Read moreOverall I like the new design. Not expecting anyone at all to agree with the following, but my own thoughts:
Vertical scoreboard is nice
I don't mind the rotating widgets as long as the rotation time makes sense. Certainly don't change every second, but don't leave it for 10 seconds, either. Guess it depends on how many rotations there are because if someone wants to see what's on rotation #1 but they just missed it, it would suck to have to wait around for rotation #2 and rotation #3 and rotation #4, by which time they might miss #1 again. And the animation should be more on the subtle side so it's not drawing my eyes away every single time it changes to something else
Don't mind too much either way about inside-out or outside-in for dragon stacking, but if you want to emphasize the "race to soul" then it makes sense to have outside-in. If you want it to resemble in-game, then maybe it should be changed in-game, too
Wow this is so much insight! Really appreciate you taking the time to write this down, the good and the bad!
I do think Atakhan is going to be something we continue to fiddle with. It’s new and the power has changed a bit as it is balanced so we don’t want to over or understate it visually. Hard balance.
Agreed that space around health in vertical mode needs to be optimized. And likely fits into the broader feedback of health/resource being a bit off already.
LCK does indeed have some good outlines for buffs. I think the gold outline for bounty is a start, but you would be surprised how many people don’t know that it is meant to signify bounty. That was another learning in our testing labs.
Anyway, this is step one in the journey. If we can get the general shape right (placement and groupings of info), the fine details will be easier to solve long term.