

25 Feb


Originally posted by LeapYearCake

Overall I like the new design. Not expecting anyone at all to agree with the following, but my own thoughts:

  • Vertical scoreboard is nice

  • I don't mind the rotating widgets as long as the rotation time makes sense. Certainly don't change every second, but don't leave it for 10 seconds, either. Guess it depends on how many rotations there are because if someone wants to see what's on rotation #1 but they just missed it, it would suck to have to wait around for rotation #2 and rotation #3 and rotation #4, by which time they might miss #1 again. And the animation should be more on the subtle side so it's not drawing my eyes away every single time it changes to something else

  • Don't mind too much either way about inside-out or outside-in for dragon stacking, but if you want to emphasize the "race to soul" then it makes sense to have outside-in. If you want it to resemble in-game, then maybe it should be changed in-game, too

  • ...

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Wow this is so much insight! Really appreciate you taking the time to write this down, the good and the bad! 

I do think Atakhan is going to be something we continue to fiddle with. It’s new and the power has changed a bit as it is balanced so we don’t want to over or understate it visually. Hard balance. 

Agreed that space around health in vertical mode needs to be optimized. And likely fits into the broader feedback of health/resource being a bit off already. 

LCK does indeed have some good outlines for buffs. I think the gold outline for bounty is a start, but you would be surprised how many people don’t know that it is meant to signify bounty. That was another learning in our testing labs. 

Anyway, this is step one in the journey. If we can get the general shape right (placement and groupings of info), the fine details will be easier to solve long term. 


Originally posted by TheEternalCowboy

I haven't been able to figure out if there is anyway to tell which team won the feats of strength in the current HUD. Is there an indicator for the feats of strength winner in the new HUD?

Yes there is! It's hard to say if Feats are supported currently because there are a lot of HUD variations out there (most regions have their own style). But it's for sure in this one!

24 Feb


Originally posted by Chenz

Got real nervous there when lane gold diff wasn’t in the screenshots, that and objective timers are the most important things of the HUD to me. Looking forward to see it in action soon!

Edit: I hope it’s visible most of the time, if you have to continuously scan the interface to not miss when the important stats are visible I know I personally lose out on a lot of details of the gameplay

Makes total sense, and that is good feedback. We are monitoring how "distracting" the rotating info is and tweaking accordingly. We are also tracking the fb here re: lane gold delta for sure :)


Originally posted by Chenz

Got real nervous there when lane gold diff wasn’t in the screenshots, that and objective timers are the most important things of the HUD to me. Looking forward to see it in action soon!

Edit: I hope it’s visible most of the time, if you have to continuously scan the interface to not miss when the important stats are visible I know I personally lose out on a lot of details of the gameplay

Yeah totally! And I think there's definitely consistent feedback here on reddit that people want the gold delta to be visible most/all of the time. Something we will look at iterating on!


Originally posted by cadaada

I just want to thank you that dead champions are greyed out, we had some HUDs who would barely grey them out and i could not see for my life which champions were dead oof.

Is the visibility good on 480/720p too?

<3 thanks!

We are aiming for higher legibility at lower quality settings too, but we need more testing. To be honest compression is a wild ride, and we already know that a lot of the in-game icons we are using (for items/champs) don't handle it well :(


Originally posted by ItsKipz

Just want to say I really like the HUD, hoping it eventually gets adopted outside of just first stand.

As an aside, is the image being used in the background a real screenshot from a pro match? I've been trying to figure out what game it could be for a few hours to no avail...

I asked around and honestly NO IDEA. I feel caught out.


Originally posted by [deleted]

LEC #4 with a casual 298k gold lead over LCK #2. Kinda weird they'd spoil worlds like that but whatever

LOL, I am shocked this is the first response about the meme gold.


Originally posted by OGTypohh

They're running out of objectives to display. Quick, add more!!

Everytime I look at our HUD I am reminded just how complex League is as a game. Whew.


Originally posted by Marcoscb

Gold difference isn't gone, it just isn't captured in these stills - still a feature, and will be visible in the lower 3rd!

Does "isn't captured in these stills" mean that it will be rotating info? If so, I'd strongly urge you to reconsider that. I'd say it's more important to analyze the state of the game than overall gold diff.

Correct, rotating info right now. I'm capturing this concern and feedback though. If it becomes clear that it is needed 24/7 we will absolutely re-evaluate!


Originally posted by gksxj

just a question, is this Esports only or it's meant to replace the current in-game spectator too?

This is esports-only, not related to in-game!

Additionally this is not meant to replace the current HUDs everywhere. We are using First Stand as an opportunity to launch/learn/iterate, and then evaluate where we go from there.


Originally posted by SpiderTechnitian

That's how some regions and international events have done it, it's just that often it gets missed when there's early action or a delay into game (tech issue potentially including a pause etc.)

It's missed often enough or shown for such a brief time that people don't take in new keystones, announcers even miss new tech sometimes because not even they can see it quickly enough. They'll catch Keria hail of blades ashe when he first pulled that out, but nobody sees that it's grasp azir or whatever after his on-hit changes for chovy's first games and stuff like that

Especially with a fearless meta where lots of things are shaken up and team comps will be wacky with lots of discussion, a 5-10 second full rune pop-up display will likely not be sufficient because there will be too much going on from draft and with spawn in cinematics with the weird comps. I don't want to say it's worthless but really it might as well not exist because you can tell already it just won't be...

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got it, and yes it definitely helps!


Originally posted by lolKhamul

Can i ask why you decided against doing gold difference per role? Its is honestly the best thing added to HUDs in past years and cant stand to watch games without it.

Having the info where the gold differences are adds A LOT of context to a match.

Gold delta is awesome, and it's still in the HUD (just not in these two stills). It will rotate in and out on the lower 3rd. If that rotation is still not providing enough info we will for sure iterate on it further.


Originally posted by itrTie

Just visual design.

Also, one gripe I had with the Atakhan timer is that it was always on the left side of the hud even if it was spawning bot. Maybe a little dot on the top left or bottom right of the icon could show where it's spawning?

noted noted, got it!

Hmmm, yeah we've had a few versions of atakhan tracker. Some which were more complex and tracked the location / type and then some that were simpler and just tracked the buff. It's a little tricky because the impact on the game has varied a lot.

I would say for now we are probably starting simple, which won't capture everything you outlined here, but we may iterate quickly back to a more complex version.


Originally posted by itrTie

The killfeed and objective timers are a miss imo, I like the teams/kills/towers/gd bit on the top left.

I'd switch the killfeed to a flat version of the one in game and the objective timers to being square again. I'd like if health/mana was just green and blue/yellow irrespective of team colors and was smaller (maybe under the portraits or just removed all together). I also would rather see summ spells/ult and items the same size as opposed to items smaller.

Edit: Also, XP needs to be shown.

Edit edit: Names should also be aligned to the portrait. Right justified for blue side, left justified for red.

When you say the kill feed / objective timers are a miss, do you mean that information feels unnecessary? Or do you think it's important data but we didn't get the visual design / placement right?

Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by SpiderTechnitian


  • the stacks showing on portrait is GREAT
  • I like the way you show dragons stacking outwards from inwards, I see you've commented about it already and this is the neater way so there's not an awkward about of dead space between all the dragons taken between the teams as one team has 3 and one has 1 and it's a weird dead area. This way is clearner!


  • need to show gold for sure, as you know
  • champion experience is a GREAT addition that some leagues use, can tell at a glance the experience gap or when spikes are about to hit in lanes (can put as a short purple bar just under the portrait, doesn't need to be huge like other visuals)
  • keystones are pretty crucial as well, and some leagues even show the keystone cooldown which can work really well just by greying out the box with the traditional league cooldown animation on it with the clock winding up for its cd
  • I don't like that the ultimate box look...
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Do you think keystones are important 24/7, or can they be treated with a roll-in graphic that pops up during the early game?


Originally posted by Vonspacker

From my perspective if you're trying to emphasise the race you should have outward to inward so that both move closer to the soul instead of further away then jumping back to the centre. I'm curious what the rationale was for going inwards out here?

Glad to hear individual gold differences will be included, as its absence is truly one of my main frustrations when watching any league other than LEC

Funnily enough the dragon soul racing from the middle --> out is because we wanted to mimic what happens in-game on the tabbed game details state. But that might just be another example of a detail that makes less sense from an esports viewer perspective.

It's a hard balance!


Originally posted by mohrzy11

Hi Klause, I noticed you have been collecting some feedback in this thread and thought I could reply here just with some thoughts.

  1. I'm not sure if I am missing it, but has the team decided to forgo showing keystone runes or is that part of rotating info? I think its really cool to be able to open the game and see if champs took grasp or conq or fleet for example

  2. I find the health bars in the lower 3rd HUD can appear kinda large, I'm not sure if that is the most important data to have my eyes drawn to when check game state as a fan but I find it takes up the most important space on the bottom HUD (just offset from the centre)

  3. I will say the longer I look at the HUD, the more I enjoy it beyond my initial kneejerk dislike and I think it has a lot of potential depending on how the observer and production team are able to use it during a game. Do casters have to wait for items to rotate back into focus midfight to confirm cooldowns?

  4. ...

Thanks for the reply!

  1. Runes are shown in a standalone graphic, not visible 24/7.
  2. Yeah HP bars have come up a lot - I have written this down like 20 times now LOL XD
  3. +100! The Observers and casters are the real MVPs here. Major cooldowns should always be visible, but this may be an area we learn and iterate on. E.g. when someone gets a kill, animate in their KDA change. We are exploring more reactive components in general to help follow the flow of the game.

Originally posted by pda898

First of all, is there a reason to change baseline UI from the all leagues? I would understand if new season would have it everywhere, but heavily changing base of UI... also while going against baseline game UI with vertical vs horizontal... I am not so sure it is a good thing.

Plus there is no really new info, but some very important is missing - xp/gold difference, False Life, petals...

Some of those missing elements (xp/gold) will still be visible in roll-in graphics or in rotating spaces (gold delta will be in the lower 3rd still).

You're right though, it is different - especially the team scoreboard. Our goal wasn't change for the sake of change, but rather to make it easier for fans to track key information and understand game state.

In our internal testing the vertical scoreboard made it waaay easier for viewers to quickly grasp which team had an advantage. We know it won't be perfect though, so all of this feedback is really important.


Originally posted by Flying_Dutch_Man97

Would have to see it live to judge properly, but three things that I would like to see improved:

  • Each champion's XP should be visible at all times. Especially in early game it can be important to see if they're about to level for example.
  • In the bottom head-to-head, it's vital that champion gold delta is displayed in the head-to-head. Health bars and summoner icons can also be made smaller I think, and not necessary to show the KDA & CS during the fights, I think.
  • In fights and skirmishes, the UI elements seem quite large. Not entirely sure whether item information is really needed in the heat of the fight, pretty sure they don't show that information in the UIs of at least some leagues.

This is really great feedback, appreciate the response!

We will still have gold delta in the lower 3rd for sure, that is a critical feature and we 100% agree with you. Right now it is set on a rotator to roll in / out vs. being visible 24/7. Do you think that alleviates the concern, or is gold delta a stat you would want to see all the time?

There is definitely a common sentiment in these threads that hp/resource bars are too large, that feels like a good area for us to iterate.


Originally posted by Darki200

I'm on board with that new HUD. Timer consolidation, stacks tracking, active buff tracker and the vertical HUD during teamfight are all good additions.

I'm not sure what's the point of the Kill Feed if observers don't f**k up though, we're usually constantly aware of all kills going on during a game by watching them directly. Also the big HP bars in vertical mode seem pointless

Team kills, total gold and time passed feel too small and hidden for what is supposed to be an immediate indicator of a game's progress.

Overall most decisions make sense, but the graphic design of it all could have been more distinctive, I agree it gives generic mobile game vibes

Hey this is great feedback, I appreciate you calling out specific elements that work well or don't make sense!

Good note on the kill feed, and it's definitely space we can take back if we don't think it's serving a strong enough purpose. +1 to your note that our observers are VERY GOOD and it's super rare to miss the action.