do whatever you’d like. Try disabling the existing abilities on a hero first to make sure they don’t interfere with your button presses.